ALP share the pain

LABOR MPs have just voted in caucus for a 12-month wage freeze for all MPs, to signal that “restraint needs to be shared” to fight inflation.
But it remains unclear whether it will happen if Coalition MPs do not back the plan. MPs’ and senators’ pay is determined by the independent Remuneration Tribunal and is not determined by MPs or parliament. The proposal will now go to the tribunal, with Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard to run the “machinery” of the submission process.
Whatever, token symbolism for public consumption or a heart felt and rational decision, it’s reasonable but quiet frankly, Kevin, I’m more concerned about wage freezes for unions. How about it? Are they going to join in the new ALP restraint sharing as well?


  • Good old KRudd, I’d feel pretty comfortable telling my collegues that they should freeze their wages for a year if I’d married a millionare…

  • Kev

    What about overpaid executives in private industry – do you think thaey are worth their multi million dollar wage packets.

    I don’t think so!

  • Harry

    Good to see envy is alive and well!

  • Peter,
    I am iffy about private industry executive salaries as well but the truth of the matter is they are paid under a world economy. If they don’t get the big money here they won’t stay here. Rudd nows this but his spin says otherwise and it’s working – you’ve swallowed the line and are playing politics of envy.

    Of course it’s nothing to Rudd with Terese’s millions backing his income but the backbenchers will be a bit miffed and rightly so.

  • “if I’d married a millionare…”

    Interesting piece of spin, Harry. Therese Rein wasn’t a millionaire when they were married.

  • FFS 1735099 are you a child? Therese Rein certainly was a millionaire when KRudd decided that his collegues should do without the pay rises that they are entitled to.

    and Peter it isn’t envy, its hypocricy on the part of KRudd – he isn’t reliant on his wage to maintain his lifestyle, many of his collegues are but he is happy to sacrifice their families income for a fatuous headline.

  • peters ability to make contradictory statements is amazing.

  • Who is this guy anyway? He’s not a Gillett at all. I heard he was part native. Not that there’s anything wrong with that! I say pooh pooh the whole lot.

  • Oh bravo, well said, do carry on …
