Sorry business is getting costly
A reader gives an insight into the political make up of the Public Service. She, and all other staff at a Brisbane office have received this email with a pdf attachment from Reconciliation Australia
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd will deliver an apology to the Stolen Generation in Parliament next Wednesday 13 February 2008. This is a significant event in Australia’s history and I encourage you to acknowledge it in your workplace. The apology will be broadcast on ABC television from 7.55am. It is expected to go for approximately 90 minutes. I encourage Managers to allow staff to watch the broadcast if at all possible. In addition you might like to organise a special breakfast, morning tea or other function in your workplace to commemorate this event.Is this rife across the board, I wonder? Are tens of thousands of government employees going to down pens and keyboards for 90 minutes on Wednesday? Why does Gorge Orwell spring to mind. Did his novel 1984 just miss the mark by 24 years? And what happens if my reader doesn’t join the party or the celebratory morning tea – is she marked down as a racist? Government by symbolism certainly has some converts who think words will help turn back the years of apartheid that came from the H.C.Nugget Coombs/Whitlam days of outstations and noble savages. They need a lot more. Keith Windschuttle suggests the government gives them $50 billion if all of what is claimed is true. That might be tongue-in-cheek but he has other thoughts that are worth reading For myself I am sorry that people think saying sorry is an answer and I wont be sorry when Thursday comes around – maybe Rudd can get on with running the country for all of us instead of just the Greenies and the Aborigines. That is of course, after his 1000 advisors tell him what to do.
This probably has more to do with how web-savvy Reconciliation Australia is, than political indoctrination.
Most pubic service websites are set up so that a broadcast can be sent very quickly to all units and sub-units. Most of these would end up in the trash bucket. Anyone currently working with government agencies (as I do from time to time) will tell you that staff cutbacks have created a situation where most desk jockeys don’t have time to scratch themselves.
The stereotype that these jobs are sinecures went out years ago.
Not my take on the matter at all. I think they will have morning teas, congregate around the table and espouse opinions based on the journalist’s opinion’s they read in the morning paper.
I’ll confirm on Wednesday.
“don’t have time to scratch themselves.”
Welcome to the real world!! didums!!
I’ve been in the real world for a bloody long time (over 40 years). Since “retirement”, I run a private consultancy which contracts to the state government. Prior to that I worked for the state as a principal in a variety of schools all over the state, and also held a number of senior administrative positions in North West and South West regions.
Generally, the state agencies are more demanding in terms of performance for dollar than private organisations. What I’m doing now is a breeze compared to when I was employed by the state.
Anyone who believes the crap that working for the government is a free ride doesn’t get out much. Ask any copper, policeman or nurse working in a state run hospital if you want a glimpse of the real world. The wonks who believe that the principle of Contestability has a place in public service have a lot to answer for.
Bread and circuses.
Unbelievable. Welcome to the Brave New World. Doubleplus goodthink replaces reality.
If you want a dose of reality visit a remote bush school. There are parents and teachers in these institutions that would bring you down to earth quick smart.
Most teachers get on with it like the rest of us, 1735099 .
The predators that encourage bloating the curriculum usually are the loudest cry babies when it come to work load.
“Ask any copper, policeman or nurse”
err Ask an element?
Copper – Australian vernacular for policemen. Also Plod (UK), the Old Bill (UK), Johnop (Oz), Fuzz (USA).
Ask two policeman?
Why not a fireman?