Swannee, how I love ya!

Wayne Swan has two bob each-way
“The good news is that Australia is well placed to absorb a slowing in the world economy which may be caused by a more protracted US slowdown,” Mr Swan said. “The truth is that the fundamentals in the Australian economy are strong.
Well, that’s good. he has acknowledged that the Libs left him a sound economy. Oops, he thinks…have to change that…must get the message across that the Libs really stuffed up the economy…God! What was I thinking.
“Australian families have had something like six interest rate rises in the past three years as a result of rising inflation and the complacency of the previous government when it came to addressing key capacity constraints in the economy,” Mr Swan said.
There, that’s better. You need to lift your game, local member of mine.


  • Unlucky Kev

    Safe Liberal seat for me!

  • Yeah, talk’s cheap ……. when you are in opposition.
    But now you have to actually DO SOMETHING it’s kinda different.
    I dunno – how can the interest rates in America be going down while at the same time Australia’s interest rates are going up because of the problems in America?
    Can somebody please explain?