
Thousands of words have been written, maybe hundreds of thousands and millions will be, but only two matter. Australia won


  • They didn’t win a game of cricket. What they play these days bears no resemblance to the noble game.
    This applies to Australians and Indians alike, with a few exceptions (Tendulkar is an example).
    Judging by performances in Sydney, most of today’s players are apparently well up themselves and seem to believe the crap their hangers-on write about them.
    If the kids in the teams I coached behaved like this in the good old days they’d have been out on their collective arses.
    The term we used back then was “mug lairs”. It’s a pity it’s no longer in the lexicon.
    They’re an embarrassment, as is the total cricket establishment. It’s been sold out to the corporations.

  • 1735099 give us a break, the Aussies play the game hard, never give up and that is why they win all the time, in comparison to a desparate, sub standard, useless bunch of curry munchers that have the hid to call Symonds (my fav cricketer) a monkey. The Indians are out of order, Aussies done nothing wrong except being victimised by the media looking for ratings./

  • Eddie
    If you read my post, you’ll note – “This applies to Australians and Indians alike”. Judging by their behaviour, both teams, with minor exceptions, are full of overpaid ponces who believe their own publicity. I repeat, they’re an embarrassment.
    I remember as a schoolboy in 1960 meeting the West Indians in Brisbane. These men were gentlemen, and had finished growing up. That’s more than can be said for the current crop.