Happy New Year

I hope the year is good for you – all of you. Christians, Muslims, Leftie Luvvies, Centrist stalwarts and Right Wing pragmatics. I’m off to tune up my bagpipes with the aim of terrorising little kids and annoying Sassenachs at the bewitching hour. For the one or two Greenies who visit these pages to see what the hell I’ll say next, it is this. The drones of the bagpipes are made from endangered and rare African Blackwood and the ivory looking fittings are just that – ivory. For PETA and other animal hugging idealists the bag is taken from a dead sheep bred to service mankind. Life is good and all things are in place. Except in Canberra where I wish the ALP a full year of being hit over the head with the reality stick. I note today the ALP Nanny state is busy with plans to censor the net. Tim Blair has an interesting discussion on the subject that is worth a read. If you’re off to a party tonight then enjoy yourselves. If not then you have my commiserations. See you next year.