• Bloody embarrassing! Apparently being born without a dick is now some sort of cause for celebration.

  • Brilliant news. Cheers for Gillard. May it be the first of many such days.

  • “being born without a dick is now some sort of cause for celebration”


    Q… Jeremy

  • Here’s an avowed Greens supporter getting all frothy about Jules. Get your hand off it Jezza, it’s only that they aren’t Howard et al that’s got you excited. How many days before KRudd steps on his aggots and gets shafted by the orange roughie, after the caucus ‘loses confidence’ in kevvie’s leadership style?

  • “Business as usual” apparently included 16 media interviews.
    Who’s minding the shop?

  • She’s got lots of stuff to do. And stuff.

    Do they ask male deputies acting in the job these idiot questions?
    Would they even bother to print the answers if they did ask these questions and it was a male in the “acting” job?