Swan sizes up threats to economy

It’s him! Sure, there are lot’s of other words in the article but in essence the only change to the economy is the man running it. There are other potential factors of course; a wage break out as unions hit their stride and get pay-back from Rudd; a slowing down of the economy as business slows when AWAs are scrapped, a slow down and slump in employment when Unfair Dismissal laws are reversed and some costs associated with Kyoto but by and large, Swans the man. The ALP have been handed a blinder of an economy, as different from the 96 billion hole they handed over to the Libs last time the Government changed hands, so it’s up to them to maintain the upward curves. Will they?

One comment

  • No, they won’t.

    Just take a look at what Gordon Brown has done in Britain.
    Same scenario and the result is one unholy mess.

    Oz will have the same experience.