Car fans wanted for Aussie ‘Top Gear’

SBS will produce a “quintessentially Australian” version of the top-rating BBC motoring program Top Gear to hit local screens next year. BBC Worldwide Australasia’s head of sales Julie Dowding said the deal was very exciting.
“We are very proud that the first global deal for a local version of Top Gear has been done here in Australia,” she said.
Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson added:
“I’m delighted that Top Gear is going to Australia. Maybe the first guest could by Jonny Wilkinson He whose name will never be mentioned in my house, referring to Britain’s rugby player and World Cup hero.
Yeah….right! Pommy footballers aside, I do look forward to the show.


  • Top Gear is a top show – they spent plenty of money to produce a quality show.

    Will Jeremy feature on it do you know Kev?

    Or will it be Australians?

    I’d rather see the British boys come out here and do the show – see how they like OUR cars, OUR roads and OUR drivers

  • I don’t know but the reading the article I think it will be all-Australian

  • It sounds good but I will bet that it will be stuffed up by the choice of host and co hosts. Any money SBS will opt for a woman with an entertainment background (Virginia Trioli?) for the host or a good looking dill of a man. The co hosts will probably not have an automotive background and will be selected on their ability to say ‘whooo!!!’. I bet the first car they look at will be a hybrid and the focus of the show will be on sensible, ecologically safe vehicles. Clarkson has a remarkable ability to write and produce entertaining shows and articles, a rare thing indeed. SBS will probably select a local writer/writers who again will know very little about cars but probably produce crap for what passes as comedy these days. But the overriding consideration SBS will have is political correctness look forward to be browbeaten over your choice of car and how you drive it.

  • I reckon Sam Newman would be a ripper as host.

    Clarkson is possibly a tad more politically incorrect than Newman, but it would be a close run thing.

    Sadly, given that SBS is paying the bills, I fear that SFW is right on the money.
    It will be boring, there will be no cars over 1500cc, global warming/climate change will be a never ending preach, and it will last about three weeks before dying of lack of ratings, but not before it has hoovered up a huge chunk of taxpayer’s money.

  • SBS runs “Mythbusters”at 7.30pm on Mondays. it would have to be one of the most politically incorrect shows around. Maybe the myth that SBS has been overwhelmed by PC needs busting.

  • Fox news has a few lefties but that doesn’t mean that’s its not right wing.

    I bet 1735099 thinks Michael Moore makes documentaries.

    What politically incorrect thing did Mythbusters do?

  • Gary

    American Heritage Dictionary definition of “Documentary” –

    “A work, such as a film or television program, presenting political, social, or historical subject matter in a factual and informative manner and often consisting of actual news films or interviews accompanied by narration.”

    Given that definition, Moore’s work is documentary, although some would argue the toss about “factual”.

    As to Mythbusters, recent subject matter includes –

    Can speed cameras be beaten by speeding faster than they can click?

    If a cable at high tension snaps, can it slice a person clean in two? To test this the Mythbusters used a dead pig as the human stand-in.

    Octopus Pregnancy. The tale is told of a young woman who inadvertently swallowed octopus eggs. Nine months later after complaining of cramps she gave birth to a baby octopus.

    Can a Chevy Impala with rockets move fast enough to achieve flight?

    If a person is being dragged by a horse, will the friction caused by the movement make their jeans catch fire?

    Can a defibrillator burn someone if the electricity arcs with an underwire bra?

    Can a defibrillator burn someone if the electricity arcs with a nipple piercing?

    Can shrinking jeans while wearing them in a hot bath for six hours kill you?

    In poor taste? – definitely. Politically incorrect? – probably.