Aplogies not accepted

Labor candidate Garry Parr called Queensland couple Tom and Rosemary Arthurs “warmongers” when they approached him at a Hervey Bay shopping centre two weeks ago. The couple’s 41-year-old son Julian Arthurs is currently serving with the British forces in Afghanistan. Mr Parr was forced to apologise over the statement, and issued a statement via the ALP central campaign office in the early hours of this morning.
“I apologise unreservedly for any hurt caused by my insensitive comments to Tom and Rosemary Arthurs,’’ he says. “I will be contacting Mr and Mrs Arthurs to offer my personal apology for any offence that I may have caused them during our discussion a fortnight ago. “In addition, I publicly express my support for all the men and women of the Coalition forces serving in Afghanistan and Iraq, and their families.”
Pig’s arse you do. Howard et al have demanded Rudd sack him and Rudd is just waiting for the problem to go away and it most probably will until election day at least when the people of Hinkler have their say. This not the first time Gary has made the headlines for spurious reasons; From the Weekend Australian the weekend before last;
GARRY Parr is blunt. “I haven’t got time to talk to you all day,” the Labor candidate for the regional Queensland seat of Hinkler snaps at Inquirer in response to a request for an interview. “I’ve got work to do. I wouldn’t expect you to know what that means.” A tactless approach to the media is particularly strange coming from Kevin Rudd’s candidate for one of the Queensland seats that Labor hopes will propel Rudd into the Lodge. It gets stranger. On Wednesday, Parr, a Bundaberg real estate agent, turned down an offer from the ABC to talk about election issues for five minutes during prime time on local radio.
From the ALP website . Many people in Bundaberg know Garry Parr as the person who helped them buy their first home Well he would, wouldn’t he. He is a Real Estate agent – hardly a reason to elect him. What a tosser! All this must give Rudd a warm inner glow.


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  • Where’s Kevin?

    Seems he’s gone quiet on this – meaning that the guy is still IN.

    Parr must be a dickhead.

    And how many dickheads will vote for him?

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  • I wouldn’t mind betting that Hervey Bay/ Maryborough has one of the highest concentrations of retired veterans in Australia.
    Many of those veterans will have either direct family members or neighbours and friends with family serving in the ADF. (Honourable service tends to run in military families)

    Garry Parr is just another public embarrassment to the ALP, and, like Garrett, will be muzzled from making any further public statements before election day.

    The ALP wheels are falling off, and you won’t hear anyone except the Great Leader Krudd allowed to speak to Joe Public for the next three weeks.

  • How do dills like this get preselection? I was associated with the libs for some time and their preselection policy is mainly an exercise in popularity which often results in second class candidates. The labor party system seems to result in third rate candidates. There is something wrong somewhere but I have no idea how to fix it.