Work Choices stats

Reader, commenter and member of the 7RAR Vietnam Veteran brotherhood 1735099 questions the stats on my post on Work Choices where I quoted Joe Hockey’s figures of 400,000 plus jobs being created since Work Choices was implemented in March 2006.The only answer I could find was this graph at the Australian Bureau of Stats Stats Could Joe Hockey have been right and was I right to quote him? You be the judge.


  • Kev, if you rotate the graph on the left 90 degrees clockwise, you’ll make the little blighter feel better. The negative connotations of a downward trending labour market are bound to keep the hopes of a coalition whitewash alive in the comments. Or at the very least, in the head of ole mate.

  • If Howard gets back the most disillusioned will be the players at Larvatus Prodeo. I took a copy of their comments the day the election date was called with the view to drip-feed them back should it go our way.

  • Kev
    You need to compare the period Sept 2006 – Sept 2007 with the same periods during the last three years for these stats to mean anything. The trend is what counts.
    All these graphs show are the figures during Workchoices. A comparison is needed to show whether or not the trend has changed. If there is a marked upward trend in comparison with the same period before Workchoices, you have a point. Otherwise Joe has nothing to say.
    I can’t do it as I have access to the net 5 mins at a time (on the road this week). Try it and see what you get.

  • Kev
    I’m unable to post images to your blog, because I’m on the road, but if you check 1735099, you’ll find the graphs I was looking for.

  • Like so many of the Howard camp’s statistical quotations, the linkage between the facts and their genesis is not established. Example, yes the economy is looking great … but is that because of or inspite of the Government’s policies. Methinks a good part of the latter.

    Try this sequence of questions and answers ….

    Is Work Choices responsible for creating all these jobs ? No.

    Would Labour have done a better job ? No.

    Will Labour do a better job in future ? No – Blind Freddy could have created a positive economy over the last 6 years, and can do so as long as world economics stay on track.

    Would Labour have taken us to Iraq ? No.

    Would Labour have signed the Kyoto Protocol ? Yes.

    Should we then all have voted for Latham ?

    Whoops, I don’t think so.

  • There is no way one can reasonably deny the correlation between the economy and those managing it. If the ALP had been in power over the period they would be crowing and claiming ownership so tell me, why can’t the Libs?

    The Whitlam economic debacle aside, under Keating I was once a day off being on the street with a wife and 5 kids due to a potential inability to service a mortgage at 18%. I have never been that low under a Lib government and doubt I ever will be.

    No Work Choices is not responsible for creating all those jobs but the package is; to name a few factors – unfair dismissal, the China boom, mining company contracts and the demise of the union power in the mining arena all contribute

    Hawke/Keating did deregulate but not in balance with a lot of other factors that makes an economy sound. Good idea; doubtful overall package.

    Whitlam dropped tariffs and there is some credit in the idea but to do so overnight…Jesus!

    I’ll stick with the money managers – it’s easier to be compassionate to the needy with a pocket full of cash.

  • “No Work Choices is not responsible for creating all those jobs….”

    Thanks Kev – took you a while to get there.

    On your point about managers – the word “managers” comes from an old French term meaning “He who minds the horses”.

    Isn’t it about time we had leadership rather than management? For too long our national government has been led by a Quartermaster rather than a Commanding Officer.

    Consequently we get to hear about national infrastructure and reform about once every three years (just before an election).

  • “Isn’t it about time we had leadership rather than management? For too long our national government has been led by a Quartermaster rather than a Commanding Officer.:

    Better the Quartermaster or even the hygiene corporal than a second lieutenant.

  • The fact that Work Choices may or may not be responsible for creating all those jobs is a moot one. The jobs have been created under a total package that creates an atmosphere of expansion.

  • Don’t point that moot at me.

  • Don’t knock the Quartermasters:

    ‘The battle is fought and decided by the Quartermasters before the shooting begins. The bravest men can do nothing without guns, the guns nothing without ammunition.’
    Erwin Rommel

  • And we know how he finished up.

  • We do and it was mainly because his Quartermaster’s supply lines were inderdicted although my Uncle Syd (the Rat of Tobruk Uncle) says he had something to do with it as well.