Day 2 Roundup

# It’s very important for the ALP to deny Howard and Costello any credit for the economic boom we are enjoying at the moment but Bob Hawke takes it a step too far when he involves Whitlam in the game plan
The other factor driving economic growth – the China boom – was also partly the work of Labor, who through former prime minister Gough Whitlam had forged the relationship between the two countries. “Gough Whitlam went to China in 1971 and was told … he was a traitor … We built the relationship with China,” Mr Hawke said.
So Whitlam, he of the inept government, is really why we are enjoying the boom. Yeah….right! I give Hawke/Keating some credit but never Whitlam and whatever your political pursuasion, it is flying in the face of reality to not give the Coalition some credit for the boom. The ALP are full of “we caused the boom” but the only boom I remember from the ALP days was in interest rates and unemployment. # JOHN Howard has seized the election campaign initiative and caught Kevin Rudd flat-footed by offering a $34 billion election tax sweetener – the biggest in the nation’s history. I’ll leave the analysis of the tax sweetener to economists but I think the relevant point from this morning’s press, the Australian at least, is a total change in their approach. After months of polls indicating a Coalition annihilation it was hard even for this rusted on, died in the wool conservative voter to stay positive. I saw how shallow Rudd was but did others? Now battle has been joined the mood changes and the country will be forced to really look at whether they want to change a winning formula for a questionable alternative. # The Debate debate continues. Caroline Overington nails it with this;
FOR months on end, Kevin Rudd has been demanding the right to debate John Howard. He wanted a debate about Iraq. He wanted a debate about climate change. He wanted a debate about Work Choices. Yesterday, Howard snapped. Okay, he said, let’s do it. Let’s have a debate this Sunday, in Canberra, with questions from journalists. Rudd, on live television, looked like he’d swallowed a sock. A debate, you say? You want a debate? This Sunday? Yes, said Howard. This Sunday in the Great Hall at Parliament House. Live on pay TV. Rudd’s response? He blinked.
As I mentioned yesterday Rudd wants to control the debate debate but he can’t. Now he has to respond to Howard’s answer to his yarping on about a debate. Put your money where you mouth is Kevin and accept otherwise the voters will start to see through the Mr Sheen personae. Rudd questions having the debate in the Great Hall with half the audience ALP officials and half Liberal Part officials saying;
It’s not real in my view. Why not in front of working families?
Mmmm…it’s being televised Kev and your working families can view it in the comfort of their own homes. What you’re obviously hanging out for is an audience picked by the ALP so you can have your own cheer squad to give you courage to debate. # As part of the ALP campaign for power, the ABC programmed a 4 Corners special on the Bretheren supporting the Liberals in the last election…shock horror…the dastardly chaps
Last night, ABC program Four Corners alleged that the advertising blitz arranged by sect members in support of John Howard in October 2004 – the focus of an active Australian Federal Police investigation – was funded by elder Warwick John. Mr John denied the claim.
So?…and your point is? The hard left generally support the ALP and the hard right generally support the Coalition and there are plenty of orgainizations under scrutiny for their political donations – some unions for a start. Still, a good ALP campaign add and the ABC should be congratulated on their consistency. Myself, I’d sup with the devil to stop the ALP getting a hand on the keys to the Treasury. # Last point. MAXINE McKew’s chances of storming the citadel and defeating the Prime Minister in his own seat of Bennelong appear to be fading, with the odds on an upset Labor victory lengthening.
Centrebet spokesman Neil Evans said that since Friday $20,000 in bets had been placed on the seat, $17,000 of which was backing John Howard. Yesterday, Centrebet was paying $1.45 for a Howard win in Bennelong, in from $1.55 on Sunday morning, while a bet on Ms McKew yielded $2.55, out from $2.30. Mr Evans said in the 48 hours leading up to Sunday’s election announcement, the money coming in had been three-to-one the Government’s way.
I’m banking on this one to add grist to the mill for the anguish and despair coming for the Left


  • In my youthful days i was involved with the lesser Plymouth Bretheren through their youth
    groups and church. I had made friends at high school with a lad whose parents were Plymouth
    Bretheren. I found them to be generous, kind and sincere. They had some extreme(different) views
    on the bible to other religions.The reason i think that they campaigned against the Greens
    in Tasmania is that they would see the green movement as a false religion and its leader
    being a false prophet and a poofta as well would be contrary to what they see in the Bible.They do not vote and
    generally shun politics believing that there is only one divine ruler.Years later i did
    business with members of the Exclusive Bretheren in the Bulimba area.While they hold some
    extreme views i would rather deal with them than the muslim dropkicks that are now infesting
    this country. To put it simply the ABC are campaigning against the Bretheren because of their
    hatred of the evil greens and their support (in the USA) for G.W.Bush.

  • Dear redneck

    Why should your mate Shifty Howard be dealing with this mob; the bretheren when they are counselled to break the law and not vote.

    I suppose the money donated to the Liberals is enough for shifty to look the other way again.

  • Why not? They are Australians and no worse that the extreme lefties that your mob deal with.

    Oh, and keep in mind the ABC program was an ALP commercial – it could be biased.

  • Dear Kev

    Will Shifty and the Smirk take credit for the rate rise that will occur on Melbourne cup day and credit for the massive debt that the country has accumulated by the encourgament of greed to acquire a bigger house, car etc. Intereste rate might be notionally lpower but the level of personal debt is massive.

    There will be many who will rue the greed that has motivated them into this debt.

    Kev it will nice to have a cold beer on election night and wave these bastards off the stage.

    I suppose you will be in denial as usual.

    Bush gone, Shifty and the Smirk next in line.

    I think that Shifty will be the ex member for Bennelong.

    It is ironic that he presently pro tem holds the seat named after an aboriginal and that he will be the ex member.

    Good riddance to the old fraud.

    Can’t wait – will get a good stock of XXXX in and settle down for some blood sport.

    I will have one for you mate.

  • XXXX hey peter, wow real refined. I think that says a lot.

    Beer of choice of the drinking class.

    Bush is gone -you will find- due to the enacting of the forty-third amendment
    What a silly rule.
    It would be like the United States to make a rule where they are forced change direction if they are on a good thing.

    as for Mr Howard, what did he do to aboriginals? The last aboriginal confrontation he saw was probably one similar to the last one i did.
    It involved a few of them, lying around the walkway at Brunswick st in a less than respectable state

    Such a shame a nations ignorance and laziness will cost us such a great leader, and example.

    why do idiots who couldn’t care less anyway HAVE TO have a say?

  • What’s wrong with fourex?

  • Nothing I suppose, except for the taste. It is cheap anyway.

  • If you don’t like the taste, you’re not thirsty enough.