ALP worried

Vote now to end the PM’s obscene waste says Mike Steketee while every other pro ALP journalist and the ALP themselves make an issue over Howard taking his time to announce the election date. He is taking his time in the interpretation of his detractors but in fact he is doing what every PM has ever done -reserving the right to call the election at a time that suits him. The ALP and supporters want it over with before Rudd blows it and Howard wants to give Rudd every chance to blow it. That’s politics.


  • It’s amazing what bad polls will do. John Howard has embarked on an amazing voyage of discovery in the last few months of his current term.

    In short order, he’s discovered climate change, updated broadband, autistic children and now indigenous reconciliation.

    Are voters expected to totally ignore the fact that all these issues have been around the whole time he’s been in office?

    This man has never been a leader’s bootlace. He’s always followed the line fed to him by his spinmeisters, and combined that with base cunning and good timing.

    The irony in all this lies in the fact that his opponent operates in much the same manner.

    It’s a pretty sad indictment of Australian politics.

  • I agree. You should therefore take the time to represent Groom at the next election as an independent, and lead the good people of the Darling Downs into the light.

  • Have had similar conversations with my wife which end in threats of divorce should I persist. Besides, I’m having too much fun on Kev’s blog.

  • I leant about climate change when I was about five. And at school we were told how it affected the Vikings and had possibly contributed to the extinction of the dinosaurs. But that was back when we had educators and wasn’t as infected with political advacates.