Rudd, the only one in step

A LABOR government would attempt to bring Iran’s President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, before the International Court of Justice to face charges of “inciting genocide” in an effort to force the rogue Middle East leader to justify his attacks on Israel. How brilliant! More brilliant in the face of the fact that no one else in the Western World has thought of such a simple plan. No one! Not the UN, Britain. the US Democrats, France, Germany nor Israel, I wonder why? Downer offers a clue, stating;
….that countries only could be taken to the ICJ. Individuals such as Mr Ahmadinejad can only be taken to the International Criminal Court. “To take an individual to the ICC the relevant country has to be a party to the statute of the ICC, but Iran, Zimbabwe and Burma are not. You can only take them to the ICC if the country is not a party and if all five members of the UN Security Council agree,” Mr Downer said.
So, it’s not going to happen but some voters will still believe that Rudd has the answers and in a way they are right. But does he have any correct answers – ones that will actually work? Haven’t seen much evidence of that yet but let’s wait for the campaign proper.

One comment

  • If one of Labor’s plans is to establish an Ambassador for Ageing “to positively promote respect for and the value of older Australians” and “promote positive programs and activities that ensure our communities value and respect older people” I can’t see how any scheme is beyond K07.