
THE Liberals have denied being behind a scare campaign posted on internet video site YouTube warning that Australia would be governed by union thugs if Kevin Rudd were elected prime minister. I did a “Australian Politics” search at Youtube but got lost in pages and pages of videos attacking Howard for every thing that’s wrong in Australia. ‘Time to go, John’ edition #1,2,3,4,5,6 etc; ‘Johnny is a liar’; ‘The Chasers war on’ everything conservative; clip after clip of the Greens and their wacky rational-devoid policies; Clips of the Unions warning against a Conservative government; clips of Howard tripping over and somewhere in the middle of it all – a clip warning about Union power. Why is it that headlines say “The Liberals have denied being behind a scare campaign” and the clip is lost in the midst of a Pro-Rudd avalanche of scare campaigns? An agenda maybe? Could some Journalist ask the ALP if they are behind the avalanche of anti-Howard ‘scare campaign’ video clips on YouTube so we can have a balanced headline…ALP deny being behind scare campaign that is ten times bigger that the ‘so called’ Liberal scare campaign A union dominated front bench/government is a worry and the country will pay dearly if it ever eventuates.


  • Greetings,

    Way off topic but, I cannot find an email link. In the Gold Coast Sun dated 26 Sep there is a piece about David Hicks locating to the Gold Coast after release from Yatala. It contains some gems: “Mr Hicks said David, a Muslim convert, used his time in Guantanamo Bay to study Year 11 by correspondence and, and was now finishing off Year 12.”……………. “Mr Hicks said David was looking forward to getting out of jail, but was not unhappy about being at Yatala. At least he isn’t being dragged out of bed at all hours of the day and night and flogged like he was in Guantanamo Bay,” he [Mr Hicks] said.



  • Kev, I have a feeling the luvvies at the A(LP)BC are starting to worry that their Saint Kevin may get his head handed to him when people finally see through his holier than thou fake persona.

    Obviously they have to spread as much dirt as possible to help their chosen candidate and the other media outlets are staffed by journalists. We all should know that your average or garden variety journalist is the laziest form of life in the universe and will quite happily kick a topic along for a while if it keeps them from having to actually work for a living.

  • HRT, I used to have a lot of time for Terry Hicks. Obviously a bloke just trying to back up his son. There does come a time though, when defending starts evolving into paranoia. There is a very fine line between being a strong dad and being a bloody naive idiot. i think Tezza may have crossed over that line some time ago.

  • Todd, I understand what you are saying, but I have never had time for Hicks senior. I cannot find a reference but I am fairly sure he denounced his son when he was captured. Whether I am right or not, I cannot help feel the father was delighted to share in the notoriety and the money that followed.

    I think a lot of hysteria would have been avoided if Terry Hicks had counseled his son when he wrote to him about his activities. I have never seen mention of the father’s replies and the advice he gave – if any. I would be more supportive and less cynical if I knew he had tried to persuade his son to desist.

    That said, the point I was trying to bring out was that Hicks had completed Year 11 at G B despite, according to his father, being flogged day and night.

    I did not mean for the first post to be published. I was hoping Kev would email me and ask for more info if he were interested in pursuing the small piece I put forward. For example, the article also contains the following from Terry Hicks: “He [David] doesn’t see himself as a criminal, and he doesn’t really want to mix with criminals.”



  • The rationalist in me says he won’t be employed by normal, rational, free thinking Australians. The realist position is seeing Monica Attard of Media Watch retiring and moved on to give Dave a spot on the ABC. He’s right at home, amongst friends.

    Tezza seems about a brick short of a bucket.