Taking the unwanted gift back to the store

Angela Shanahan in todays Australian nails the Lesbian couple who are unhappy about the birth of a healthy baby.
THE yuck factor looms large in the case of the Melbourne lesbians suing Canberra obstetrician Robert Armellin for the conception of IVF twins, rather than a single child.
My wife and I are parents of twins. They arrived unheralded when I was a young Lieutenant on little salary and already with three kids under 6 in the house. The double birth was unknown until a trainee midwife noticed a double heartbeat moments before the doctor was about to induce ‘the’ baby. My wife and I could’ve sued but when you held them for the first time how could you have any feelings but those of love and protection. These women are on $200,000.00 a year, have commercialized the wonder of birth and life and, in my opinion, are not entitled to the love of children. The kids are doomed to a confusing life. “I am the one they didn’t want” thinks Twin 2 while Twin 1 will remember her ‘parents’ didn’t want his/her soulmate. Not to mention…Mummy, why do all the other kids have a Daddy and we don’t?
Lesbians and other single women who have deliberately chosen a lifestyle that reduces the role of the father to carefully chosen but anonymous sperm donor have effectively decided to deny one half of the child’s genetic make-up, one half of who that child is. This tells us something about the basic ethical problem here, and it gives the lie to the politically correct argument that anyone should be able to form a family.
I don’t like it.


  • Morning Kev
    I’m completely in agreement with your comments about the couple in question. My wife and I lost a child through stillbirth twenty-five years ago, and I can’t understand how any child can be labelled “unwanted”.
    I also believe that people of both genders are required for successful parenting having taught lots of delinquent adolescent boys lacking male input in their development.
    Any comment on Peter Phelps, Gary Nairn and Mike Kelly? It’s a bit hard to find in the Oz – buried in a story about Eden-Monaro.

  • On the face of it Peter Phelps needs counselling or locking up in the office. I understand his frustration but his performance doesn’t help us.

    Notwithstanding that I do not like Kelly. He was attacking the government while still in uniform. If he ignores that protocol what else will he ignore?

    see http://www.kevgillett.net/?p=212

  • “The yuck factor looms large in the case of the Melbourne lesbians suing Canberra obstetrician Robert Armellin for the conception of IVF twins, rather than a single child.”

    Dunno about that – lawyers sans frontiers are always looking to do good.

  • Look at me, look at me I’m a lesbian.