Turnbull under attack

Dozens of agendas merge as the proposed Gunn Pulp Mill debate rages. The Greens who fight against any development, bad for the environment or not, have found a green Barrister to say a decision siting the mill in the Bell Bay industrial area would be invalid – whatever that means. The Greens will be against the mill no matter where it is sited. The wine industry doesn’t want it in their back yard for obvious reasons and more pragmatic folk say it is an industrial area so what’s the problem? Such as Susan from Launceston
HOW dare Senator Bill Heffernan and businessman Geoffrey Cousins suggest moving Gunns Ltd’s proposed pulp mill from Bell Bay, an area set aside for heavy industry for 60 years, to a rural part of northwest Tasmania. It’s ridiculous to suggest rezoning agricultural land around Hampshire and alienating it for use for heavy industry, especially so close to the iconic wilderness areas of Tasmania. The pulp mill debate is fast turning into a farce with the intervention of these Johnny-come-lately experts who have no idea what they’re talking about. Let’s keep Tasmania’s heavy industry where it belongs _ in heavy-industry areas such as Bell Bay.
Sounds reasonable to me but then I don’t hate development. While some see it as a environment issue others see it as a means of defeating the government Mr Cousins, one of the most successful advertising men of the 1980s, has personally scripted a full-page advertisement to be published this week in the Wentworth Courier in Mr Turnbull’s inner-Sydney electorate.
It is signed by more than 100 people, including actors Bryan Brown, Rachel Ward and Rebecca Gibney, playwright David Williamson, director Phillip Noyce, performer Mark Lizotte (also known as entertainer Johnny Diesel), arts identity Leo Schofield and chef Kylie Kwong.
No surprises there.


  • Turnbull needs to add this one to the growing list of local referenda in Aust.

    Locals happy…..Wentworth Greens may wilt.

    More referenda to defuse 2 issues a year is good stuff.
    Govt hates refs

  • The main issue with the Pulp Mill is that it has been removed from the RPDC process that allows for proper assessment (when it had become clear that it was “critically non-compliant” with the requirements) and fast tracked, including a “benefits only” analysis of the project, as I have noted in the past I can make sleeping with a syphilitic prostitute look like a good idea with a benefits only analysis.

    If its a good project, it should be able to survive the proper process. Gunns determined that it couldn’t and pulled the project.