Stupid Letters

Letters to the editor or why some people should be disenfranchised
JOHN Howard seems to be entirely serene in regard to the practice of the Exclusive Brethren and its religious brainwashing of young children. And yet this educational practice is no different from brainwashing in Islamic schools. How is it that Howard regards the Brethren practice as benign and the Muslim one as encouraging terrorism? Paul Drakeford Kew, Vic
Paul, How would you know that Howard regards the Brethren as benign – he only met them for a chat for heavens sake. A couple of points
Howard also meets Muslims, and There is an element of encouraging suicide bombing, and murdering of innocents within the Islamic religion that is missing in the Brethren propaganda.
The Brethren may be weird, and I think they are, but they are a legitimate organization under the laws of the country so are entitled to chat with the PM. Even idiots like you have that right. OK, you hate Howard but at least come up with some rational criticism.


  • Paul , you speak your mind mate ! dont be put off by pots that call the kettle black ..John Howard is quite happy to put some people through certain teasts ! heres a quote from the news today in The Independent …Quote :Migrants will also have to embrace what John Howard’s government considers to be 10 essentially Australian values, including “mateship” and giving people “a fair go”. Other core Australian values are said to include tolerance, compassion, gender equality and freedom of speech.

    Well what about giving ex exclusive brethren parents that have been split from their familys and have not been allowed acess to their children by the Exclusive brethren a fair go !? . Where is the tolerance and compassion with these so called christians ? .

    Quote : The measures are part of a government push to promote “Australian values” after riots between Muslim and non-Muslim youths at a Sydney beach in 2005.

    Well thats very fine but how about he cleans up his own back yard first !!

  • Truthsayer,
    I’m not defending the Brethren. I’ve already said they are weird but they are not exactly Islamic terrorists

    For “John Howard” read “most Australians” would like some evidence of migrants wanting to bide by our Aussie values.

    Don’t see a problem there and John Howard’s ‘back yard’ is already pretty clean from where I stand.

  • Kev,

    They are seriously weird with a sinister agenda. It was reported last year that they had a meeting with Attorney General Phillip Ruddockfor the purpose of gaining an exemption to the family law act which states that children of divorced parents should have access to both parents. The Brethren wanted to deny excluded members access to their children. How does that accord with our Australian values? Ruddock quite rightly said “thanks for coming” and showed them the door. They lobby politicians yet don’t allow members to vote. That is an offence under the Electoral Act. I think Howard made a mistake meeting with this odious bunch and I also reckon their tax exemption status as a ‘religion’ should be reviewed as should taxpayer funding of their schools.

  • Felix,
    I agree with you 100%. I don’t like them but my post was about someone being sufficiently unaware as to compare them with suicidal followers of Islam and they ain’t quiet there.

    As Ruddock met them and said thanks but no thanks then Howard would have done the same but we do live in a democracy and while they are not deemed illegal they have the ear of pollies.

  • Well im not to sure about your judgement there Kev . I dont like to argue with you but i have to say that while i know Islam in some contrys suggests bombing , haw many have blown up in Australia ??? . But while the exclusive brethren dont suggest bombing they sure have blown many many familys apart my friend .The pain of seperation last alot longer than a bomb blast !!! .And they pray for peoples deaths !! in their ministry their leaders talk about people dingle dangling !! ie hanging someone !! as well as punching people .And how many people suicide in Australia because of Islam many?? there sure has been a few due to this cult kev ! dont you worry about that .And guess what the exclusive Brethren are tax exempt yet they dont donate or help people outside their cult .Except for !! they went to the twin towers !! wonder why all of a sudden ?? Dont like Islam or Muslim ?? .Seems likely to me ! why else dont they bother to help anywhere else??.Of course on there web site they suggest they do , but i have inside imformation that this atleast never used to happen !! .Should we trust them ? have they shown themselves to be upfront and trustable ? .Notice it says learn more suicide ! anything about suicide there Kev ?? or is it a whole lot of babble written by some professor they have paid talking about marrages and how wonderful it all is etc ! but forgetting to point out nobody leaves because they are to scared to !! because they might get seperated and lose their family and end up suiciding after exusting all efforts in court to get access to children .With the Brethren having plenty of money they just dont obey court orders ! they in the end the poor osted parent runs out of money and gives up and the stress of it all takes it toll .What happens next Kev ?? some suicide mate !! and quite a number too .
    Might seem on the outside they are nothing like Islam Kev ! but i tell ya mate dont be to hasty in judgement cause i tell you what mate Howard and these lot will take it all a step further if they can next !!
    And im not sticking up for people who bomb people either !! totally against that my friend .

  • P.S Sorry about the spelling ! the writing on the right gets in the way .