Haneef’s gone

One of Haneef’s ‘fan’ club, a human rights advocate, ponders;
You know, I hope Kev will say: “That really sucked what happened to Haneef, poor bastard.” It would be nice to read this.
I replied;
Don’t hold your breath. He is too close to savages that tried to mass murder Brits. We are better off with him out of Australia.
..and I’m sticking to my guns. Haneef’s guilt or otherwise on charges of recklessly giving aid to terrorists has not been tested in court so cries of ‘innocent victim’ make little sense. The fact that his working visa has been withdrawn does, however make a lot of sense. He is a known associate of people who attempted to murder Brits and Scots in their homeland and that’s enough to make him persona non grata; whether he’s all sweetness and light, pure as the driven snow or a contender for a Nobel prize for medicine he is still a worry. Today in the Australian Imre Salusinszky argues;
I DON’T know what facts swayed Kevin Andrews in his decision to revoke the visa of Mohamed Haneef. But there are more than enough already on the public record to justify the Immigration Minister’s decision.
Take the politics out of the situation, assess it coldly and Hannef goes home and stays there. Side issue: I hope Legal Aid isn’t paying for Russo’s ‘Tour of Adulation’ in India.