Get over it Digger

AUSTRALIA’S Defence Force has come to the aid of Channel 9’s Sea Patrol after a disgruntled viewer took umbrage at Lisa McCune gracing the cover of a TV mag wearing active service ribbons. I don’t know who the Veteran is but he needs to get a life just after he looks up the regulations. The crime is in wearing medals and claiming to be entitled to them not in wearing them as an actor playing a role that needs medals for authenticity and credibility. I don’t know about others but pretty woman in RAN Whites always grabs my attention.


  • There is always something for the vocal minority to get bent out of shape about. I bet if the show had “made up” medals that looked the part to us average joes, but were not actually real medals, then we’d have people ringing in to complain about that too.

    Have we had anyone make a list of what the medals are and see if a serviceman would likely be able to have earned them all? Its only a matter of time. :-)

    Is the show any good? Lisa doesn’t strike me as the Navy type, I’ll have to catch an episode to see.

  • Mathew,

    I know medals and what they are wearing is reasonable for the times, rank, appointments and posting.

    I haven’t actually watched the show but reports I’ve read indicate it’s OK

  • I’m happy to go nuts about people pretending to have earned medals that they are not entitled to, but she is an actress – its not like she is trying to convince anyone that Lisa McCune earned the medals, she is portraying a naval officer.

  • Like a lot of ex diggers, I tend to pick holes in films and TV shows that don’t do their military homework, i.e. like showing WW1 soldiers carrying Owen Guns or Vietnam era soldiers wearing Kevlar helmets etc.
    Why anyone would whinge about actually showing something correctly is beyond me.
    Takes all sorts I suppose.

  • don’t be so inconciderate, why would they use “real” medals, it’s a tv show, and nobody should expect them too, its costin them so much to make the show, it’s not like anyone would notice whether they use real medals or not. Maybe you should watch the show before u judge it!!!! Actually in fact the show scored a rating of 1.6 million viewers on the premiere.

  • Erica, did anyone here suggest that Lisa McCune NOT wear representative accoutrements for this TV show? If there is any gripes to be had, take a look at the two medal bars on the actors behind her in the picture. A CSC and Star of Gallantry! Naval officers to boot. Now that’s taking the piss.

    The production team should be commended for at least getting the details such as dress and equipment right.

  • CB,
    I had to smile to myself when I saw the gongs. With that sort of track record why weren’t they promoted to command of a destroyer in a war zone