Fish @ $89 per kilo

Went fishing with the lads a couple of weeks ago. Chartered the boat out of Southport for a full days fishing. The boat cost $140 each but worth it – the crew were pleasant, switched on and we caught mobs of fish. When we eventually got back to port I found a $120 parking ticket on my windscreen. We had parked, like sheep I guess, where everybody else parked but didn’t read the bit that mentioned ‘vehicles with boat trailer only‘.

Ah well, such is life.

On the drive back I dropped in at my son’s place (new baby – couldn’t go fishing) and gave him some of the catch. As I reversed out of his driveway the new fangled mirrors on the RR angled down so I could see the curb, but I would rather have seen the shiny new BMW parked on the other side of the street.

I didn’t, or I was overtired or….s..c..r..a..p..e. The price of fish is escalating!

I got the bill yesterday – $690 for bad driving plus the $140 boat charter plus the $120 ticket = $950!

Less $60 from my passenger (half of the parking ticket- thanks George!) – comes to $890 for the day
Ten kilo of fish caught at best = $89 a kilo.

Ah well, such is life.

Hope I didn’t run through a speed camera on the way home – that would make me cranky.