Take that, you swine!

This story from todays Courier Mail (no link) Just a couple of suburbs from where I live in Brisbane a 41 year old woman was jogging to work on Monday morning when a bandanna clad man stepped out from behind a tree and threatened he with a knife. She punched him on the jaw and heard it crack whereupon he fled holding said jaw. She continued jogging to work, albeit at a greater speed, and the police are looking for a 20 year old male, 175 cm tall with a surprised look on his face The woman was the daughter of a boxer and a former self-defence instructor. Several years ago my daughter was likewise accosted by a villain as she ended her shift in the ICU unit at Brisbane General Hospital. When she approached her car a guy threatened he with a pistol and grabbed for her handbag. “It was an Armani Dad and he wasn’t going to get it”, she later told me. She grabbed he bag back, gave him two short sweet words of advice and shoved him away. You might be thinking ‘foolhardy woman…pistol and all” but daughter had spent time in the Army Special Reserves during her Uni days and knows a real pistol when she sees one. It was a fake pistol and he wasn’t a real man. Posted as an encouragement to woman to fight back if circumstances allow.


  • “the police are looking for a 20 year old male, 175 cm tall with a surprised look on his face”

    No, no, no, Kev. The police are looking for “a 41 year old woman (who) was jogging to work on Monday morning” who is “the daughter of a boxer and a former self-defence instructor”.

    They need to charge her with aggravated assault. As well, the lawyer of “a bandanna clad man” has a summons to serve on her for a $2,500,000 lawsuit because of the post-traumatic stress caused to the aforesaid gentleman.

  • whyisitso,
    Come on, you need to tell me more than that. Are you referring to a previous relationship between the pair or is everything subsequent to the ‘meeting’ as reported in the press? Is the story of him wielding a knife a fabrication and if so, why is it so?