On Leave

I’m off to Tasmania tomorrow morning for a two week drive around the island in a Britz Mobile Home. In the meantime check out the articles on the left under “The UN” and “Apocoholics Anonymous”. Both state my postition more knowlegeably than I can; particularly Apocoholics Anonymous (lifted from Tramtown) that supports my theory of Global Warming being the latest gospel in the Church of the Latter Day Alarmists.

Well worth the read.

Any readers from Tasmania who have a yearning to beat me over the head for my conservative views look for the big grey haired bloke in a Britz with petite brunette in the copilot seat but be very carefull, she’s Irish and attacks anyone who disrupts her orderly life, including me.

My plan is to arrive in Hobart, recover from Virgin Blues cattle seats, pick up the vehicle and then make a plan. Any tips or local knowledge welcomed.


  • I just wish you were stopping off in Melbourne and we could get together for a beer or two, Kev. Enjoy your time in Tassie, and make contact next time you are in our state.

  • At least you’re not on Jetstar, that’d be very painful all the way to Tassie. If you’re in Hobart on a Saturday be sure to have a look at the Salamance Markets and a trip up Mt Wellington is well worth it – great view I’m told. When I went up it was in the cloud and I couldn’t see a darned thing ! Cheers.

  • Hi Jim. Photos i received. Thanks