What’s good for the goose…..

While the ACTU/ALP are busy digging up unfair conditions in the workplace and compressing them into bricks to throw at Howard is it fair to bring this up? A COMPANY owned by the wife of Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd put workers on individual contracts that stripped them of key award conditions. I reckon it is.


  • We have a business with over 80 employees. Until workchoices over half our workforce was casual. Not because of leave, penalty rates etc. But because of the unfair dismissal laws. Since the unfair dismissal laws have gone nearly all but a couple of our employees are full time with all the benefits. I just can’t take the chance of putting on a dud and then having to pay them $5,000 to $10,000 to get rid of them if they are useless. It,s not that we are bad employers some of our staff have been with us over 20 yearsm but we had to pay a couple of useless idiots a considerable sum to leave purely because of the unfair dismissal laws. Personally I prefer collective agreements over individual agreements but it’s what works for your business.

  • Unfair dismissal Laws are best buied and we don’t need anyone who doesn’t understand that running the country. If you don’t realize how wealth is created how can you run anything?