‘I will make it up to you’ – Muhammad Dawood

Wrong! You can never make it up to me – treason is treason and doesn’t come with an ‘Oops, I was wrong’ backout clause. The only way Muhammad Dawood (nee Hicks) could make it up to me is to rewind to the day of his capture and for him to fall on his sword. Unlike some prisoners who find God, Muhammed has lost his God and found education. He wants to finish his high school education and perhaps go to uni. The humanization of a terrorist continues – now he’s just a young man trying to improve himself.


  • Has Dawood publicly renounced Islam? If he has
    does he know the punishment for apostasy? It is
    death. Is he prepared to die? Will the islamic
    world put a price on his head as they did for
    Salman Rushdie? What is Dawoods view on this?

  • He can make it up to me, his suicide wouldl balance the books nicely.