New arrival

Lachlan James Gillett arrived yesterday at 2.00pm wieghing in at 3.7k. I showed him a list of his predecessors stretching back six generations in Australia but his mother suggested he couldn’t read yet….

I’ll show him again next week…should understand by then!

Mother, Father, Lachlan and Grandparents all doing well although Grandmother is a bit overwhelmed.


  • Congratulations all!

  • Julia & Christian Trevean

    Congrats to all. And fantastic movie of the new arrival! I hope
    he knows what he is getting into being born into this troup!!!
    Best wishes…Christian, Julia and the girls. xxxx

  • Way to go. Can he say “gramps” yet? Congratulations!

  • Alan & Sue Jones

    Just heard the great news. Yippee !!!!!!!!!!!!
    Congrats to both Mum and Dad, and of course the lucky grandparents.
    Here’s to a whole new world for all.
    Love……..Alan & Sue.