Howard Derangement Syndrome at play

The Prime Minister says far too many Australians are retiring at 55, and other countries are stealing a productivity march on us with more workers in the 55-64-year-old bracket still contributing to economic growth.
If everybody worked at least until they were in their middle to late 60s, that would make an enormous difference,’’ he told ABC radio. He advocated scaling back slowly, perhaps working part-time as a more gentle stepping stone to retirement. “There are many, many people I know who have retired after a very, very busy life and suddenly they’re doing nothing and they go to pieces,’’ he says
All of which is reasonable – he doesn’t say we are all going to be chained to the work bench until we die – just that we shouldn’t neccessarily rush into retirement and if people want to work later than the magic 65 then let them. Stephen Lunn, social affairs writer for the Australian puts his spin on it and the Howard hating collective swarm
……Many people are sick of working in dysfunctional workplaces which are only becoming worse under Howard’s workplace laws. ……Another version of work till you drop. Howard should wake up to himself ……What sort of a con job is this from Howard? ……I just wish this silly little man and his nanny state would disappear
And what the hell does David Hudson of Adelaide mean by this diatribe?
please note that 800,000 separated parents across Australia are ‘forced’ to work until DEATH, never mind till 65 to meet unsustainable deemed “child support” arrears that outlast even their children’s lives in many cases.
At the latest count there were 1527 dead in 2002/3 ALONE ( see Hansard p171 below) RIP.
His reference just states that In 2002-2003 there were a total of 1 527 male payers recorded on the child support computer system as having died. This is the latest data available. People do die irregardless of what computer system they are on but the evidence pointing to John Howard murdering them all is somehow missing What is it with these people? Are they so deranged by their hatred that reason leaves their mind? Was it ever there?