Poor little Muhommad II

Muhammad Dawood (nee Hicks) pleads gulty..uh uh. Doesn’t matter, guilt can be denied….his Australian Cheer Squad will just say he pleaded guilty to get out of Guantanamo Bay. Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t, but guilty is guilty and to suggest he pleaded guilty to get home doesn’t detract from the guilt.

He is a self confessed terrorist.

It is suggested that he may well be able to do his time in an Australian prison for the term the judge gives him. That’s fine, it takes the pressure off Howard and deprives the cheer squad of some oxygen but I can promise you there are whole mobs of human rights lawyers burning the midnight oil right now in preparation for appeals against whatever he is awarded. As soon as he is in Australia there will be a swarm of activity. They won’t let go.

Of course they are going to have to act very quickly because Muhommad’s time in prison won’t be all that nice. Standard crims are also Aussies and won’t take kindly to a self confessed terrorist in their midst. The answer to that, of course is solitary, protective custody…..more ammo for the cheer squad…..inhuman will be their cry but me, I’m barracking for the crims.

sic him boys.


  • I generally agree, Kev, but I can’t help but ask how guilty is he of terrorism against Western civilisation, and how guilty of being an idiot. It isn’t a crime to be an idiot.

    It’s definitely been proven that he ‘trained’ with organisations that support terrorism (and generally oppose civilisation and all that is good and right). But he didn’t commit any terrorist acts. Would he have done? We might never know. But you can’t be convicted of crimes that you might have done in the future if you hadn’t been detained (although, admittedly, you can be convicted of crimes that you were definitely going to do had you not been detained) .

    One thing that is certain is that it took too long to get him to trial. As civilised people we don’t lock people up without charge for years. This possibly helped make his decision to plead guilty. I think it would have been better if he had of fought his trial and was dealt with according to the verdict given. If he had of pleaded guilty within a month or two of being detained I would have said lock him up and throw away the key!

    With his time served, and the fact that he wasn’t given a speedy, fair and open trial, I would be happy if he got a token jail time in Australia, say a year, and was then let out. I don’t think he is a risk to society. He’s just an idiot.

  • Bulls***t……he should be given a fair trial, and then taken out out and shot!!!!

  • “As civilised people we don’t lock people up without charge for years.”

    Yes we do, its called being a PW, Hick is an illegal combatant and not entitled to the protections of PW status, but he is entitled to be held as one until the war is over.

    He’s also entitled to be shot under the geneva conventions (to use the old term – ‘as a spy’) for not wearing uniform or identifying insignia.

    “I don’t think he is a risk to society. He’s just an idiot.”

    Martin Bryant was no rocket scientist, Ivan Milat didn’t cure cancer, Bilal Skaif didn’t perform the worlds first heart transplant – Michael why is it that you think that you have to be smart to be a risk?

    Hicks was trained by AQ, they tend to factor the possibility that their trainees are not nuclear physicists into the training.

  • This whole thing has been straight out of Alice in Wonderland. The Govt’s handling has been totally inept. If they had pressed the Americans for a quick resolution maybe Hicks would not have started to assume Nelson Mandela-like status amongst some members of the community. When he finally gets his day in court we hear that a deal has been made in Washington. Hicks pleads guilty to “providing material support to terrorism”. What sort of lame-arse charge is that? Because of the guilty plea we don’t get to hear any of the evidence against him.

    Now it looks like this bloke who we were told is an Al Qaeda trained killer who threatens our way of life and who ranks right up there with the ‘worst of the worst’ will be walking the streets of Adelaide in nine months!

    I have said previously that I reckon Hicks is a misguided dope who is about as dangerous as Bert Newton. Looks like the Govt agrees with me.

  • No. The government don’t agree with you at all. They just want him to go away to detract the Hicks cheer squad from muddying the waters with rubbish. He may be free in the streets of Adelaide but I think you’ll find agents will be keeping a watch on him.

    You have heard the evidence against him – from his own mouth

    You have been subjected to a deification programme. He is still the traitor he always was; he was always ready to kill for Muhommed; his wife and children still don’t want anything to do with him and neither do any thinking Australians. He is still an anti-semetic.

    The lawyers simply did what was expected of them. As a part of their defence they worked on public appeal in Australia to force the government to act – a good result for them but don’t think they believe it. They are just doing what they are paid to do

    If you think he’s a harmless idiot then you have been conned. He is still potentially dangerous.

  • So the ex wants nothing to do with him. Not too many aussie blokes in that situation. He hates jews – Robinson Crusoe again. He’s potentially dangerous – well yeah but so are you and me.
    Agents will be keeping a watch on him! No kidding Kev? Talk about stating the freakin’ obvious. The point here is that we were told that this bloke is seriously evil and now we hear that he will be walking around Adelaide in nine months. Surely you must be asking yourself “what the f… is going on here?”

  • Felix,

    I can’t imagine why you are taking his side. True you and are I potentially dangerous but I, and presumably you, have never crossed to other side. I’d like to think I have been dangerous but to the enemies of my country – not to my countrymen or those who support us.

    He will be walking around the streets of Adelaide in nine months because the political pressure brought to bear on the government become counter productive. The GetUp mob and associated human rights advocates spread so much positive propaganda about Hicks that people started to believe it while sections of the media and the ALP saw a Howard bashing impliment, picked it up and used it.

    The wonderful Major Mori run a good campaign doing what he was paid to do and more, however he will not be remembered kindly by the Corps for interfering in the politics of another country to achieve his aim. He has stepped over the mark.

    It’s just politics, and now we have to worry about Dawood.

    Felix, he wasn’t a common criminal entitled to due process; he was entitled to be treated well while incarcerated for the duration of the war or whenever someone in power thought he was no longer a risk to civilized society.

    You need to get out of the lawyer camp to see the whole picture.