Lawyers fight for Terrorists

THE Howard Government’s top lawyer has triggered a storm of protest from civil libertarians by accusing opponents of control orders on suspected terrorists of succumbing to “pre-9-11 thinking“.
Commonwealth Solicitor-General David Bennett QC said those who believed control orders were not within the Government’s constitutional powers were “Luddites” whose thinking was “very September 10”.
Mr Bennett’s reference during the case to “September 10 thinking” triggered an outburst from judge Michael Kirby, who said more people had died of AIDS than in the attacks on the US on September 11, 2001, in which 2900 people, including 10 Australians, died. Justice Kirby is one of the full bench of seven judges who will determine the validity of the control orders. It’s not unusual that I don’t agree with or understand what Kirby is on about but this one leaves me really puzzled. More people die in motor vehicle accidents every year in Australia than were killed on 9/11 but so what? In the majority of cases accidents and HIV infection are not a deliberate attempt to kill thousands of innocents men, woman and children. Kirby’s a fool and the only hope for sanity in our legal system is his retirement on the March 18, 2009 due to his turning 70….thank God for the retirement age for judges. The Chief Judge backs the retirement age and so do I even if for different reasons. The Human Rights Lawers are up in arms as they seek to defend the rights of those who would kill our woman and children before those of their fellow citizens. He (David Bennett) said there were “a lot of silly people around who engage in what I call September 10 thinking”. “They say things like, ‘Oh, we’ve always had terrorism and there is no real difference’. That is just nonsense,” Mr Bennett said.
“We have seen what nonsense it is on September 11, and in London, Madrid, Nairobi, Dar es Salaam, Bali and Jakarta. There is a real threat and we need to combat it.”
I for one, want the federal agencies to know what the bastards are doing and if we can’t lock them up in the brig due to some smart -arse lawyer claiming a technical legal breach of confessions secured under duress then let’s have them on a 20 metre leash. If the laws of the land don’t allow for this then change the laws. I am not going to accept that they should be free to plan more attacks on Australia or Australians