Saddam for the ‘Long Drop’ today

According to Al Jazeera Saddam Hussein is due to be executed sometime today. I have stated before I’m against the death sentence mainly due to the possibility of errors in law or questionable guilt however I don’t think any of those factors are relevant in this case. Some will say his execution will make him a martyr but so what? By definition a martyr is no longer able to terrorise his own people and that has to be seen as a plus. I wouldn’t advocate the death sentence as some sort of revenge for his past deeds; rather I see it as a means to ensure he will never again be able to wreak havoc and terror at home and abroad. One down but there is still a lot to go UPDATE:   Saddam was executed at dawn this morning Iraq time (1.00pm EST) How’s this for predictable and meaningless?
Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International both complained that Maliki’s government had pressured the judge to return guilty verdicts, and called for the accused to be brought before an international tribunal. “Imposing the death penalty, indefensible in any case, is especially wrong after such unfair proceedings,” said Richard Dicker, director of Human Rights Watch’s international justice programme, after the appeal failed. 


  • Richard Dicker, hey? the ole Dick Dicker strikes again.

  • Dear Kev

    I note with some sadness but not unexpectedly that you delight in the demise of Saddam.

    It would have been better for the interests of Iraq and the US if he had been sent to the Hague eg Milosevic and received a “fair trial”. i

    The circumstances at the hanging and the taunting and the psycopathic behavior of some of the witnesses has damaged the standing of the Iraqi government and also the interests of the US.

    Sunnis are the predominant sect in the Middle east and the way he was treated will bring down their wrath on the US soldiers and the Shia.

    It was sad day for the Iraqi ‘democracy”.

    Why am I surprised when it is the product of an illegal invasion and the values of the US are written all over it.

    What a shining beacon of hope for the Middle East.

    It is a pathic joke.

    What good has come out of deposing saddam except incipient ciivl war and a daily mountnig toll of US soldiers and civilians killed by car bombs and death squads.

    Hang your head in shame Bush etc