Refugees face new threat of ejection

THE Howard Government will be able to more easily deport refugees on temporary protection visas after the High Court ruled asylum-seekers were responsible for proving that a return to their homelands would be too dangerous.
More than 630 asylum-seekers from countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and Sri Lanka, who have applied for further protection after their TPVs expired, now face a higher risk of deportation. The 4-1 High Court ruling in the parallel cases of two Afghan men found that asylum-seekers asking for further Australian protection must prove their refugee status still exists after their initial three-year visa expires, effectively putting the onus of proof on refugees, rather than the Government.
Makes sense to me but what really makes it clear that it is in the best interests of Australia is this;
Minority judge Michael Kirby described the rulings as parochial and hostile to international law.
International law be damned and what’s wrong with parochial? The High Court adjudicates for Australia – doesn’t it?