Sheik Al-Halil still in the news

Sheik ‘Catmeat’ al-Hilali has done a wonderful job. Todays Australian has him above and below the fold and I particularly note Paul Keating’s part in the saga. I trust we can arrange to have this entire episode recycled the week before the next election to remind voters of the risks involved with the ALP. Let him talk, quote everything he says. It will only help to reinforce in peoples mind the danger of the mind set of extreme Muftis like Al-Halil. One caveat – send him back from whence he come and report him from there so we can keep all the poison in one barrel. If he can’t be expelled because the law doen’t allow it then could I suggest it is time we looked to amending the law. Clearly the ALP should not have given this guy citizenship and I’m of the opinion that the country is entitled to have the last say as to who stays or goes and to rectify any decision that was wrong in it’s initial application. As in “well, yes, we did give you permanent residence but we now believe you represent a danger to our citizens. The individual can appeal ad nauseum then so should the government be allow to adjust obvious mistakes. A letter in todays Australian indicates there are people who still don’t get it.
WE see that, by shooting off his mouth, the poor old mufti has got himself into trouble with the Australian thought police. Let’s get real. The man may be a self-righteous dill but let’s remember that a basic Aussie right is our right to be offensive, as distinct from harmful, in the things we say and do. Dr Doug Ogilvie
Surprising that a Doctor, educated and all, should miss the point of freedom of speech. It does not include the right to preach sedition, to encourage young Jihadis to murder civilians nor to openly support those who do, such as Osam Bin Laden. The ‘poor old Mufti‘ is a dangerous poor old mufti. He encourages those who would rape or kill our woman and children. Be done with him.


  • It has long been known in enlightened circles of Al-Halil attitudes and activities.. Poor old Dr. Doug perhaps he should invite Al-Halil and mates around for a bar-b-que. I agree with Kev that if our current laws do not enable Australia to rid itself of these people then the laws should be changed as a matter of extreme priority. If Australia continues to allow this type of behaviour maybe the day will come when we will have no choice.

  • Given that Dr Doug hasn’t told us what he is a Dr of, I wouldn’t assume that he is a well educated man.