Bias against Islam

Media to blame for Islam bias says AFP Commissioner Kelty. That beggars belief. If the media report Sheik “Piece of Meat’s” words and the public think poorly of him then I would think that the message causes Islam bias not the messenger. During WW2 I doubt whether a senior policemen ever suggested that media bias caused Australians to think poorly of the Japanese as newspapers and radio stations reported how they plundered, murdered, raped and tortured their way through the Pacific region.
In a speech delivered in Adelaide, Mr Keelty played down Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali’s inflammatory comments on women, asserting that “many in the community also say offensive things and many of them are white Caucasian Australians”.
True, and the white Cauacasion Australian’s stupid comments are also reported by the media but as a rule they are not the voice of some 300,000 Australians as the Sheik is to the Muslim communty. About now Sheik ‘Piece of Meat’ may be thinking his words were ill advised and that they are not acceptable to Australians. Maybe he will learn something and maybe not, but either way extreme muslims are to blame for any bias against Islam, not the media. I want and expect the media to report such rantings and when some of the extreme muslims plot to kill innocent Australian civilians I want the media to tell me. I also expect them to tell me about any extreme right wing nutcases who might be considered a danger to our way of life. I particulalrly find this paragraph offensive
“When it comes to adultery, it’s 90 percent the woman’s responsibility. Why? Because a woman owns the weapon of seduction. It’s she who takes off her clothes, shortens them, flirts, puts on make-up and powder and takes to the streets, God protect us, dallying. It’s she who shortens, raises and lowers. Then, it’s a look, a smile, a conversation, a greeting, a talk, a date, a meeting, a crime, then Long Bay jail. Then you get a judge, who has no mercy, and he gives you 65 years.
It is this mindset that encourages young males to consider woman as chattels and then to claim they asked for it when facing court for multiple rapes. Simply not acceptable.


  • So if at least 66% of the Aust.
    population wants to stop any further muslim immigration, forever, right now, how come neither political party will address it?
    Afraid of expensive drinks at the UN member’s bar perhaps?

    Howard won’t stop it, Labor loves it….a referendum via popular demand is the way to go.

    What has Howard got to fear except the will of the people?

  • Australians are ‘biased’ against Islam because of the actions of Muslims, no other reason.