Category: Politics
Rudd on ALP corruption
I’ll believe it when I see it.
Minister for Defence Materiel Mike Kelly will today announce the Defence Forces retirement benefit and the Defence Forces retirement and death benefits will be indexed in the same way as age pensions.
The ALP plane is for recipients over 65 which fits my profile but the Coalition have included those over 55;The Coalition has promised DFRB and DFRDB superannuants aged 55 and over will have their superannuation pensions indexed in the same way as aged and service pensions. About 57,000 military superannuants are members of these schemes.
Why are both parties undertaking to bring our annual indexation into line with pension. By way of explaination I posted this last year;I received a letter from the Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation(DFRDB) informing me I have a CPI increase of .01% for the six months Sep 11 to Mar 12. This gives me an increase of $1.12 per fortnight. I thought of taking my Bride out to dinner to celebrate but the Power bill that is forecast to increase by up to 7.6% % is due and the rates notice is around the corner with a 4.9% increase although the Mayor had promised to keep the increase below the 3.6% inflation rise.
What’s that – 3.6% inflation? How is that related to .01% CPI rise?
I seriously doubt that the ALP undertaking will ever be called upon and even in the unlikely event that the voters are snowed by the Rudd Tsunami and actually elect him again I would expect them to reneg when they finally admit they have run the country broke and can’t afford any of their election promises; let alone a promise to the very organization that they have ignored and denigrated over my life time. We’ll see.Bloody Journos
More boats…more drownings…more excuses
Ain’t happening, John
Unfortunately for the Coalition, the one we dislike the most is now leading their party.
Turnbull is a Liberal Wet and whereas he is good value he is not a potential leader of the Liberals. The ALP keep up this mantra of Turnbull should be the leader because, quite frankly, they are afraid of Abbott. So John’s statement really should be;Unfortuately for the ALP, the one we dislike the most is now leading the Coalition.
There, fixed it for you John.Newspoll 50:50
- To pay homage to their union benefactors the ALP guillotined a motion to allow just three minutes of debate in the Senate on changes to the visa program before it went to a vote. This was a day or two after Kevin said he was starting a new dialogue with Buisness and believe me the motion had nothing to do with helping business.
- He went to Indonesia and arranged a people smuggler conference coincidentally at the same time another boat load of people reaching for the sugar on the table were floundering of NW Australia. Good timing Rudd but the boat arrivals increase exponentially as Rudd confers!
- He is making moves to install himself as a virtual unsackable ‘President’ with a proposal to guarantee that a Labor leader who wins an election stays Prime Minister the whole term, even if he acts like Rudd did last time.
- Oh, and he got rid of Gillard
Snowden still in limbo
So far 21 nations have turned their back on Mr Snowden’s request for asylum, fearing reprisals if they offer sanctuary to him.
Just a thought Cameron, could these nations be of the opinion that Snowden is just a traitorous spy and doesn’t deserve sanctuary?Rudd insurance or is it revenge?
Monday morning
THE Greens want people-smugglers to decide who comes to Australia, Kevin Rudd wants the Indonesians to decide and the Coalition wants Australians to decide. Hmm … spoilt for choice.
Jason Clare, who has had no real-life employment which apparently makes him qualified to be the Minister for Home Affairs, is fighting the good fight. I heard him on the ABC ratting on about the Coalition. Hat tip Jason, the country think the ALP are to blame for the problem – not the Coalition. Mr Clare said turning boats back didn’t work and that Mr Howard had only sent back a handful. Turning back boasts did work and Howard only turned back a couple because of that fact- it did work….they stopped coming. Admiral Barrie, relevant commander at the time says – “We didn’t have to turn any more back because they stopped coming” . Got that Jason? He warned turning boats back could lead to a repeat of the Siev 36 incident in which five people died when a vessel was sabotaged in 2009. Ah, so what you are saying is that if just one asylum seeker says – “I’ll top myself if you don’t let me in” you suggest the nation, the Navy and/or the rescuing ship’s Captain simply fold . Keeping in mind that these people have access to the internet they will all be talking among themselves right now as they wait for their boat. “All we have to do is threaten suicide and they’ll fold – quick, burn your papers and get on the boat – it’s our last chance before adults take over” He further adds that sometimes sailors have been hurt or were in a situation where they could be, and this is apparently another reason not to have a firm policy. Yes, sometimes sailors do get hurt while carrying out their duties. They are not public servants, bureaucrats, or god forbid, political ALP hacks or clerks. They are servicemen and women and sometimes a sailor has to do what a sailor has to do – ie, obey orders to the best of their ability. Poor plan Jason – you still need to work on it.