Why we do it.
Amos, a Tim Blair reader left a comment on Tims post about Dick Morris titled TRIANGULATE THIS. You should go to the post and scroll down to the comment but if your a gentle type and don’t like others using strong language I have edited the comment and included it below.
Since you ask I’ll tell you why we invaded Iraq: because Afghanistan will never be anything but a bandit-ridden hellhole, but Iraq is one of the centres of the muslim clutural world, the seat of the old Bahgdad calphate and the second biggest Shia muslim concentration in the ME after Iran. A democracy in Afghanistan will last only as long as the vareous illiterate warlords are being terrorised or bribed into line, but a democracy taking roots in Iraq will transform utterly the entire middle east. This is why absolutly every terrorist organisation, every Muslim dictatorship and every sleezy, oil-grubbing UN rep scumbag and his lawyer are trying to stop it. Democracy in Iraq is their death-kneil. If Dubya pulls this off he will have achieved in under a decade what the worlds vareous hand-wringing internationalist do-gooders and their bleating flocks of useful idiots in the media would not have achieved in a million years- the world’s first Arab democracy and the beginnings of the emergence of millions of people from medieval tyranny into the modern age.I’ve said it before. Amos has said it. All evidence supports it but we’re still looking for WMDs and I note the ABC tonight are running what must be it’s 423rd expose of the Abu Graib torture series. Some people just cannot see the big picture.