Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.

Eco-terrorists on annual crime spree

How can anyone back this lunatic THREE Australians who boarded a Japanese whaling ship outside Australian waters were likely to suffer the consequences of taking the law into their own hands, Attorney-General Nicola Roxon said today. Good! The issue isn’t whaling, it’s the fact that Watson is allowed freedom when he clearly should be in jail for his terrorist activities. UPDATE: Even Greenpeace don’t like him

The Nauru word can now be mentioned

Do leopards change their spots? Not often, in my experience but today’s Australian reports the ALP Left have rolled on Nauru and will allow Chris Bowen to negotiate a deal. Beaten near to death by a reality stick the Left may have finally concluded that several hundred deaths and 14, 000 illegal boat arrivals throws some doubt on the humanity and rational of stopping Howard’s succesfull deterrent to life style shoppers. Abbott still rejects the Malaysian ‘knee jerk’ deal saying;
….the Coalition continued to oppose the Malaysian deal, under which 800 asylum-seekers would be swapped for 4000 genuine refugees, because it would not work.
Primary school maths will tell you that wont solve anything. Maybe, just maybe, we are getting somewhere.

Now they want to drug us

Greens gambling spokesman Richard Di Natale released a discussion paper today that suggests the anti-addiction drug naltrexone be used to help problem gamblers resist the urge to punt on poker machines.
“The effect is basically to reduce the pleasure people get when they get those big wins or when they get some of the more deceptive things the poker machines do – the losses disguised as wins and so on,” Senator Di Natale, a former GP, told ABC Radio today
Talking about denying us life’s simple pleasures. The Nanny state just knows no limits.
The 12-page discussion paper also calls for GPs to be trained to identify problem gamblers.
Who goes to their GP and says “I’ve got a gambling problem?” and if the patient doesn’t raise the issue how the hell can a doctor diagnose the problem? Twitching fingers trying to push buttons or maybe cheap clothes due to no money left? Must be a terrible existence in the Greens parallel universe.

More killed by government incompetence

A boat sinks, hundreds die and the ALP say it’s too tragic for politics which sounds like a political statement to me. Everyone is ignoring the elephant in the room and declining to politicise the most recent ‘life style seeker’ tragedy off Indonesia. The Libs don’t have to say anything as they know reasonably smart voters can see it for what it is – they don’t have to tell them. No such reticence here! All tragedies that have happened since Australia lost direction and voted in a lot of undelivered promises have Gillard’s name all over them. A litany of stuff-ups followed the election of these incompetents. Gillard and Rudd canceled Howard’s answer even though it was working…..she spoke to the president of East Timor (oops! should have spoken to the PM) but insisted on stating the ALP were holding talks with East Timor even while East Timor said NO from day one…..said she couldn’t use Narau as it wasn’t a signatory to the UN convention so chose Malaysia who likewise wasn’t a signatory to the convention. Meanwhile Narau said they would sign the convention if that is was it takes to get involved quickly followed by the High Court telling her she couldn’t use Malaysia. I’d like to talk to the 30% who still says she’s OK. Don’t they read newspapers or watch the news? Tony Kevin of A Certain maritime Incident fame went into overdrive when something similar happened whilst John Howard held the reigns. Driven by hatred of Howard and conservatives generally, he wrote a book and regularly appeared on the ABC castigating Howard and trying to get the government cited for murder. He also accuse the RAN of ignoring distress signal (of a boat that was sinking in Indon waters) If any reader has his email address please give it to me and I’ll ask him the name of his new book detailing similar incidences under the Gillard government. I’m sure he’s working on it A review on his last book says;
In a careful and well-researched argument, Kevin implies that those who drowned when the SIEV X capsized were not only victims of an unscrupulous people smuggler, Abu Quassey, whom Australian authorities have shown surprisingly little interest in apprehending. They were also casualties of the Howard Government’s efforts to deter asylum-seekers from seeking refuge in northern Australia.
The Greens abrogate all responsibilities as well. Sarah Hanson-Young tosses a throw-away line into the mix when asked if the Greens feel responsible at all.
Of course not. Tragedies happen, accidents happen
Dead right Sarah, and they will keep on happening while you and your idiot mates ignore the realities of life. Gillard and the Greens have created a nightmare by continuing to pander to the Asylum seeker industry. They are effectively telling all and sundry; come to Australia, we are so confused you will just be able to arrive and get accepted as legitimate asylum seekers, no questions asked. We have no concept of borders, everyone is welcome legitimate or not – we don’t care so go for it! We are being led by fools.

US withdraws from Iraq

Six years ago, talking about Iraq, I wrote;
a democracy in the middle of the shit-hole that is the Middle East would give birth to hope and all the Mullahs and Kings and Princes would be feeling uneasy
Since the Arab Spring bloomed I’ve been waiting for someone to put it all together and give George Bush some credit for the changes, all to no avail. Until today that is. Today’s The Australian editorial opines;
Clearly, the Arab Spring has been triggered, at least in part, because people of the Middle East and North Africa have seen Arabs proudly casting ballots in Iraq and taking control of their own destiny. For all his mistakes in the post-invasion phase, it was former president Bush’s foresight and courage in implementing the surge in 2007 that saved the Iraq venture, turning a conflagration of defeat and sectarian terrorism into a solid basis for a secure and democratic future.
And this to close;
So while the end belongs to Mr Obama, the success belongs to Mr Bush
The Left would have to agree, wouldn’t they?

Indonesian payback

The Indons are going to halve their live cattle imports from Australia and who would blame them. The move demonstrated the need to change governments that wipe out an entire industry based on a TV programme. Of course, that’s not how ALP talking heads see it.
Queensland Premier Anna Bligh said the move demonstrated the need for beef producers to diversify locally as well as expand international markets.
It’s not expanding markets, it’s trying to recover from destroyed markets
A government taskforce, set up after the ban on live exports to Indonesia earlier this year, is looking at building a new abattoir near Mt Isa. “Producers in north Queensland may in fact be able to develop a domestic market in response to changes in the Indonesian market,” she told Sky News.
Who in their right mind are going to spend capital on a project when all it takes for the government to close it down again is for someone to take a video of cattle being slaughtered. Selective and ideologically based editing can make a Brahman dying of old age an emotionally charged vision. The people who make these type of videos don’t want us eating meat full stop.

Sailor Kev

This afternoon I am boarding the P&O cruise ship ‘Sun Princess’ for a circumnavigation of the southern most island of the shaky isles. I’m not big into cruises but my wife is so picture me on the sundeck, beer in hand watching the scenery, both on-board and off. By the time we get to the southern most point of the voyage I’ll most probably be forced to drinking warm rum toddies but the scenery in Milford Sound should make it all worthwhile See you all in a couple of weeks.
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