Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.

Why we do it.

Amos, a Tim Blair reader left a comment on Tims post about Dick Morris titled TRIANGULATE THIS. You should go to the post and scroll down to the comment but if your a gentle type and don’t like others using strong language I have edited the comment and included it below.
Since you ask I’ll tell you why we invaded Iraq: because Afghanistan will never be anything but a bandit-ridden hellhole, but Iraq is one of the centres of the muslim clutural world, the seat of the old Bahgdad calphate and the second biggest Shia muslim concentration in the ME after Iran. A democracy in Afghanistan will last only as long as the vareous illiterate warlords are being terrorised or bribed into line, but a democracy taking roots in Iraq will transform utterly the entire middle east. This is why absolutly every terrorist organisation, every Muslim dictatorship and every sleezy, oil-grubbing UN rep scumbag and his lawyer are trying to stop it. Democracy in Iraq is their death-kneil. If Dubya pulls this off he will have achieved in under a decade what the worlds vareous hand-wringing internationalist do-gooders and their bleating flocks of useful idiots in the media would not have achieved in a million years- the world’s first Arab democracy and the beginnings of the emergence of millions of people from medieval tyranny into the modern age.
I’ve said it before. Amos has said it. All evidence supports it but we’re still looking for WMDs and I note the ABC tonight are running what must be it’s 423rd expose of the Abu Graib torture series. Some people just cannot see the big picture.

AMWU predicts disaster for Australia

The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union maintain that the FTA currently being debated and due for implimentation by January 05 will cost the Australian economy almost $50 billion and up to 200,000 jobs. I think a closer look at the Terms of Enquiry for the study would tell us that National Institute of Economic and Industry Research (NIEIR) were told to look into the ramifications of a Latham/Crean government getting hold of the keys to the Treasury. Thats the only event that could cost this country so much money and so many jobs. Still, go and read it and try and work out there maths. I can’t.

Social Engineering – ABC style

Imre Salusinszky has the best take on Play School trying to change the world order with their insane alternative life-style presentation of a lesbian couple with an immaculately conceived child being presented as normal.
George: Hello? Welcome to George’s Needle Exchange! Can I help you? Monica: Yes please! Big Ted has used up all his needles. And because he used an infected needle, he has a sore on his arm. George: Oh dear! Better go down to emergency and have that fixed up! Monica: We’re on our way there right now. And we have some storybooks to read while we wait ? 100 storybooks, in fact, because we know there will be so many infected bears waiting in front of Big Ted to see the doctor. George: Oh dear. Well, you give me those needles, Big Ted, and here are five clean ones to make sure you don’t get sick again. Monica: Thanks Mr Needle Exchange. Big Ted will be much happier now that he has clean needles.
Well, I think it’s funny. Go read if you haven’t already done so

Mother Boards

Due to my computer’s mother board noticing the expirey of it’s warranty I had to have another one installed with the result that I didn’t collect my emails from Thursday thru Monday. Monday, issued with new passwords I pressed the send/receive and went and made coffee. Wow. 382 emails! So many friends. Obviously some correspondents were old girlfriends with thinly veiled comments of a personal nature and just as clearly some others (with male names) were old old drinking mates who failed to believe my juvenile boastings on conquests – why else would they suggest chemical enhancement for my libido? Jordan, I can’t remember where I knew him, suggested my girlfriend would thank me big time. If such a person existed she wouldn’t thank me after my wife had sliced and diced her and posted her home in a small post bag. Still, maybe he doesn’t know I got married. Worse to come – I have to talk to Telstra Bigpond Technical Help. 23 minutes to get past the gatekeeper with her inane, repetitive waffling and then the Indian accented; “Good morning sir, how can I be helping you” Stay cool, Kev. Don’t waste 23 minutes.

The Gipper has gone

We win and they lose. Ronald Reagon getting the USSR problem down to one line. Far too simplistic for the left but it worked. By the end of his watch the wall had come down. The obscenity that was Communist USSR joined the civilized world. There will be a lot written and spoken over the next week or two. The left will call him simple and dumb. The rest of us know he changed the world for the better. Crenkhoff has the best take. He was behind the wall. Duty done – Rest in Peace.

D Day Heores

Sixty years ago today there was a lot of fear in the hearts of the soldiers of the invasion force of D Day as they approached the beaches. As one who has experienced the terror of battle as an infantryman (at about one-fiftieth the level of Normandy) I have some idea of how much courage and fatalism it took to stand up and move out of the landing craft. Their courage and achievements will last forever in the minds of reasonable men. Except the Left and other assorted US haters. Seeking no lands to colonize or rewards other than a stable world the Yanks, Brits, Kanucks and a host of other freedom lovers, including some Aussies, fought a despot to the end. And when it was done they only ask for a small plot of land for their young men to rest in piece. They did the same in the Pacific and then the US, with only some help from us, rebuilt the world, feeding the poor and developing the industries of conquored foe. How soon does the world forget. How soon before they turned on her. The US tries and stabalize the world again and they are turned on by the media and the countries that owe their very existance to their generosity. Visit the small plots of land where their young rest and tell them what the world thinks now. Tell them how much the world has forgotten. No. On second thoughts – don’t. It would lessen the value of their sacrifice. I for one, salute those brave men and I will not forget their sacrifice. And neither should you.

Latham returns Bush’s Iraq fire

Maybe, but he’s only firing blanks. I’m going to enjoy the caterwauling from the left as they go ballistic about Bush’s answer to a loaded question from an Australian journalist. I thought Bush was fairly reserved considering that Latham had personally insulted him with his “the most incompetent and dangerous president in living memory” statement some months ago. ‘Bomber’ Beasley drops a bomb on the wrong camp with his;
… “The alliance means we work with all sides of US politics. I think the same should apply in reverse.”
Good point, Bomber. What about telling Latham that he should work with all sides of US politics and not call Bush incompetant and his Australian political allies suckholes and arselickers Both sides mate.

PM playing politics: Hicks dad.

From the Courier Mail And Mr Hicks senior isn’t? I Googled “David Hicks” and found a site dedicated to his release. It comes with the usual left wing ‘he’s innocent’ baggage and quotes the non-applicable Geneva Convention. Bob Ellis buys in with this total disregard of facts.
David Hicks has committed, it seems, thought crime against the United States and is being detained and tormented by people unaware of his rights. It’s unlikely they know this, and they should be told.”
Bob, you fool, young David didn’t just think of volunteering to join the Taliban and thus be available to kill US and Aussie troops, he actually did it. I note the US appointed legal rep, Major Mori requests anyone who; # worked with David # employed David, or # has known or knows David to please contact him. Could I suggest he contact the Taliban, they should have some Course Reports on him.

Computers and Dinner

My computer plays up and after wasting a morning trying to recover I give up and call in a guy who’s more nerdier than me. Because I can’t open the big box to get the codes for broadband I hook up an old Pentium 2 laptop to dial-up How did I ever survive at these non-speeds. I opened my 7RAR Association website and it took 4.5 minutes to display the full screen with just a few pics. Give up, watch the idiot box and see Faulkner gloat over a non-victory. I should get the box back tomorrow and then all will be well. Tomorrow night I have a dinner date with a bunch of ex and serving Infantry Officers at the United Services Club in Brisbane. It promises to be a good evening with old friends and as is always the case, a younger, still serving Officer at about Brigadier level will brief us on what is happening. I bet Iraq gets a mention. Otherwise the laptop makes it too slow to blog so will be off and do something useful for a change.

Big Deal

After several months of trying to implicate Howard in the Abu Ghaib Left Wing Extravaganza the Howard haters think they have a victory and that Australia cares. Australian reader Arthur Scotsdale puts the episode into perspective when he says;
SO now the big issue is when Prime Minister John Howard first learned of the prisoner abuse scandal at Abu Ghraib. Fine. But could we also please be told when he first learned that Kennedy had been assassinated? And could he come clean and tell us when he first learned how babies are made? These questions are all of approximately equal relevance to the price of fish, or anything else.
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