Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.

Sweeping stun guns to target crowds

It’s all in the eyes of the beholder. US companies are developing the ability to stun a person over a 100 metres and to even stun groups of people by ‘sweeping’ the weapon across their front. Human rights advocates are screaming already about abuse and over-zealous use I think of riots of young men in Iraq all holding AK47s and prancing and dancing in the maniacle way they do. Zap ’em, take their AK47s away from them and go back to barracks. They wake up with a hangover and no AK to be silly with. Suicide bombers can be rendered unconcious, de-fused and sent home or better still re-fused and sent back to the bastards who sent them. I think it has merit. Check the article here

No Justice for Hicks but who cares?

Ian Barker, QC attacks an Australian editorial from two days ago
CONTRARY to your editorial (15/6), David Hicks will not get his day in court. That has been denied him. He will get his day before a military tribunal, whose members are answerable to the US President who has already branded him as evil. He will have no appeal, and not even a right of release if acquitted. The evidence will probably consist of admissions extracted by a process of interrogation one can only imagine, after two and a half years in custody. Hicks, Habib and others at Guantanamo Bay have been kept in a legal vacuum, at the mercy of whatever directions the US President chooses to give, unburdened by judicial or parliamentary scrutiny. If all this is a fair process, I wonder what The Australian would regard as unfair? You cannot dispose of the problem by assuming Hicks’s guilt, as you have done. That is why we have trials in courts of law, whatever their defects. Rules of decency and due process on the part of governments matter a great deal. It is humiliating for Australia that the Prime Minister did not intervene on behalf of two citizens illegally held on foreign soil by a foreign power. But no. The convoluted reasoning is that they should not be repatriated because they have not offended against Australian law. That should make Australians travelling abroad a touch uneasy.
You might feel humiliated Ian but I don’t. I feel indifference and I think you will find that the vast majority of Australian’s feel the same way. I understand what you are saying Ian, but frankly I don’t give a damn. Your letter is full of legal rights and not one solitary mention of his responsibilities as a humane human. I also understand that even seriel killers who cut up and eat their victims are entitled to legal defence but whatever you say, whatever spin you put on the Military Tribunals, Hicks will get legal reresentation. So whats your point. If an Australian travels overseas and committs a crime in Malaysia or Thailand They are charged under the laws of Malaysia and Thailand so why is Hicks different? Australian Drug Runners have been executed in these countries – did you feel impelled to write to the press then? Maybe your right, it isn’t fair, but we all know it will be a damn site fairer than the WTC obscenity and on balance the US will be be fairer than the Taliban have ever been to their own people. Meanwhile Alan Logan from Victoria sums up the general feelings in the community on Hicks
HAS The Australian conducted a survey to find if any significant number of Australians give a damn about David Hicks? No one I have met cares at all
No one I’ve met care about him either, Alan. Update: Hicks in Training TerroristSchool1.gif

Senator Hill returns fire

God knows what some people think the military are all about. The Government is under fire because reports by junior officers in the ADF mentioned Abu Ghraib and they, the Government, didn’t do what all good Lefties and anti US journalists demand they do. As in why didn’t you start screamimg ‘abuse’ at the US Military eigth months ago? Why didn’t you fall on your sword? Why didn’t you sack General Cosgrove? Why don’t you acknowledge that we, the press, know far more than you? Why on earth aren’t you doing what we suggest? STEVE LIEBMANN from Channel 9’s Today program tries to make Senator Hill confess up to something or other. Anything to keep the saga on the boil. Steve Liebmann;
it’s now known that Australian military lawyers were reporting concerns about human rights abuses in the prisons back to our officials, military officials, eight months before you knew anything about them. Why was that material not passed up the chain of command, at least to you
Senator Hill
Because it was the Red Cross talking about other parties who were running the prisons, not Australians. The Red Cross report didn’t even make it to Australia as we weren’t an occupying power.
Steve insists
But there were 20 or 25 reports
Senator Hill tries to explain again.
You’ve got to remember that this was at the end of the major conflict phase, there were large numbers of prisoners, there were inadequate facilities, overcrowding, difficulties in processing, the prisons were being mortared each night – it wasn’t a satisfactory environment for the holding and proper processing of prisoners…We weren’t running the prisons we just had some lawyers advising constructively
Steve is still trying to get Hill to accept that he is wrong and that Steve is very right. Steve, being a journalist, clearly knows more than the Senator. Why doesn’t the Senator admit it?
Yeah but I mean these reports are coming through, the alarm bells aren’t ringing – does that mean we need a general review of your Department’s efficiency?
Senator Hill:
No, because it wasn’t for us to act upon them. The Red Cross didn’t even deliver the reports to Australia. The Red Cross won’t even give us the reports now because they know it wasn’t our responsibility.
For Christ’s sake can’t you understand English? (my words, not Senator Hill’s) There would have been literally thousands of reports from Iraq submitted by Officers on duty there analysing what they had been involved in, witnessed, advised on and otherwise reporting matters within their field of responsibility. Do the press, the journalists, on a jihad to destroy Howard, really believe that everything goes up the chain. How many reports do you expect Hill, or Cosgrove, or even Howard to read eveyday. They rely on summaries from Defence and thus rely on Senior Defence personnel (Generals and civilians) to anticipate problems that may be hidden in a report. I can’t see anyone anticipating that reports that indicated overcrowding and rough treatment in prisons in a war zone on the eve of a cease-fire would turn into such a witch-hunt. To repeat Senator Hill’s words .. at the end of the major conflict phase, … large numbers of prisoners, … inadequate facilities, overcrowding, difficulties in processing, .. prisons mortared each night – it wasn’t a satisfactory environment for the holding and proper processing of prisoners…We weren’t running the prisons we just had some lawyers advising constructively. It’s not meant to be a three star rest camp situation. In the immediate aftermath of battle these camps and prisons are designed to deny the enemy use of the incarcerated troops. At that point in time commanders and logisticians are flat out supplying and reinforcing their own troops and have to balance removing troops from the battle to POW management. It never works perfectly and anyone that demands it does should try and manage it themselves sometime. Interrogators are called in to sort the wheat from the chaff, the ordinary soldier from the man who knows something. The ordinary soldier is bulk stored until it is safe to send him back home and those who may know something are interrogated. Meanwhile the battle still rages with insurgents and western media doing their best to turn the tide of war in the terrorist’s favour. It’s working fairly well too.

Straight to the Point

This letter from Barry Kennaugh from Claremont, WA to the Editor of the Australian.
BODY Bag Bush certainly has little Johnnie finger-tamed and marching in step to the battle hymn of his republic. Never thought I would see such stupidity twice in my lifetime: all the way with LBJ to Vietnam destroyed so many of my friends’ families and killed over 3 million Vietnamese, it’s time once again for every Australian to stop and think before we all turn into polyester Americans.
Body Bag Bush! Wow! What would this guy call Joe Stalin or Mao Tse Dung. Heroes, I suspect. I guess Barry would rather we all turn into polyester socialists.

Minister for Damage Control busy

Kevin Rudd: White House ‘would welcome’ PM Latham. Well he would say that, wouldn’t he? Poor Kevin Rudd is kept very busy in his Damage Control portfolio trying to keep one step ahead of Latham’s utterings. Clearly if we have a Latham government and a Bush administration the US Australian relationship will not disintegrate-after all it survived Whitlam. But it’s not going to be very friendly. Politics will force Bush to ignore Latham’s outbursts but behind closed doors, in the oval office, Latham will simply be treated as an embarrassing relative. Everyone will simply wait politely while he says his piece and then get on with the real issues the moment he leaves.
“I haven’t picked up anything in Washington which would suggest that Mark Latham would not be welcomed to the White House as any other previous Australian prime minister,” he said.
Then you didn’t ask the right people.
Wendy Sherman, a foreign policy adviser to Democrat presidential candidate John Kerry, told Insiders the White House had been heavy-handed in its criticism of Mr Latham. “I don’t think we would be very happy if prime ministers from other countries got in the middle of our internal politics, our domestic politics,” she said.
Then you should be prepare to be very unhappy. If Latham gets the nod it will happen. We know it’s what he believes and he can’t keep a check on his tongue and a muzzle on the Left forever. If Armitage and Bush are playing politics then so is Wendy Sherman. The problem is, the Minister for Damage Control has had to visit the US and solicit support for an anti-US aspiring PM and quote the support, such as it is, to try and calm down an electorate that wonders how Latham is going to be strong enough to carry all his baggage into the Lodge.

Atrocity Pay Back

The Australian has an article titled Al-Qaeda claims kill as payback and goes on to say;
AN American engineer was killed in a drive-by shooting and another US national was believed kidnapped at the weekend in Saudi Arabia in apparent retaliation for US atrocities at Baghdad’s Abu Ghraib prison.
My dictionary says; Atrocious: adj Extremely, or shockingly wicked or cruel, heinous. Atrocity: n The quality of being attrocious. I’d always used the word Atrocity in connection with events like the Holocaust, the WTC fly-ins, beheading people on video, Palestinian suicide bombers blowing up woman and kids or the IRA blowing up Mountbatten. I must admit that I never though to connect it to sleep deprivation and humiliation interrogation tactics. English is a living language and useage does change but I think it’s been kidnapped by journalists in a game of rising superlatives where the rules only apply to one side.

Under seige and loving it

As I anticipated, the Left attacked me for my post on Prisoners fair game – some with reason and beliefs but some exhibiting such vitriol that their comments say much more about them than me. One says I make him ashamed to be Australian, accuses me of being a moral coward and signs off regards, Peter. Over at Surfdom he is much more pointed;
Kev – as an ex-servie, is probably courageous under gunfire. Alas, he’s also a bit of a moral coward. Because he considers the Iraqis so awful and terrible, he’s willing to drop the ethical bar clanging to the ground. A shame, but that’s life. (I just hope he never went above Corporal.)
Hate to dissapoint you about the Corporal bit – I went a long way past but once I was a corporal and then I was making decisions that effected mens lives and, in fact, their chances of living. It puts a perspective on life that people whose sole source of knowledge is restricted to the written word will never see. Because he considers the Iraqis so awful and terrible… I don’t know where that line come from. Iraqi’s are OK, they’ve had a terrible time and I believe the thrust of the war will help them live better lives. So do they, actually. It’s the terrorists I hate, I have problems with terrorist of whatever nationality. And neither am I suggesting we drop any ethical bar , I’m suggesting there are people who are not aware of where the bar rested in the first place. I’m not suggesting excessive physical violence, murder or rape are acceptable. They are not. But the methods espoused in basic Interrogation are And now it’s plain lack of morals. Now that’s reading a lot into a short post.
Of course, there’s moral relativism and there’s just plain lack of morals.Some people get so bent out of shape because of their political prejudices that they will excuse anything because they fear their side being held accountable and perhaps losing power. And then they try and pretend that the real problem is the other side’s political prejudice, in this case suggesting that anyone who expresses concerns about our guys being the abusers isn’t really concerned about that, only in scoring political points. Talk about projection. If you want get your political arguments and moral perspective from someone who’s happy to consider dropping people out of planes in order to film them falling and dying just so they can say “up yours”, then I guess that’s your choice. I mean, you can either choose to be civilised or you can choose to behave in the same way as those you claim to despise. It’s pretty simple really.
And then they try and pretend that the real problem is the other side’s political prejudice, in this case suggesting that anyone who expresses concerns about our guys being the abusers isn’t really concerned about that, only in scoring political points. Expressing concern is fine – but for six months? How many ways can you express concern. Should you do it every day for a year at the expense of all other stories. Is there a benchmark or is it like the Tampa/Children Overboard/ SIEV saga – everyday until someone notices that the country has gone on to other problems. I’ve never thrown any one out of a plane and don’t intend to. I would have thought most people would see the line about tossing Osama out of a plane etc as a comment on how strongly I feel about him and his obscene crimes against humanity. Still, it’s a pleasant thought. Whatever others think, The Abu Ghraib saga has grown out of all proportion to it’s actuall importance. It’s at risk of becoming a longer saga that the Nurembeg Trials. I’m a sick bastard as well.
Is it permissible for me to express the heartfelt wish that sick bastards like Kev and all the others who seek to justify these crimes, one day find themselves in an Abu Ghraib or some other evil hellhole, at the mercy of similarly evil people? “I come from a harder world”, waffles Kev. Yeah, right. We all come from the same world, you pathetic wanker. People like you just MAKE it harder.
Mate, your comment confirms we come from a different world and I don’t make it harder, I just point out that winning this battle is harder than you can imagine and it is made harder by people dwelling on one mistake and ignoring the strategy and the realities and all the other facets of the campaign. I stand by my statement that the Left are breathing life into a carcase as they hammer at Bush and Howard.

Garrett Trooper

Garrett for preselection. Anti-US, anti-Australian, anti-capitalism, anti-politics (doesn’t vote) and anti-truth (says he did vote). Yep. Good choice. Carmen of Amnsesia will be thrilled. It seems both Latham and Howard are happy about Garrett joining the ALP. It occurs to me that only Howard realizes why. As an aside, I recall during the Vietnam war the US troops had an expression Garrett Trooper. He was the guy with spit polished boots and clean fatigues that never left the base. Never at risk, never responsible for his decisions, always looking good and then went home and claimed heroic actions anyway. From Garret or Garrett…an old military word for Barracks Can any US Vietnam Vets confirm this? A Barry Sadlier ballad springs to mind. Whatever, for me he will always be the Garrett Trooper, all spit polish and no substance.

Hicks charged!

Now the Left have something specific to ignore and/or rationalize
AUSTRALIAN Guantanamo Bay prisoner David Mr Hicks has been charged by the US Government with conspiracy to commit war crimes, attempted murder and aiding the enemy. Mr Hicks is accused of returning to Afghanistan after the September 11 terrorist attacks on America in 2001 to fight against Australian and coalition troops.
How’s that for intent. After the September 11 terrorist attacks while the civilized world recoiled in horror, Hicks joins the fight against Australians and Americans. How can any Australian support him and say they are not supporting terrorism.
On one occasion when al-Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden visited an Afghan camp, Mr Hicks questioned bin Laden about the lack of English in training material and, after accepting bin Laden’s advice, Mr Hicks “began to translate the training camp materials from Arabic to English”, the US alleged.
I’ve got to give it to him, the bastards eager to please. Let me help you kill more of my countrymen and their allies.
Mr Hicks was also allegedly interviewed by Muhammad Atef, an al-Qaeda military commander, about his background and “the travel habits of Australians”.
“It is alleged Mr Hicks armed himself with an AK-47 automatic rifle, ammunition, and grenades to fight against coalition forces.”
I’ve met a lot of men carrying AK47s in my time but I never one that I could bond with. To help the Left formulate their rationalization strategy here are the charges.
The three charges Mr Hicks faces are: CONSPIRACY to commit war crimes; ATTEMPTED murder by an unprivileged belligerent; and, AIDING the enemy. If convicted, the prosecution will not seek the death penalty.
How’s that for Western decadance. While the Terrorists are slitting our citizens throats for prime time TV without the benefit of a crime or a trial we counter by not even seeking the death penalty. have the story here

Prisoners fair game

In the mid 60s I was a young soldier posted to the Intelligence Centre at Woodside South Australia. During the course of my time there I was detailed as staff on what was then called a Code of Conduct course. Maybe it still is, I don?t know. Young officers and NCOs would do the course to prepare them for war service so, if captured, they were at least aware of the interrogation methods of the enemy. They would volunteer and arrive at the Intelligence Centre all ready for a week in the classroom studying Communists and other terrorist organizations. That?s not what happened. They were put in a truck and were told they were going for a trip to look over the camp. A mile up the track the truck was ambushed, the students were captured in a very realistic and frightening manner (read shots fired, explosions, rough manhandling and rifle butts in the ribs) and they were bundled off to a camp we had built in the hills. The role of the staff was to break these officers and NCOs within four days. They were interrogated, forced to sleep in cells 1.5 m by 1.5 m that were designed NOT to give them a good night sleep. To small to lie down in, to low to sit up comfortably and the floor was large grade blue metal stone that neither encouraged sleeping nor sitting up. The temperatures at Woodside in June are in single figures Celsius. They were subject to sleep deprivation, hosed with high pressure hoses at random times like 02.30 and subject to sense disruption. The cells were blacked out so day or night was undistinguishable, and they were hooded when out of their cages, propaganda was blasted over loudspeakers at an unsafe level and they were manhandled to the point of bruising. They were stripped naked, hosed in cold temperatures and humiliated by staff. They were subjected to trails by Kangaroo Court, found guilty and given a death sentence. One guilty man was taken outside and a shot rang out. One of the students still inside the room feinted. After four days they were totally disorientated and were on the verge of believing what was happening to them was real, even though they knew they were on a course. Check out a man after 48 sleep deprivation ? he is functioning on the edge and after 72 hours the brain is loosing coordination. Then you question him and maybe the answers save lives. They volunteered. That?s what we do, us professionals. We are often harder on ourselves than on the enemy. We have to understand what it takes to get information out of a man that may, and often does, save lives. And we have to know how to withstand interrogation. If you have been brought up on WW2 movies with clever interrogators outsmarting the German pilot and learning his secrets just by clever script writing then forget it. It didn?t happen that way and it still doesn?t. This is not a profession for wimps. This is soldiering. We have to be this hard to protect our citizens against terrorism and sometimes, against themselves. So what the hell is going on in Abu Ghraib? Nothing untoward has been stated so far. Taking a camera into the centre and snapping happy shots with sexual connotations was pretty stupid but that?s about it. You see, the end does justify the means. Outside of murder or permanent damage; sense and sleep deprivation, some ego destroying humiliation and just a little bit of biff is OK while it saves lives. If you don?t like it – if its to much for your sensitive liberal upbringing then don?t read about it. just let us get on with trying to save your over protected indulgent self. I don?t mind if you have led a protected life and think these things that happen in war are so? well terrible. Just let the soldiers do what they have to do. You think Abu Ghraib is all about human rights? You?re wrong. Abu Ghraib is all about an attack on Bush and Howard. The suffering of the poor dears in prison is of no import to the left. Don?t kid yourself that they feel for them. They only care about the damage it can do the US. And while we?re on the subject, why is it that the International Rules of War only apply to us Westerners? If we apply these so called rules to war then we are condemned to fail. The media demand the US behave like Amnesty International undergrads and don?t even talk of WTC or the USS Cole or a dozen other obscenities. The Terrorists can blow up our woman and kids but we can?t soften up Iraqi thugs for interrogation to try and prevent it happening again. The Taliban decapitate woman for adultery and we can?t lock up Hicks, a Taliban soldier, for volunteering to kill Coalition forces. He could have been in a position to kill an Australian and although he was most probably not professional enough to succeed, he would have tried. The left argue for a set of conditions and rules that flies in the face of every thing that happens in war. They demand the military be nice and humane to the Iraqi thug while the young soldier guarding him has just came back on watch after viewing Nick Berg?s 30 seconds of fame. Read him a bedside story, Sergeant, and tuck him in. There were no rights in 1944 and Allied and Axis troops were shot dead on sight over the first few days of the invasion ? armed or not ,and I don?t blame them. It was that attitude that gave us the freedoms we have today ? the ones we are fighting for. It sure as hell wasn?t anything that a Human Rights lawyer said or did. As indicated earlier I come from a harder world. While others of my generation were getting high on weed and giggling over Marx, quoting Mao Tse Dung, and having fun supporting the enemy at Moratoriums I was picking up the pieces of their insanity and listening to the headman of a village weep over his wife and daughter raped, sliced and diced on the orders of a Marx/Ho Chi Minh inspired and Western Press supported political commissar. Myself, I would give serious consideration to free-falling Osama Bin Laden from an aircraft at a height roughly equivalent to that distance people fell from the upper floors of the WTC. I would have the DZ fenced and populated by pigs and I would video the whole fall and the aftermath and offer the tape to AL Jazira. Transmit this, you bastards!
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