Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.

Political Compass.

Went on over to Deltoid and underwent a political compass assessment. Surprised myself. I thought my compass needle would have swung more to the right than it did. The result will surprise others as well. Maybe I’m just feeling a little bit soft this morning….only two mugs of coffee too date. I need a fix to get me back on the attack mode.

Aussies most welcome

The US has created a special visa for Australians to work in the US. Until now Aussies have had to compete for a 65,000 visa issue worldwide – now we have our own bucket of 10,500 visas to dip into.
Some 10,500 E3 visas will be issued annually to Australians with tertiary qualifications who have job offers from American employers, including universities, government departments and businesses. There is no age limit.
The bill found no opposition in the Senate.
There was no debate on the provision, which was passed unanimously by the Senate, but it is believed that there was widespread support for the new visas, given Australia’s close relationship with the US.
Another flow-on from the Free Trade Agreement and rightly supporting the US in it’s fight against terrorism. It’s funny, but I notice the Left have stopped carping about how the agreement was going to be the ruin of Australia’s industry.
Trade Minister Mark Vaile hailed the new visa as “a significant breakthrough” that would allow Australian business to capitalise on the opportunities created by the free-trade agreement with the US.
Bloody Howard, just keeps on winning. Wonder if the Kiwis got any extra visas?

Worlds oldest shoe found

Archaeologists have found a 2,000 year old shoe in Britain.
LONDON: Archaeologists said Tuesday they believed they had dug up Britain’s oldest shoe, dating from the early Iron Age about 2,000 years ago.
The article says the shoes might be for a man, but if not, I bet the poor husband had to walk all the way to Italy to get them for his wife.

Good one Kim

There is a risk inherant in opposing for opposings sake. Kim and his team of wonders has decided to block all tax cuts in the Senate. Howard and Costello can’t believe their good luck and can’t wait to get the budget to the Senate so Kim can knock it back. The move should get extra votes for the ALP from…mmm….can’t think of any group actually.
Labor has blundered strategically and tactically and many of its members know it. The decision of Kim Beazley’s leadership team to oppose all the tax cuts and the abolition of the superannuation surcharge has suddenly made Labor the issue.
It’s raining in Brisbane but there is always some sunshine creeping through.

Indonesia – Strange place

An American expatriate living in SEA has this article about Abu Bakar Ba’asyir the head of Jemaah Islamiyah in Indonesia currently serving a paltry 30 months for his Bali, Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden links, that states Abu is likely to be released soon. According to the post;
The prosecution did have a hard time convicting Abu Baka Ba’asyir that the 30 month sentence was in actuality given simply to placate both Australia and the United States.
Elsewhere in Indonesia a Councillor forges his high school diploma and gets three years Better not be true. Still, knowing Indonesia it most probably is true.

Media Watch watch

How sweet the sound of Liz Jackson of Media Watch getting confused about the blogging world. Rattling on last night in an attack against Janet Albrechtson and local Brisbane blogger, Arthur Chrenkoff, Liz makes a huge point of the fact that Arthur’s articles on the Wall Street Journal’s website Opinion Journal are not published by the Wall street Journal. Maybe the ABC should tell the Wall Street Journal to remove their logo from the site as it’s confusing Liz. With Wall Street Journal links all over the Opinion Journal page and vise versa I don’t quite accept Liz’s arguement that;
Good News from Iraq is not published on the highly respected Wall Street Journal website — it’s a blog published by a sister site.
Chrenkoff has mentioned the Media Watch attack as has Tim Blair. Go there and be sure to read the comments. They are illuminating. If Media Watch feel obliged to attack bloggers, then our pressure on the MSM is being felt. It is, in effect, a compliment to Arthur for all the hard yards he does in trying to balance the MSM bias and will give him a hits boost. Liz’s bias is plain to see for all those that care and her prattling on about minor details only tends to reinforce this bias. To prove she isn’t biased, Liz finds a suitable quote about the Iraq War.
Being a foreign correspondent in Baghdad these days is like being under virtual house arrest… I leave when I have a very good reason to and a scheduled interview. I avoid going to people’s homes and never walk in the streets … I … can’t strike up a conversation with strangers, can’t look for stories, can’t drive in anything but a full armoured car, can’t go to the scenes of breaking stories, … can’t take a road trip, can’t say I’m American, can’t linger at check points, can’t be curious about what people are saying, doing, feeling. — Farnaz Fassihi, 29 Sept 2004
Ah, that’s better, it’s negative. Good show, Arthur. Keep up your ‘Good News’ series and publish it where you will. People will seek you out for what you say that the MSM doesn’t and will not give a fig about you’re being paid or not. Nor will they care if they have to click once to follow the link. Update: This is getting serious and for the record I think the word Chrenkhoffgate needs to be mentioned. At Tim Blairs place he has follow up pieces at Media Watch II and Media Watch III

News in brief

The BBC let one through to the keeper and actually published a positive article about Iraq. Reading it, waiting for the negative spin to hit me, I noted the comments on the BBC changing spots was penned by Australian blogger Arthur Chrenkoff. Good to see you getting around, Arthur. In Far North Queensland the communities of Bamaga and Injinoo are in shock, as is the rest of Australia, as we suffer our first multiple death plane crash for decades. Not only have the communities lost valuable members but the police force have lost one of their own as 28 year old Constable Sally Urquhart died. Her fiancee, CONSTABLE Trad Thornton learned of her death when police colleagues unwittingly called for the passenger manifest from a commercial plane that was missing. Poor bugger. Also killed was scientist David Banks, who had worked tirelessly to keep pests and diseases out of Australia. The area of the crash is very remote and coincidently, I will be travelling up there in June on an expedition to Cape York, at sea level, in a 4WD. In Europe, France releases a documentary under the ‘Put shit on the US’ programme that accuses a US submarine of torpedeoing the Kursk nuclear sub’ Nothing like a good conspiracy theory to get press coverage and bums on seats .
BBC editor Nick Fraser called the claim a “pack of lies” and has refused to air the documentary, which attracted a record audience of more than 4 million when it screened on French TV.
Must be flakey if the BBC won’t run it. I bet the Australian SBS network will grab it though. Just wait a bit and we’ll be able to view it in Australia on ‘The Cutting Edge’.

Sorely missed

Jim Sorely, a local red ragger, was Lord Mayor of Brisbane for some years and now has a column in the local Sunday Mail. (scroll down) I’m told that senior people at the Mail would rather they didn’t have to carry his byline but have little choice. Sorely prattles on about Philip Roth who has recently published a ‘what if this happened’ novel, making Jim wonder;
… if 50 years down the track some creative author will write a book of speculative fiction about a wise, peace-loving president who is elected to lead the US instead of George W. Bush in 2000.
Who knows, Jim, maybe someone will and if they do the story-line is already available Let’s say John Kerry was elected as President. Surely he would fit your ‘wise, peace loving’ definition, wouldn’t he? I mean he was peace-loving enough to roll over to the communists during the Vietnam War so I guess he’d definitely fit the bill. Well, on hearing Kerry had been elected, El Quaeda and the Taliban would have celebrated a victory and started planning more battles in the fight against the Infidels. The WTC and Bali obscenities would have been repeated in other cities as the US military withdrew under Kerry’s orders to defend Stateside only. (a left wing mantra). The UN, now emboldened, would continue their Iraq embargo with Koffi Annan, his son and a host of minions taking bribes while Saddam would have maintained his WMD programme with money that was supposed to be for health and education. He would have used some of that money to slaughter more of those annoying Kurds and anyone else who even mouthed the word Democracy. In Afghanistan the Taliban, now aware that no-one cared about small people, woman and kids, would be applying Sharia law where woman would be, and had been previously, stoned to death for adultry; where girls are forbidden an education and all education resolves around the time-honoured formula that guarantees society stays in the 12th century. Sounds better all the time, Jim. Recruiting for the El Quaeda would’ve skyrocketed with psycopaths from all over the Middle East queing up to punch Uncle Sam and her allies in the nose. The front would have opened up to include all US bases in the Middle East as the terrorists forced the US back to the mainland. There would be no dream of democracy in Iraq; Syria would not have withdrawn from Lebanon; the Mullahs in Iran would not be worried about the creep of democracy and their people would not be demanding it. The Saudi princes would still be looking forward to a lifetime in power and would not even be considering giving their people the vote. Even with Arafat dead, Palestine extremists would still be blowing up Israeli woman and kids and you, Jim, would be happy with the status quo. Thank God Phillip Roth’s novel was only fiction and you have no power to force your foolish dreams on the populace.
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