Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.

Shanahan’s slant on the news

Dennis Shanahan tends his weekly beat-up of the Liberal leadership fight that starts and ends with his columns but in another article stems the flood on anti-Indonesian feeling in Australia about Corby and the Bali Nine (and counting). Dennis also has an article on the ALP’s response to the budget claiming Stephen Smith claims five reasons for happiness in justifying Labours strange reaction to the budget but after having written the article he sat back and where can I insert a mention of the liberal leadership fight. He managed it;
Just a week after the most frazzled budget in the history of the Howard Government was finalised and bitter relations between John Howard and Costello were destined to overshadow the budget…
I’m just surprised that he didn’t slip in a ‘bitter relations’ line in the Bali piece. If you only read Dennis you could be forgiven for thinking there was a leadership split happening next week. He wishes.

Schapelle will be doin’ time

Bill Nicholson writes to the Editor of the Courier Mail saying everyone he talks to thinks Schapelle Corby is innocent and adds;
…If she is found gulity, the sentence will be seen as an obvious miscarrige of justice and will be deeply resented by almost all Australians.
I’m glad Bill included the rider ‘almost’ as everyone I talk to thinks she’s guilty. Bill needs to talk to more people, get out and around more and stop asking silly-weed smokers for their opinion. As much as I would like to think she’s inncocent I have yet to read or hear of anything that proves this is the case. Nine days to go for a verdict. UPDATE: The Jakarta Post quotes Indonesia’s Foreign Minister Hassan Wirayuda who said;
… that he had not received a formal letter from Australia regarding a prisoner transfer, but that his government would consider it. “In the practices of international relations, the handing over of convicts to their original country is not a strange thing,” Hassan said. “We are open, but what is needed is an agreement on transfer of prisoners that is effective in general.”
The newspaper also mentions that the case is attracting a lot of press in Australia.
However, the government of Prime Minister John Howard has been under intense pressure to act Corby’s behalf. The case has received massive media attention in Australia, where most respondents to television station polls saying they believe Corby is innocent.
Must be talking about the Ch 9 poll.

Torture Recommended

John Quiggin raises the issue of a SMH report that reports two Australian academics are advocating the legalisation of torture. In the SMH Mirko Bagaric says;
“Let’s say that straight after the first plane hit in New York you had a person in custody who admitted they had overheard the [September 11] organisers’ plans and knew there were going to be further attacks, but then refused to say any more. “In those circumstances you would start with a minimum degree of harm; if that didn’t work, you would escalate it. And if that unfortunately resulted in an innocent person being killed, in those circumstances that would be justified. I think as a society we would accept that one person being killed to save thousands is legitimate.”
I’m sorry, I don’t see what’s wrong with that statement, although killing the guy is a bit counter-productive. Hard to get life-saving info from a corpse. For all the bleading hearts about to attack…you will simply never know just how much of this type of thing has contributed to the society that you enjoy today.

Another step

Kuwaiti women win political rights
Kuwait’s parliament has granted women the right to vote and stand in elections for the first time in the Gulf state’s history.
Could be goos good news. Wonder where they got that idea from?
The decision on Monday, finalised after several years of debate, was passed by a 35-23 vote after one legislator abstained.
Not unanimous but hey, it’s a start,

Newsweek aids and abetts Taliban

This weeks Newsweek, courtesy of Michael Isikoff and John Barry, release this story which sparks riots in Afghanistan leaving 15 dead and years of hard work up in smoke and then release this account of how Newsweek got it wrong. The military are still to blame. True, one would have to question a group of people who riot and kill each other because of a story about a book being damaged but I think Newsweek rushed the story to press, as trivial and unimportant as it was, to get an anti-Bush/Military article on the newsstands. Austin Bay posts and mentions that news and pictures travels so fast and far in today’s e-world that Editors need to be aware of the ramifications of what they print because it’ll be read by some savage in the mountains of Afghanistan that very day. They are not writing for their readers in the Western world but for everybody in the world with all their weird thoughts on what is right or wrong One particular reader leaves a telling comment,
AUSTIN: I’m on my way back to Kabul, as I typically do every summer, but my family is completely opposed to my travel and work this year in Afghanistan even though I’ve safely transited there, in and out of State and UN/NGO service for nearly 20 years. The word I receive from Kabuli friends is that Isikoff has singlehandedly turned US triumph in the country to a total disaster. It was thought an anamoly last summer that some wonderful–and tragically forgotten–American DynCorps workers (mostly ex-military and my good friends) were killed in an environment that was pro-American to the core. That could be seen as a terrible tragedy, an unreasonable sad event impinging on an overall positive atmosphere–a last ditch effort by desperate Al Qa’eda remnants from outside Afghanistan to vent anger at the overwhelming success of the Americans. Now thanks to one Bush-hating reporter (google Isikoff if you doubt his intentions,) the recidivist Taliban-Pathans of southeast Afghanistan once again have an issue to de-legitimize the Karzai-US alliance. This is a disaster perpetrated by a single reckless reporter…will he ever be required to answer for his sins? Fifteen dead so far…how many more? The streets of Afghanistan, just days ago filled with pro-American citizens, are now roiled with hatred. What has Newsweek wrought? Who will call Isikoff to answer in courts or Congress for his destruction of an important alliance? GW…it’s time for you to step up to the plate and talk directly about this issue, this renegade journalist, to both the American public and the Afghan people.
MSM treatment of the misdemeanours at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo have done nothing but damage the fight against terrorism, giving the fanatics, both left wing and Moslem, the chance to rant about the evil US. Evil is slitting some innocent’s throat or forcing youths to blow themselves up in the presence of women and kids. It is not taking happy snaps of tied up prisoners. Neither is flushing pages from a book down the toilet. This type of rubbish enflames and emboldens weirdos and subsequently lengthens the war. Soldiers die because of this rubbish and still it comes. Can we expect the Left to mention the futile deaths in Afghanistan and apportion blame to the media.. No. Can we expect a meaningful apology from Newsweek. No UPDATE: Another viewpoint via Silent Running UPDATE II:Quote of the day from Right Wing News
“The media does in fact have an impressive fact-checking system. If a quote or purported fact portrays Republicans, the military, or America generally in a positive light, they check it to death to make sure they’re not spreading propaganda. But… if the quote or purported fact portrays those things in a negative light, it pretty much gets into print with only the most cursory once-over by the editors. If it agrees with their basic world-view — if it feels “right” in their gut — then it runs.
Sounds about right to me.


Nappisan for Menopause. Dear Nappisan I’m writing to say what an excellent product you have! I’ve used it since the beginning of my married life, when my Mom told me it was the best. Now that I am older and going through menopause, I find it even better! In fact, about a month ago, I spilled some red wine on my new white blouse.My unfeeling and uncaring husband started to berate me about how clumsy I was and generally started becoming a pain in the neck. One thing led to another and I ended up with a lot of his blood on my white blouse. I tried to get the stain out using a bargain detergent, but it just wouldn’t come out. After a quick trip to the supermarket, I purchased a bottle of liquid Nappisan with bleach alternative, and to my surprise and satisfaction, all of the stains came out! In fact, the stains came out so well, that when the detectives who came by yesterday told me that the DNA tests on my blouse were negative and then my attorney called and said that I would no longer be considered a suspect in the disappearance of my husband. What a relief! I thank you, once again, for having such a great product. Well, gotta go. I have to write a letter to the Glad bag people… Signed, A Relieved Menopausal Wife

Archives on the way

Since moving from MT to WordPress and swapping servers I have struggled with archives. Stressed at loosing a few years of posts, comments, snide asides, sarcastic answers and proof positive of the idiocy of the left, I turned to Gary (the legend) Gravett for help. Gary has recovered all the archives with just a couple of hours work and they will be posted back on my site within 24 hours. Thanks Gary. Your effort is all the more appreciated considering at one stage, I recall Jason Soon accusing you of being an uneducated code illiterate RWDB that doesnt read books. In the process I have found archives on my computer from when I blogged before Blogger, before MT and before WordPress. Published with Dreamweaver 4 these comments date back to 2002. My world is almost in order again.

Women in Uniform

Tim Dunlop posts on No Women please, we’re Americans I wonder exactly what experience base he is using. In the US, a a House subcommittee approved a measure yesterday that would ban women from serving in certain support units in a bid to keep them out of “direct ground combat.” Tim quotes an American retired Army Officer at A Silent Cacophony who has a firm opinion about women in uniform who, amongst other things says,
Moreover, in the unit over which I was given command, four of the five senior sergeants were females, and for the remainder of my career in uniform, those four women would rank among the finest, most loyal and capable soldiers with whom I would ever be privileged to serve So, I learned early on, first hand, that limiting the positions to which women could be assigned in the Army was just plain wrong, and served no logical organizational purpose.
I’m with the man on the first part of the extract but disagree with him on the second. To say he found the women under his command in the given circumstances of that time, place, and nature of unit … among the finest, most loyal and capable soldiers with whom I would ever be privileged to serve does not mean that limiting the positions to which women could be assigned in the Army was just plain wrong. The point is, the good retired officer doesn’t draw the line between combat and support units and suggests we should let women serve where they will. Well, I’m a retired Army Officer with considerable experience commanding troops in war and peace and I would like to point out the problem isn’t a simple as some would believe. Continue reading »

Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics

The same report but different spin. The Times Online have an article by Richard Beeston in Baghdad headed Iraqis soldier on without power, water, jobs, sewers
“This survey…. for the UN Development Programme…released by the Ministry of Planning….shows a rather tragic situation of the quality of life in Iraq,” Planning Minister Barham Salih said. “These statistics reflect the contrast between the wealth of this country and the deteriorating level of all vital sectors.”
The report said that unemployment was now more than 18 per cent, compared with just over 3 per cent in the 1980s.
Meanwhile, in the Courier Mail, Omar Anwar, reporting from Baghdad quotes a survey, conducted by the Iraqi Ministry of Planning and the United Nations Development Program….
Unemployment is running at 50 per cent, the survey found, raising questions over whether a growing number of young Iraqi men will join the rebels.
His article is headed “Despite its wealth, Iraq falls apart” Over at CNN, a report quoting the same joint survey from the Iraqi government and United Nations, take a more positive view;
While there has been progress since Saddam Hussein’s fall, “these data depict a very tragic picture of the quality of life,” Iraqi transitional Planning Minister Barham Salih said.
and have a different take on the stats,
Iraq’s unemployment rate was 10.5 percent of a population of 27 million people, the report found. When the figure of workers who had given up looking for a job — discouraged workers — was included, the unemployment number increased to 18.4 percent.
I think the only thing we can be sure of is Iraq has an unemployment problem, the magnitude of which varies with the journalist’s or Editor’s politics. The Left will be devastated to read that the much quoted Lancet report that totaled 100,000 dead as a result of the war has been downsized to less than 30,000 by the UN report. This won’t stop them quoting the 100,000 figure though. Ten bucks says it’ll be used in some letter to the Editor next week. 30,000 dead is still a bad number but not if the vast majority were terrorists supporting Saddam during the early stages of the war or fighting against democracy in more recent times. The CNN take on the deaths says 12% were under 18 but perception between East and West is very stark when considering the ages of man. The mothers in downtown Sydney, London or New York will think …Oh my God..they’re just children. In Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Palestine and Syria mothers will still be weeping over their lost children but the photos they cry over will, more often than not, show their young son with an AK47 in his hands. From the Eastern extremities of Afhanistan to a line drawn through Angola, Zambia and Zimbabwe there are literally millions of sub 18 year old armed men in uniform fighting and dying for what their Mullahs believe in. That is the nature of the beast.
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