Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.

Good news week

Five peace activists, including a woman who acted as a ‘human shield’ before the Iraq war, face up to seven years’ jail for breaking into a top secret military base in central Australia.
Former ‘human shield’ Donna Mulhearn, who was abducted and briefly held by militants in the Iraqi flashpoint city of Fallujah in April last year, was among those charged with commonwealth offences.
It just gets better and better, Bryan Law, the anti-ADF wanker from Cairns has been caught in the bag as well.
Those charged include Mulhearn, 37, of Sydney, Jim Dowling, 50, of Dayboro near Brisbane, Brian Law, 51, of Cairns, Adele Goldie, 29, of Brisbane, and Sean O’Reilly, 47, of Brisbane.

Barnaby trumped

Imagine if you will the smug confidence of Barnaby Joyce yesterday as he strolled across the floor to vote against the VSU legislation. The whole nation watching as he prepares to exert his disproportionate power – offering his best profile and mentally basking in his soon-to-be place in Australia’s political history where he alone stopped the power of those most terrible of all beasts – the Conservatives. The ALP/ACTU/nodding approvingly while student union representatives start budgeting more funds for printing Anti-Howard brochures and to pay for union junkets in a city of their choice where they can revell in an orgy of motions to the conference that fly in the face of almost everything that Australians hold dear. Then, while Barnaby has everyones attention, picture Senator Fielding quietly voting for the legislation giving Howard, and Australia, another victory against unrepresentative power. Priceless! Maybe one of my readers could give me lessons on textualizing triumphant giggles. Tee hee hee doesn’t seem to do the circumstances justice.

Fun days

Many years ago I owned a Honda 125 CB motorcycle. Hardly a ‘hog’, it would never get me membership of the local chapter of the Hells Angels but it allowed me to get to work cheaply and we were saving for our first home. I brought it on a Saturday and drove it to work from Holsworthy to Chatswood on Monday and that must be about 25 or 30 miles of Sydney peak hour traffic. In the intervening days I had to learn how to ride the thing. All my lifeI have suffered from an indominable self-confidence that when confonted with something new always has me thinking …It can’t be too hard – others do it. This mentality has got me into a lot of trouble over the years but I did master a lot of skills….eventually…after some bad starts. On my first try of my “teach yourself how to ride a bike” program I treed the honda and myself in a shrub in the front yard. The bike ended up on it’s side putting victoriously, the kids quickly went from wide eyed to wet eyed as they laughed their little irreverant heads off, but what hurt most was my wife’s uncontrolled mirth. I eventually learnt to control the bike and avoid all those hazards of Sydney traffic except one. The big black labrador. On Sunday mornings I would mount the bike and drive like the Wild One up to the local store to buy the papers, milk and bread. Along the way lived a cranky old labrador who always came out barking at any trespassers in his territory, which in his mind included the road, and frightening the living bejeesus out of them. Employing the Infantry tactic of “when in doubt attack first”I thought I would settle the road access arguement once and for all and as he came out to attack I balanced myself and gave him an almighty kick in the ribs delivered at 25 mph plus whatever velocity my swinging leg added. No shoes…broke my toe….lots of pain….kill the mongrel. It’s very hard to adopt a feotal crouch at that speed but it’s all I wanted to do. I eventually slowed the bike down with the handbrake and could finally grab my toe and roll around in pain in a manner most unbecoming of an Infantry Sergeant, uttering threats to the dog, who by now had accepted defeat on the road access issue. From that day on he associated moving objects on the road with extreme pain and let them pass unmolested. From that day on I decided to be more mature about arguing with animals while improperly dressed. We both learnt. This little incident in my past was brought to mind by a comment over at Tim Blair’s in a thread that included Labradors and squirrels. One reader left a link to a bikie having an altercation with a squirrel. Go read, it’s funny.

Fairfax still in trouble

FAIRFAX announced a new editor of The Sunday Age last night as the publisher prepared to distribute a list to staff today of 60 journalists across its flagship titles in Sydney and Melbourne who will be made redundant as it attempts to slash costs. Just deserts for targeting a left-wing anti-Howard readership. There isn’t enough of them to pay the bills.
In the Herald’s Canberra bureau, senior political correspondent Mike Seccombe and arts writer Lauren Martin had their redundancy confirmed, but it was unclear whether columnist Alan Ramsey was leaving.
We can always live in hope that clarity prevails and Alan Ramsey is given his marching orders. Maybe the newspaper in some hippy colony like Nimbin could take him on and thus restrict his confused utterings to those who might agree. The rest of us need a break.

It’s official: too much sex saps male brains

For what it’s worth.

MALE animals can produce a lot of sperm or grow big brains but cannot do both, according to a study that may confirm the suspicions of many women.

Dr Pitnick said: “The road to sexual success can lie in being clever, in being a dull yet well-armed brute that can fight for paternity, in being spectacularly ornamented, or in providing a rich cocktail of seminal fluids and costly sperm.”

Pretty well covers most of the male clientele cruising the night club scene on Friday nights.

Poor, poor Saddam

WAVING a finger and pounding his desk, Saddam Hussein has told the judges in his trial to “go to hell” and vowed not to return to court.

I noted on TV last night that the judge said the trial would go on without Saddam if necessary. Some legal reader may enlighten me here…how on earth does Saddam have a choice as to whether he attends or not.

I would’ve thought he would be dragged off to court every day it sat.

I also note Saddam has redefined terrorism. Not for him the old definitions of terrorism that included beheading of innocents, blowing up woman and children and police on duty.

Oh no, Saddam now complains that;

… he and the seven other defendants were tired and had been deprived of opportunities to shower, have a change of clothes, exercise or go for a smoke.

“This is terrorism,” he declared.

It would appear he has caught the bug that affects his supporters in the Left. Anything can be defined as terrorism, just like torture.

Change the rules to suit the arguement.

Parliament passes terror laws

PARLIAMENT today handed the Federal Government sweeping new powers to crack down on home-grown terrorists after months of heated debate over civil liberties. Naturally their was an outcry from the usual suspects
The Australian Greens, the Democrats and the Law Council today accused Labor of selling out civil rights by supporting the Bill, which will give unprecedented powers to police and spy agencies.
The main points in the anti-terror laws: * CONTROL orders to monitor terrorism suspects; * PREVENTATIVE detention of suspects without charge for up to 14 days; * 16 to 18-YEAR-OLDS suspected of terrorism can be subject to control and detention orders; * SEVEN-YEAR jail terms for urging violence against the government or sections of the community; * TOUGHER police stop, search and seizure powers; * POLICE and ASIO powers to examine passenger and business information; * BROADER use of surveillance cameras at transport hubs; * OMBUDSMAN to oversee police use of new powers; * PARLIAMENT to receive reports on police powers; * TEN-YEAR expiry date and five-year review of laws; * LAW Reform Commission to review sedition laws in 2006. The Greens can worry about selling out civil rights, I’m just pleased that we are taking the terrorist matter seriously. The only people who have anything to worry about are those who would seek to harm our citizens and put simply, I don’t care about the rights of any such murdering thugs.

Muslims need to look at themselves

Why is it necessary to attack one religion to defend another, asks Salam Zreika Maybe Julia Irwin attacked one religion to defend another but her arguement doesn’t hold water. Nevertheless Salam applauds her.
I would like to applaud Labor’s Julia Irwin for standing up and making statements on behalf of Muslims in Australia.
Pointing out that some ancient text supported and even advocated violence to the same extent as the Koran doesn’t support Muslims in Australia at all. It simply underlines the fact that Christians left that shit behind a millenium ago and some Muslim fanatics haven’t. Haven’t noticed any Christians deliberately targeting woman and kids lately and then excusing themselves by saying “the Devil made me do it”….or “the Bible says I should pluck out a disbelievers eye” or whatever. Salam again;
What bothers me the most is that most people would agree with Anglican minister David West at Woollahra when he says: “It is easy to characterise people by the actions of minority groups. Christian fundamentalism in its extreme forms does not represent mainstream Christian thinking” which, of course, is true.
Of course it’s true but it’s only half the truth. Christian fundamentalism does not represent mainstream Christian thinking – nor do they blow up Muslims. Muslim fundamentalism does not represent mainstream Muslim thinking but the difference is they blow up christians …Muslims…anyone. Worse than this – I doubt there are any Christian clerics advocating their parishoners go and out and kill Muslims yet there are some Muslim clerics in Australia who are advocating the reverse. I think Salam Zreika might first agitate to get the errant Muslim clerics to shut up before he tells us to. Very few Australians would blame all Muslims but the problem is within the Muslim society, not with us Christians so start there Salam and good luck. The new anti-terror laws will help the country to rid us of these extremists and I suggest all your efforts should be targeting your own portion of society, not ours.

Sedition Laws

Now that the ACTU/ALP commentariat have predicatbly lost the IR battle they now attack the sedition laws. At larvatusprodeo Mark tries to build a case for the government to arrest him because he’s buying and reading anarchist books and in so doing is financially supporting sedition. The Sedition Laws have been in existance longer than most Left wing Howard haters have and this is the first time in all those years that the Left feel they propose a threat. To answer your stupid question – no Mark, you will not be arrested for buying stupid anarchist books. What you have to do is publically encourage people to take over the government by violent means; to encourage or teach terrorist to blow up Parliament House or the Sydney Harbour Bridge. You need to do something like go overseas and complete a terrorist course on explosions and suicide bombing and then return to Australia and try and conduct a terrorist mission. The country and it’s policing agencies are well used to the Left wing’s pathetic posturing on these matters and treat them with the ignore they deserve. The Left’s issue about free speach is a non issue. Laws already exist that limit free speach; It’s OK to dissent, to call Howard a war monger, or in my case, Whiltam a fool . That’s OK but as soons as I threaten to kill Whitlam it’s not. In the meantime, inspite of this pathetic posturing, the Sedition Laws will be maintained and ASIO et al will be able to lock up terrorists prior to their blowing up Australian citizens. Like the IR laws guys, the new Anti-Terror bill is going to become law and as a result, Australia will be a better and safer place.

Blast ‘kills al-Qaeda commander’

From the BBC. Pakistan says a top al-Qaeda commander has been killed in the country’s tribal belt along the Afghan border.
Egyptian-born Abu Hamza Rabia, described as al-Qaeda’s operational commander, was among five militants killed in a blast in North Waziristan.
MSNBC reports that bringing Hamza Rabia to justice was a CIA operation
Local residents said that the men were killed by an unknown number of missiles fired by an unmanned Predator aircraft. The witnesses said that missile remnants bearing U.S. markings remain in the area. They also said they had heard six explosions, but it is uncertain how many of these were the result of missile attacks and how many may have been the result of the missiles detonating explosives inside the safehouse.
Good stuff.
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