Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.

African thugs pick wrong woman

A Melbourne woman has foiled a gang of masked bandits by kicking one of them in the groin. Police say four men in face masks and bandanas ambushed the 21-year-old Brunswick woman and a male companion in Railway Place West at Flemington, in the city’s north, about 11pm (AEDT).
After stopping the couple to ask the time, one of the men tried to grab the woman’s handbag, but when she resisted and kicked him, the gang ran off empty handed.
Atta girl! She should be able to dine out on that kick for years.
Police said the offenders were of African appearance and aged in their late teens or early 20s.
Oh my god. The police have racially profiled the perps. I thought that was a no-go in Melbourne

Dubai PM dies in Australia

Sheikh Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the prime minister and vice-president of the United Arab Emirates, has died. This would not normally attract much attention here in Australia but the man actually died just down the highway at the Gold Coast. From
He died on the Gold Coast at the Palazzo Versace resort from a suspected heart attack.The horse racing figure was in Australia in preparation for the Magic Millions yearling sales. Arrangements are being made at Brisbane International Airport to fly his body home.
In his own personal Jumbo Jet, I might add. From Aljazeera
Sheikh Maktoum, who was also the ruler of the emirate of Dubai, died in Australia on Wednesday. It is thought he had previously suffered from heart problems.

Tehran ‘seeks nuclear bomb’

IRAN is secretly trying to obtain technology and expertise needed to build a nuclear weapon, according to a leaked intelligence report that threatens to deepen a rift with the West over its nuclear program.
Tehran’s nuclear purchasing plans stretch from Europe to North Korea and the former Soviet states, Britain’s The Guardian newspaper said, citing a report by an unnamed European intelligence agency.
It should read Tehran seeks ‘air attack by Israel’ as a report from Jeruselum says ‘Israel denies it’s about to bomb Iran nuke site’ Israel will not live under the threat of a rogue state having the ability to nuke them. They will do something.

It’s the demography, stupid

I commend to you the article by Mark Steyne linked in the RH column. It’s a long read but very thought provoking. An admin matter; could one of you more technically literate readers explain to me why apostrophes turn into question marks when I upload using CuteFTP? UPDATE: It was going to be a long read but the link is broken. Apparently I need to be subscriber to link…….I’m working on it. UPDATE II: Fixed

Packer memorial service upsets luvvies

Age readers aghast at memorial service for Packer.
But since news of the state memorial service broke, The Age has been deluged with letters from aggrieved taxpayers. Noel Howard, of Heathmont, asked whether the memorial service would involve “a conga line of Coalition MPs delivering their eulogies to their patron saint and number one supporter”.
How sweet the sound; the politics of envy.
The Opposition spokesman for public accountability, Kelvin Thomson, said: “I would suggest the guidelines might be in need of some review.”
Don’t make the review to big or Gough Whitlam will dumped in a hole at midnight when he finally departs. Whatever you think of Packer, his life had more positives than Whitlam’s.

Council reconsiders

The no-flag issue at Waverly Council gains the council media coverage for two successive days. Today they are reported as having a rethink.
“I have called on the Premier and Mr Turnbull to meet with me to discuss the appropriateness of putting flags on the pavilion and also how it can be funded,” she said.
Just bloody fly them woman. You don’t need funding and you don’t need to involve politicians who have a real job to do. Ms Main and fellow Green, George Copeland, had led a group of Labor councillors, including Mr Newhouse, Peter Moscatt, John Wakefield and Ingrid Strewe, who wanted to ban the flag from the pavilion, sparking outrage. Ah ah. They’re Greens. That explains it

Council Surrenders

Waverley Council last month voted 6-5 against flying the national flag over the iconic beach, saying it may cause racial tensions to flare, inciting further surfside violence. Can someone publish the names of the six idiots who voted not to fly the flag so the local voters can get rid of them next time they have an election. Premier Dilemma has urged the council to reconsider its “disgraceful” decision not to fly the flag but too date has said very little about the problems in his own electorate. Neither have I heard him say anything about instructing police to actually police the state.

Saudi questions students going overseas

Maha Al-Hujailan, Al-Watan, a reporter with Arab News, raises some issues about sending teenagers overseas for education.
One of the bad habits that our students take with them when they go abroad is the culture of sexual harassment. They cannot take this culture to America. American woman can easily report sexual harassment to authorities. Saudis that engage in sexual harassment can end up arrested, charged, jailed, and deported. In this system that often sides with the woman in sexual harassment cases, what do you think happens when the accused is an Arab?
Good question but a better one is why not educate your youth to respect woman and law to start with.
Furthermore, Saudi students will face a justice system that doesn’t recognize the Saudi practice of “wasta? (connections with higher ups that can get you out of trouble with the law). And what about the Saudi way of driving? With highly organized and patrolled traffic systems in America, and the West in general, I do not think Saudi students would last very long on their roads.
Well, now that you have admitted the Kingdom is failing Saudi youth what about addressing these problems. It’s not as if the law of western societies is all that radical.

Hicks running out of friends

As expected, the British Home Secretary Charles Clarke has launched an appeal against a High Court ruling that David Hicks, who has been in US captivity since late 2001 when he was captured fighting for the Taliban, was entitled to British citizenship and that it should be conferred without delay. The Brits show bipartisan displeasure at the High Court decision and call Hicks for what he is…deeply undesirable and an opportunist Pom.
Labour and the Tory opposition are united in opposing the citizenship move. Opposition homeland security spokesman Patrick Mercer labelled Hicks “deeply undesirable”. “He only starts showing an interest in being British when it is to his advantage,” Mr Mercer said.
Meanwhile, The Sun newspaper carried an editorial praising Mr Clarke for his decision to appeal the citizenship bid.
“British citizenship should be reserved for those who have a burning desire to serve this country – not take advantage of it,” the paper said.
Damn right and there could be a case to reserve Australian citizenship for those who have a burning desire to be Australian. Too many come here because we have the best Social Security and medical services in the region.
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