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Drawing a very long bow

As a side issue of the incarceration of Australia Stern Hu by the Chinese government I’ve come across commentators who are somewhat confused. This from Leigh Sales on Lateline
LEIGH SALES: Well Dr Southcott, isn’t it a bit rich for the Coalition to be so exercised about this matter when the Coalition left David Hicks at Guantanamo Bay for two years without charge and for five years without a completed trial?
Excuse me! For the life of me I can’t imagine why Dr Southcott didn’t just mention the fact that Hicks was a terrorist and Hu is a businessman and there is no way known that anyone could draw a parallel between the two cases. Except if you work for the ABC; or write for The Australian for that matter. Jack the insider raises the issue as well. He raises some reasonable points, as he usually does, but also opines that the Libs shouldn’t push Rudd to do something about Hu because they left Hicks languishing in a cell at Guantanamo for almost three years. Hicks should still be in the pokey somewhere but I am not so sure about Hu but either way you’d have to draw a very long bow to connect the two in any shape manner or form.

Bloody Hetero Matelots


Pic courtesy of the ABC

Sailors are in trouble for being sailors. FEDERAL Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick has defended the navy against suggestions it cultivates demeaning attitudes towards women. Ms Broderick’s comments followed revelations sailors aboard the HMAS Success offered financial rewards to crew members who slept with female sailors. Revelations! Wow this must be serious
Yesterday, the navy confirmed four crew members from the Success were sent home from Singapore in May as a result of the allegations. The sailors had reportedly compiled a book, titled The Ledger, detailing financial rewards for male crewmen who slept with female sailors. Sailors who slept with female officers or lesbians stood to gain more money, according to the reports. The book was apparently discovered by crew and the captain was alerted.
Yesterday the Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Russ Crane, said the navy would not tolerate the sort of behaviour the four were alleged to have engaged in. Chief of Navy! How the hell did he get involved. Admittedly it’s a bit tacky but that’s it. It should have been handled in house and the media should have had the manners to leave it alone. Now the PM is involved
Reports of a sex betting ring on board a Navy ship are disturbing, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says.
I agree – it’s almost as disturbing as public figures frequenting strip clubs and drinking too much to remember the event next day. At least there is no report of the sailors paying the ladies for their services unlike that on offer at the venue Rudd visited.

Vegans get it wrong

PEOPLE who live on vegetarian diets have slightly weaker bones than their meat-eating counterparts, researchers said yesterday. A joint Australian-Vietnamese study of links between the bones and diet of more than 2700 people found that vegetarians had bones 5 per cent less dense than meat-eaters, lead researcher Tuan Nguyen said. The issue was most pronounced in vegans, who excluded all animal products from their diet and whose bones were 6 per cent weaker, he said. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had less neurons as well.

Vale MJ

The Sunday Mail devotes the first nine pages and a ten page insert to the life and death of a weird, grotesque looking negro singer. Sure he had some good music in his day but that was more than negated by his weird behavior in his latter years. The following comment, picked up from a US blog could well be his epitaph Only in America can a Negro boy grow up to be a white woman. Mark Steyn pretty well nails it for me.

Liar, liar – pants on fire

The original article that started it all Rudd’s diversionary tactics are to concentrate the populations attention on the existance or not of the email that Gordon Grech referred to before his superior’s shut him down.  He must be very sure it doesn’t exist but that still doesn’t explain Grech’s testimony and Martines attempts to shout it down. The Age quotes Kevin Rudd;
“What is at stake in this entire debate is the integrity of Mr Turnbull and his core claim that at my request, my office made representations to the Treasury on behalf of Mr John Grant. “Who supplied the contents of this fake email to the Opposition? Who in the Liberal Party has read this fake email? What did they do with it after they read it?”
What a deplorable defence.  Accuse your accuser of the same type of offence. It’s not a ‘fake email’ yet and its unlikely anyone supplied the Opposition with a copy.  They are simply quoting the outcome of the Senate hearing. Sheer blather! The issue is much deeper than that.  Swan has clearly mislead the house (lied) and Rudd has most probably done the same. Considering Swan says he hardly knew Grant it beggars belief that he would then aproach Ozcar, requesting personal attention be paid to Grant’s case without Rudd telling him to. And why would Ken Henry take an interest in one of what must be hundreds, even thousands of applications for assistance without a good reason – like the PM told him to as well. A series of emails that emerged on Friday as a result of intense questioning of Treasury officials by the Opposition in Senate estimates hearings revealed:
  •  Mr Grant’s case was handled personally by staffers in Mr Swan’s office and by senior Treasury officials;
  •  Mr Swan was kept informed of the progress of the case, including via his home fax; and
  •  Treasury head Dr Ken Henry was also kept in the email loop as to how Mr Grant’s application was being treated.
Despite all this, Swan is on record as saying Grant did not get any special treatment. I watched the video of Grech being interviewed and two things stick in my mind.  First, Grech acted like he had explosive information that he believed to be true but felt if he mentioned it his career was terminated.  Secondly, Martine, the man sitting along side Grech, acted like he too knew the truth and was going to do everything in his power to stop Grech uttering it.  He pulled rank on Gretch and refused to let him answer a simple yes-no question three times.  In effect he took over the chair of the Senate hearing from the Senators – that’s how important it was to him to keep the info under wraps. In a sense, Rudd’s  diversionary tactic is working.  It gives the ABC a decent spin to make Turnbull’s resignation the issue and lets the tabloid TV say something without having to think about it. By 7:30 Sunday evening Ch 7 News lead is “Turnbull has only hours to go before he must resign”. No mention of the original accusations. Like there wasn’t a collection of emails and faxes proving Swan had mislead the house and that the video of  Grech’s testimony never happened. My take on the episode is that Rudd did tell people to look after Grant and that Swan, possibly Henry, but definitely Grech, did as they were told.  I’d imagine it has been a very bad weekend for all concerned but I have no sympathy for those who abuse power and then lie in the House about it.  I have plenty of sympathy for Grech and hope he has covered his arse and survives. The eventual outcome might be that no one resigns but one thing is for sure; the voters perception of Rudd’s ethics has been severely damaged. UPDATE: I listened to the debate in the House and saw Rudd on TDT and the bulk of the questions have not been answered.  The email mentioned by Grech may or may not be a forgery.  One found on his computer at home appears to be, but no one has stated categorically (that I have read or heard) that it is the one he was referring to at the hearing.  When the AFP says it is so in a formal report then I’ll believe it On TDT Rudd states the entire fracas is based on a forgery.  No it isn’t – the entire case does not rest on one email.  The emails and faxes of emails involving Swan have yet to be answered satisfactorily.  The ALP don’t want to talk about them of course but they will be raised again. If the email from Rudd’s office is a forgery then either another email once existed where Rudd communicated his wishes or it was made plain by some by other means.  I simply don’t believe that Grant didn’t get preferential treatment. All in all though, the ALP have handled it rather well, but then when TDT is prepared to give the PM 5:40 minutes free time to put his case and no right of reply for the Opposition then they should be doing well. The TDT talking head tried to pin Rudd down on Swan but he just repeated his “Swan is doing a wonderful job” line. I hope that’s not the end of it – I look forward to tomorrow’s developments with baited breath.

Stress Relief

Just in case you are having a rough day, here is a stress management technique recommended in all the latest psychological journals. The funny thing is that it really does work and will make you smile. 1. Picture yourself lying on your belly on a warm rock that hangs out over a crystal clear stream. 2. Picture yourself with both your hands dangling in the cool running water. 3. Birds are sweetly singing in the cool mountain air. 4. No one knows your secret place.. 5. You are in total seclusion from that hectic place called the world.. 6. The soothing sound of a gentle water fall fills the air with a cascade of serenity. And, Continue reading »

You WILL be Multicultural

THE Australian Defence Force will target Arabs, Africans, Asians and other ethnic recruits in an ambitious attempt to overturn a century of Anglo-Celtic domination in the ranks. Strange that – A century of Anglo-Celtic domination in the ranks of a Anglo-Celtic nation. Are the ADF just fishing in new waters or should we believe Cameron Stewart’s interpretation that they are hell bent on turning themselves into a multicultural force at the behest of our current political masters. Surely, the former.
The far-reaching new strategy has the potential to reshape the face of the nation’s military, which has lagged embarrassingly behind the rest of the country in reflecting ethnic diversity.
Why is this defined as embarrassing to the military? Why wouldn’t Australian born men or women be more inclined to be patriotic and believe that defending Australia is important. Their fathers and grandfathers defended the country; they are a part of the traditions and history of the military. A family from overseas, whether from the Middle East or Asia have none of this background. They show signs of coming here as a result of a ‘best place for social security’ search and let’s face it, until they prove else wise I wouldn’t trust them with a weapon. Some of them support the terrorists with certain groups even advocating Sharia law be introduced. I’m sure they’re not interesting in defending the life we lead here in Australia. Give them a generation or two and things might change but in the meantime I don’t think enlisting is high on their ‘To do list’.
If successful, it will pose a direct challenge to the flame-keepers of the Anzac legend, who have traditionally portrayed the Aussie Digger almost exclusively as a white, male Anglo-Saxon.
Only because it’s true. I get the feeling Cameron Stewart has a problem with Anglo-Celtic males. He’s the guy regularly rattling on about how terrible ‘Men only’ clubs are and now he’s embarrassed by the fact that the ADF is manned by native born Australians.

Sharia Law coming to a bank near you

ONE of Australia’s major banks is planning to introduce “Muslim-friendly” loans that do not charge interest, to comply with Sharia law. Instead, the National Australia Bank will structure an Islam-approved line of finance to make money from alternative methods.
For example, to get round the Islamic ban on usury – or unfair lending – a Muslim mortgage often works by the bank buying the property, then selling it to the customer at a profit, with the customer then repaying the entire sum in instalments. In this way the profit margin is built in from the start. It also has the advantage of making the loan immune from future interest rate rises.
I’ve got an idea. Tell people new to Australia that what we do here is charge interest on loans and if you get a loan through a bank, usury doesn’t come into the equation because of competition and government regulations. Some might argue differently but it’s basically true – thus the Islamic ban on unfair lending doesn’t apply. Admittedly it’s a bit different from 12th century finance but it does work.

Try-hard PM

The Prime Minister
WELL, fair shake of a sauce bottle, mate. If you were to compare what this government has done in terms of the promotion of women of talent and ability compared with our predecessors, it is chalk and cheese. We have Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard. We have appointed the first woman as Governor-General. Fair shake of the sauce bottle, mate
Well, fair suck of the sauce bottle, mate. If you’re trying to connect with the masses, it worked. They’re all cringing.
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