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Miner trapped

A MAN has been trapped in the Henty gold mine at Zeehan on Tasmania’s west coast. Calling Bill Shorten…come in Bill! What’s that? Ah, of course, you are already in parliament. You don’t need the publicity anymore. Well let’s hope they get him out without your help. UPDATE: Thankfully the guy has already been rescued.

Don’t believe him

Let’s see now; we charge industry money for producing carbon and when they pass the cost onto the consumer we compensate the consumer with the money we charged industry in the first place. At least that’s my take from Krudds latest promise
But Mr Rudd said 2.9 million low-income families would be fully compensated for the rises. And 2.6 million of those – 90 per cent – would get a windfall, with compensation totalling 120 per cent of cost rises. There would be cash assistance for 3.6 million middle-income households, half of which would be fully compensated for extra expenses. Single pensioners would get an extra $455 a year as compensation and couples $686, Mr Rudd said. The money would come from forcing industries to buy permits for the tonnage of carbon pollution they produced.
Is there anyway we could look at supporting and sponsoring R & D on alternative power sources instead of just taxing us? Maybe cut out the middle man!  For example, some of those billions spent on handouts and school halls could’ve been spent on research, surely? Maybe he could even support the solar industry Oh, and keep in mind Krudd’s promises are based on what? There has been zero reports on costings of his ETS so if he is going to make promises can we also be privy to the maths. Take it from me right now and here – no one will be better off if this government has their way with the ETS mark I or even II or III for that matter. And that includes the environment.


My Wife, Daughter and self went to the movies last night and saw Avatar in 3D. I had read many critiques on the politics of the film but being a computer nut, I was keen to see the graphics in 3D. It was worth it but my first thoughts were Star Wars 7 Being a conservative and hater of all things Left I had to smile at several of the cliches used.  Fighting terrorism with terrorism was one that stood out as an ideologically insertion as no one was using terrorist tactics and the portrayal of the US military as evil versus the local indigenous Noble Savage Na’vi would warm the hearts of any Lefty.  All the trees and animals, including the Na’vi’,  enjoy access to a cache of neuronal connectors that emanate from their heads, that pass through their plaits or their extra appendages .  Mother Gaia writ large for the Greenies in the audience. An ideal world, they would think….. if only it was true on Earth. There are some that actually believe that is the case now…weird. Sigourney Weaver had a scene where she is giving instructions to Marine Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) as she settles him in a Avatar link machine. “Just empty your mind…that shouldn’t be hard to do!” Ha ha, that had the anti US/Military component of the audience giggling and nodding their heads wisely. Ah yes, the stupid soldier! But having said all the above it didn’t take me long to develop empathy with the locals and I enjoyed the final outcome. Some of that empathy could have come from the near naked delightful, athletic form of the women and the way animators had them moving but that could just be the limbic part of my brain gaining ascendancy for a moment. The Motion Capture, Virtual Camera, Digital 3D Fusion Camera System is going to be very hard to beat for years to come.  In an aside to my daughter I remarked I am so lucky to live in this age with computer graphics bringing to life computer generated actors, plants and animals that are so believable yet so removed from any known form. Our imagination is now the only limit on story telling. The film stands out as graphically extraordinary, particularly when viewed through 3D specs.  Reality invaded the theatre with animals and jelly fish like seeds from the Holy Tree causing me to duck to avoid them and the terrifying heights of floating mountains had me clinging to my seat lest I fall thousands of feet below.  Colour and shape of local flora and fauna was brilliant, often drawing me to just look and enjoy the scenery when the script became a bit hard to accept. Do yourself a favour, and go see but make sure it’s 3D. Ignore the political ideology and just go with the flow…you won’t be disappointed.

The Nanny State is here

ruddI thought I’d watch some of the second day at the MCG so switched on the TV to be confronted by Kevin Rudd standing on the high moral ground in full ‘telling us how to behave‘ mode. The Nanny State Supremo is  lecturing us about binge drinking before we are allowed to watch cricket. He even mentioned some cricketing greats so I can only imagine one of his staff looked them up for him. Nanny State in full flight.  I’m worried he’ll be at my place next lecturing me on drinking, swearing and not going to church. Mind you, he could have a point. 91 drunks were tossed out of the MCG yesterday and with 60,000 attending that makes 0.000016th of the crowd binge drinkers.  That would warrant dragging the PM down to Melbourne  to lecture the entire crowd, wouldn’t it?

Christmas toys for boys

On my recent trip (5 states, 68 days and 14,000km) I stopped off at a small town south of Adelaide and looked up a cyber mate.  He is into remote controlled model airplanes and I had an enjoyable day or two playing with big boys toys.  I particularly like the helicopters  and spoke (fantasized) about slinging a sawn-off 10/22 ruger under a chopper and sorting out the local crows. As I left to go further West my mate gave me a model chopper to take back to Queensland for his nephew with the instructions that I had to learn how to fly it so I could teach him on hand-over. As I struggled to get control of the little beast I remembered my childhood where my toy of choice and necessity was a 6in length of 3×4 with a Sunshine milk tin nailed to the top to simulate a petrol tanker. This was way beyond that and my son (late thirties) and I took turns to pilot the thing. Flying a chopper is very difficult – toy or real, it ain’t easy (read Chickenhawke CH 1 if you don’t believe me) so I now have to find the local model airplane shop to buy new rotors damaged by thirty of fourty prangs. Being a Top Gear fan I was therefore interested in this little item (pictured) that I came across while reading The London Times. A  Stig Copter for 50 Pounds (can’t find the pound symbol) that includes a gyroscope to stabalize the machine thus saving all the damage. Now where did I hide that 10/22?

Copenhagen final

If you are disappointed in the outcome of the Greenie – Latter Day Alarmists convention you should diversify your reading.  The UN do not, as a rule, produce outcomes – they talk. The UN could’ve saved a fortune and just paid for the telephone hook-up between Obama and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao I’m not the only cynic – Frank Furedi says;
What so many of the commentaries overlook is that international conferences have a solid track record of achieving next to nothing. Global jamborees are essentially talking shops that provide political leaders with an opportunity to strike a statesman-like pose. These are essentially photo opportunities for politicians who want to be seen to be doing something. As for the ever growing industry of international non-governmental organisations, summits are important public relations events that help demonstrate their importance. That is why both political leaders and the protesters have a common interest in maintaining the illusion that something really important may occur in Copenhagen. And if not here and now, then there will be a chance at Copenhagen + 5, and Copenhagen + 10.
Seems about right to me. The failure of Copenhagen gives us a chance to actually have a reasonable debate on what we can actually do about Climate Change. I’d suggest the short answer is nothing unless we learn to alter the relative positions of the Earth and the Sun but that shouldn’t stop us looking for alternative power sources and trying to clean up our act. Anyone who says Tuvalu is going to be swamped under metres of rising seawater should be barred from the debate, so should those who claim the Barrier Reef has a  terminal Climate Warming disease.  Hyperbole should be ignored which rules out most Left Wing members of the church and balanced science and reason needs to prevail. Put downs like “Denier” and “Flat Earther” need to be exorcised from the lexicon as they smack of religious persecution.  To call me a “Flat Earther” doesn’t contribute to the debate, it justs puts it on hold until reason prevails. If the media, and KRudd can claim weather anomalies like unseasonable heat waves in Sydney are evidence of  Global Warming why isn’t the reverse true with parts of the US and Europe currently under seige from blizzards.  If it’s hot it’s Global Warming; if it’s cold it’s just weather and all this despite the fact that evidence points to Global Cooling. We haven’t had a debate yet; all we’ve had is members of a new religion doing their best to frighten the women and kids into converting and calling all skeptics names. If an inconvenient truth is mentioned the response is name calling. If the integrity and balance of scientific reports are questioned the response is the same. If the Spanish Inquisition chaps were still in power skeptics would lighting up the night skies as the Greens and members of Disciplinary body of the Church of the Latter Day Alarmists tied us to stakes and cleansed us of our sins by fire.

This is plain crazy

ruddwongAUSTRALIA faces having to make a hefty payout to help developing countries such as China and India cope with climate change in order to clinch a deal in Copenhagen. Despite Australia facing a domestic Budget deficit of about $50 billion for the coming year, Climate Change Minister Penny Wong told The Sunday Mail from Copenhagen that Australia would have to contribute to so-called climate “abatement” funds if India and China were to come into the climate-change tent. The thought of making a ‘hefty’ payment to India and China with their huge Defence forces, space programs, fiscal surpluses and nuclear arsenals is bizarre, plain and simple and the sooner we get Rudd, Wong and their idiot followers home the better.

More ‘Better life shoppers’ arrive

Australia intercepts third asylum boat this week but Rudd is adamant he hasn’t softened border control. Rudd denies weakening border controls and said today the surge in asylum seekers heading to Australia is mostly caused by Sri Lanka’s civil war. Australian authorities have stopped about 89 people-smuggling operations in the past year, he said on Melbourne-based 3AW Radio. Civil war….yeah right. They’ll be coming in daily soon.

Rudd has Japan trembling

aussiecustomsPrime Minister Kevin Rudd has reissued a threat to Japan to cease whaling or else face legal action. I guess that’s the same threat he resurrects and rolls out at the start of every season to hold some Greenie votes.  He could send out a the Oceanic Viking like he did previously to take pics that already existed but I guess she is too busy looking after the boat people that he was going to be firm with. Does he really think people don’t notice that he is all talk and no action.  Are his advisors to scared to tell him? If you can’t actually do something about Japanese whaling then surely it would be best to just shut up. An annual threat of legal action hardly cuts it and I can just see the Japs rolling their eyes,  smiling and yawning.

Why are the states in Copenhagen

cop15Kevin Rudd has defended the size of the delegation Australia is taking to the Copenhagen climate summit. The Australian contingent numbers 114, more than the 71 being sent by the British government, The Australian said on Friday
The Australian delegation was larger than the British contingent because the UK did not have state governments, he said. “We extend an invitation to (officials at the state level) and they come,” Mr Rudd said.
Why? Are the state governments going to sign up their respective states to a treaty or are they just there as part of the Greens/Church of the Latter Day Alarmists gabfest and revival meeting. Surely the latter.
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