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Diggers killed in Afghanistan

Sapper Darren Smith and Herbie were both killed by an improvised bomb.

TWO young Australian combat engineers on their first deployment in Afghanistan have been killed by a bomb in the army’s worst combat loss in a single day since the Vietnam War. A bomb detonated during a patrol on Monday morning, killing Sapper Jacob Moerland, 21, and Sapper Darren Smith, 26, both from the Brisbane-based 2nd Combat Engineer Regiment. As a sad coincidence, to the best of my knowledge, the last time the ADF lost two troops on one day in action was in Vietnam on 1 Feb 1971 when Ray ‘General’ Patten and Alan Talbot, both of Recce Platoon 7RAR, were killed by a mine blast. I have written up that incident here.

Viet Vet being deported

A CONVICTED West Australian killer is set to be released from a Bangkok prison after serving just over two years for gunning down an American in a Chiang Mai restaurant. Vietnam veteran William Thomas Douglas, 62, was convicted of murdering US tourist Gary Booth Poretsky, 46, in March 2008 after the pair had an argument over Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War.
Douglas shot three bullets into Poretsky, including one to his head. Following the shooting, Douglas pleaded guilty to murder and reportedly told police he was doing work for the Thai Narcotics Suppression Bureau.
Douglas’s version of events was rejected by official sources, who said he was drunk. Douglas told the court at his sentencing he had lived in Thailand for almost 30 years. According to an Australian reporter in court at the time, Douglas said Poretsky had antagonised him by saying Australia was a tool of the US. “I pulled out my gun and shot him,” Douglas told the court. I personally wouldn’t have shot the Yank but I can sympathize with the digger and the abiding lesson must be; If you are a “tool” of the communists it’s best you don’t mention it to a drunk, armed digger.

Hang in there Israel!

From the Jerusalem Post.
According to the defense officials, the IDF has identified about 50 passengers on the ship who could have terrorist connections with global jihad-affiliated groups The group of over 50 passengers with possible terror connections have refused to identify themselves and were not carrying passports. Many of them were carrying envelopes packed with thousands of dollars in cash.
Amongst the Humanitarian aid found on the Mavi Marmara was a cache of bulletproof vests and night-vision goggles, as well as gas masks. From Melanie Phillips in the UK.
…. Obama is now throwing his weight behind the frenzied attempt by the world’s tyrannies to wipe Israel off the map. And as the noose tightens round Israel, what is the response of the British government? Far from rethinking Foreign Secretary William Hague’s reproach to Israel for ‘lack of restraint’ (in not allowing its marine commandoes to be lynched, you understand) the Prime Minister David Cameron has joined in the onslaught, deploring the ‘heavy loss of life’ and telling Israel to lift the blockade of Gaza – which, let us remind ourselves once again, allows into Gaza tens of thousands of tons of aid per week and only stops weapons from being smuggled in that would be used to kill Israelis. Thus as the world starts to resemble a global pogrom in the making, Cameron has lined up Britain too on the side of the forces of darkness against their victims.
Meanwhile, back in the antipodes, our PM gets it right when he says;
“However, as I have seen them, let me say this very clearly, the Australian government condemns any use of violence under the sorts of circumstances that we have seen.”
Hang on, he’s actually talking about the Israelis being violent. For a moment there I thought he was the only western leader to get to the bottom of the fracas and was rightly condemning the Jihadists for attacking the Israelis as they landed on the deck. Silly me! Rudd demands the Israelis hold a comprehensive independent inquiry into the incident and forward the results to the UN Security Council. Why would they do that? The UN Security Council has already condemned the Israeli commandos for lashing out to save their own lives so what would it achieve. With the Arabs running the show at the UN, condemnation of anything Israel does is guaranteed first response. Still, Rudd’s predictable reaction follows his “I want a seat at the UN” form. And just in case you are curious as to how much I care about the Australians on board the convoy, let me make it clear.…zilch. If they want to actively support terrorists then let them wear the consequences. Greg Sheridan at the Oz puts in his two bobs worth
The Jewish state was sucker-punched by demonstrators determined to provoke an ugly Israeli reaction and international PR disaster. By beating Israeli sailors nearly to death as soon as they landed, the protesters made a violent reaction inevitable. You cannot attempt to kill armed soldiers without suffering casualties.
Here is some good shots of the peace activists delivering “humanitarian aid‘ to the Israelis. Hang in there, Israel.

Blockade runners successful

The Armada, organized by the Turkish organisation for Human Rights, Liberties, and Humanitarian Relief (IHH), itself under investigation by the Turkish government for supporting Al-Qaida and Jihad generally, has succeded beyond their wildest dreams. The activists had iron bars, concussion grenades, tear gas and a host of other items of “humanitarian aid” on board the ship in preparation for the Israeli boarding parties they knew would come. There is mention of pistols as well but let’s wait for the full story to come out. Had the role of the Armada been to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza they would have accepted Israelis offer of delivering it through the port of Ashdod. But no, that wasn’t their plan. They wanted confrontation and exposure on CNN and world media generally,and they got it. In spades. From the Jerusalem Post
The outnumbered, under-equipped and incorrectly prepared commandos found themselves not grappling with unruly peace activists or demonstrators, to whom they had been ordered to show “restraint,” but being viciously attacked before they had barely set foot on deck. The clips showed clusters of people swarming around each of the commandos, and beating them over and over with clubs and bars in scenes sickeningly reminiscent of the lynching of IDF reservists in the Ramallah police station 10 years ago.
And from
The lead organisation involved in organising a flotilla of aid ships bound for the Palestinian Authority has itself been investigated by Turkish authorities for its involvement in terrorism, including the purchasing of weapons and financing of terror attacks.
Now back to the violence;
There was footage of one of the “activists” stabbing a soldier, of a petrol bomb being thrown at the troops, a stun grenade. And the troops themselves reported being sprayed with tear gas, attacked with iron bars, knives and sticks, and of efforts, reportedly successful in at least one case, to grab the pistols some were also carrying. There were reports of gunfire directed at the troops, and of soldiers jumping into the sea to escape attack. Soldiers were fighting for their lives, said the IDF spokesman, Avi Benayahu (in Hebrew). “It was a lynch. It was an ambush.
As per standard procedures for any incident where Israel defends itself, the world will condemn them. The UN and most of Europe will take the activists side, all Arabs will go beserk with hatred and very few anywhere will believe anything Israel says. No change there…

Down time

I’ll be absent for a week helping out at a school Geography excursion in the NSW/QLD Border ranges. Argue amongst yourselves until I get back.

Gillard doesn’t make a point

Julia says nothing relevant in todays Australian “If you look at the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister — at Kevin (Rudd) and I — education made us,” Ms Gillard said. “We are examples of the social mobility that is possible when you get a good-quality education system. These are the things Tony Abbott’s now determined to destroy.” So I guess what you are saying is that you and Kevin were educated under an already existing good quality education system. What then is your point? Seriously, Julia’s logic escapes me.Tony is not looking to destroy conditions that existed when “Kevin and I” were educated. He is simply looking for ways to pay back the enormous deficit the ALP is going to leave us. No one questions the value of education but some might question the cost. It may have been better to use some of the BER funds to pay teachers better salaries. They impact more on kids and their education than do canteens that cost more than ten times the going rate.
A CATHOLIC school has built a commercial-quality tuckshop and toilet block 10 times bigger than the cubby-house canteens public schools have received for the same price. The Catholic canteen, costing $2500 per square metre, includes a commercial kitchen with stainless-steel benchtops, shelving and a separate coolroom. The public school version, costing $25,000 a square metre, is not even big enough to fit a full-sized fridge, pie oven or meat slicer.
You can ignore the elephant in the room for only so long, Julia. You’d best be practicing your tortured logic on the BER rort as voters will want answers and you’d best hope that businesses that support the ALP haven’t banked the majority of the rip offs. Good luck on that one!

Cronkite’s left wing bias confirmed

Writing about the Vietnam War in 2000
Regarded as a watershed, too, was press icon Walter Cronkite’s Feb. 27, 1968, broadcast saying the war was “mired in stalemate” and the “only rational way out then will be to negotiate, not as victors, but as honourable people . . . “. During TET 68 the NVA and Viet Cong lost 45,000 soldiers, ten times that of the Allies. If that isn’t a victory then what the hell is? The planned ‘uprising of the people’ brought a few thousand people to the notice of the Republic of Vietnam. The nineteen communists who occupied the grounds of the US embassy in Saigon did so for minutes only before being killed. They never got inside the building All doom and gloom for North Vietnam but Cronkite managed to turn it around and successfully snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. It was clearly an invasion by the North and the South wanted nothing to do with it. However let’s not ruin a good story with a few facts. The left still screamed ‘Civil War’ and the press agreed. Cronkite’s shift into the enemy camp – followed in short order by the editors and opinion-makers at Time and Life magazines – made it acceptable and almost fashionable for journalists to oppose the war. “For the first time in modern history,” wrote Robert Elegant of the Los Angeles Times, “the outcome of a war was determined not on the battlefield but on the printed page and, above all, on the television screen.”
Today in the US, journalists have used the FOI laws to catch up with my earlier assessment
Communist North Vietnam had launched an invasion of South Vietnam in 1960, creating the “National Liberation Front of South Vietnam,” or Viet Cong, as surrogates to wage war. In the March-April 2010 issue of Military Review, in an article titled, “Lessons Learned from Vietnam,” Dr. William L. Stearman revisits the controversial period of 1968-1969, which was critical for the Vietnamese Communists because, despite Cronkite’s claims, they had actually been militarily defeated by U.S. and South Vietnamese troops during their Tet Offensive. Stearman notes that Cronkite’s hasty and faulty verdict on the war came after “a quick trip” to Vietnam in late February 1968. The Tet Offensive “was a major North Vietnamese blunder,” notes Uwe Siemon-Netto, an international journalist who covered the war. At Tet, he writes, Hanoi lost 45,000 men and its entire infrastructure in the south. “Yet major United States media outlets portrayed Tet as a defeat for their own side,” he said, referring to Cronkite and others. “Following Tet, [President] Johnson announced that he would not stand for re-election. Though a military victory for the United States and its allies, Tet ultimately marked the beginning of their defeat.” Stearman concluded, “…thanks to U.S. media, the enemy won the war where it most counted — in the United States.”
The Left wing of the US (and Australia for that matter) were always pushing for a unilateral freeze and disarmament of the US military – never their friends in the USSR. A couple of teasers;
…Senator Ted Kennedy made an offer to the Soviets to help organise opposition to Reagan’s pro-defence policies …a young Barack Obama wrote sympathetically about groups involved in the “nuclear freeze” campaign and the dangers of “militarism” but expressed the hope for total disarmament. My own feeling is that it is a reflection of the views enunciated by Walter Cronkite that show a benign view of the Soviet Union.”
And just in case you believe that the Russians are now benign;
While the Soviet political system may not exist, the Russians have continued many of the old Soviet-style intelligence and influence operations. The book, Comrade J, based on the revelations of a Russian master spy, Sergei Tretyakov, identified former Clinton State Department official and now Brookings Institution head Strobe Talbott as a dupe of Russian intelligence. Talbott had been a columnist for Time magazine, where he wrote about the need for world government, a cause also embraced by Walter Cronkite.
For those interested in the truth of history it is a good article to read. For those of the Left who have accidentally arrived on the site – go away before you learn something.

Very dangerous trend

Two polls have shown the Labor government is in trouble, while Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s popularity is rising as fast as support for Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is plummeting. If it’s starting to finally dawn on you that Rudd is shallow then wait until you find out how Left Julia is. She has tagged Jim Cairns as one of her heroes. You remember him? He was the communist who supported the Viet Cong and took up collections to better enable them to kill Diggers. He organized the Moratoriums and went to Moscow every year to better coordinate his attacks on our society. Oh yes, he was also our Deputy PM under the other “Great” ALP luminary – Gough Whitlam. The day Julia was selected as Deputy I found and linked to a speech she had delivered to a Girls High School in Melbourne advocating they take to the streets to force change just like Cairns had done. The link was taken down the very next day. Still, I recall a year or two ago a young man commenting on Communism – “It’s just another political party like the ALP or the Libs, isn’t it? so what chance the young ones heed my cry in the wilderness. None, but never mind, like a long and hard route march – one day it ends and one day the ALP will be back where they belong.

Well done that girl!

Young Jessica Watson did well and her ability to ‘just do it! augers well for her life. I also like the fact that she knows she isn’t a hero and corrected our seemingly uneducated PM when he tagged her as one, whilst hanging around like a bad smell hoping to pick up some votes. Heroes save lives at the risk of their own and they are male. Heroines do the same and they are female. She has done something that takes courage and that by itself is good. The problem we now have is that certain media groups need to recoup their outlays and we will most probably be flogged to death with images of Jessica. I can flick channels but Jessica won’t be able to do that so I hope she weathers the storm and keeps her ‘sea legs’ planted firmly on the deck.

Please explain

Two men face charges and fines of more than $27,000 after allegedly collecting bones from a dead whale on a Mornington Peninsula beach. Wildlife officers have recovered about 10 bones believed to have been removed from a dead blue whale that washed up near Cyril’s Beach at Flinders in the Mornington Peninsula National Park. I understand the law that stops people interfering with human remains but whales? Why whales? Can anyone educate me?
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