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Look over here – a unicorn!

JULIA Gillard’s comments yesterday put the issue beyond doubt — she is the first Prime Minister to seek election on the platform of a smaller growing Australia and rejects the current growth model as “irresponsible”.
It seems Gillard’s over-arching election strategy is to slow Australia’s population growth, a populist pitch long available to Australia’s leaders and long resisted.
No, her over-arching election strategy is to get journalists and hence the public, talking about slowing Australia’s population growth. The last thing she wants them talking about is her governments lackluster performance. It’s a red herring, or to quote Baldrick in Blackadder, a dead herring. Better this than people talking about boat people, BER overspends, Garrett’s ceiling disaster, Wong’s ETS (very conspicuous by her absence) or Swan’s rubbery figures.


Now the ALP has morphed into the ALPGreens I thought readers might like to read Jack the Insiders definitions of the various Green factions. Green Greens (evangelis environmentalis)
are veterans of environmental battles from days of yore. They have spent their youths chained to trees and all own a collection of embarrassing photographs where they’re seen wearing chunky woollen jumpers and those silly beanies with ear flaps. They embody what many people think the Greens really should stand for but their numbers are dwindling and with the retirement of their eco-warrior, Bob Brown looming, their influence within the party will diminish.
Then there are the blue Greens (medicus soccermumus).
The former MLA for Fremantle, Adele Carles – her of the ill-fated love affair with WA Treasurer Troy Buswell – is one such creature. Blue Greens are those of a conservative political bent who have roused politically in something of a mid-life crisis. Known to have voted Liberal in the past, they now furrow their brows and fret over climate change, environmental destruction and what is to be done about the children. Blue Greens are a relatively rare species and have little authority within the party.
Red Greens (rufus hammerandsicklus)
are neither environmentalists nor SUV driving mothers of 3.4 children. They are political refugees from the far left. Not welcome in the Labor Party since the 1970s, these folk wandered the political wilderness until the Green movement appeared on the political stage and they found a home. Ms Rhiannon is a walking exemplar of a red Green.
Simple, isn’t it?

More rubbery figures

Gillard at her best. Labor has promised to provide $200 million funding for local councils in regional areas in an effort to boost stocks of affordable housing. It is estimated that up to 15,000 new homes would be built in regional cities over the next three years under the initiative. Cut and Paste in todays Australian quotes Sinclair Davidson at Catallaxy Files:
15,000 houses for a total cost of $200m works out at about $13,333 per house. How much house can you get for about $13,333 when a covered outdoor learning area costs $954,000?
Obviously the projections of housing costs has been calculated by Treasury to be falling dramatically just like the projections on commodity prices has risen sharply to explain their $1.5B versus $7.5B loss to mining. I want the ALPGreens to do my tax return next year.

Greens/ALP Deal close

Well colour me green and give me a tree to hug. Labor and the Greens are on the verge of a comprehensive preference deal that would boost the government’s prospects of holding on to power while helping the Greens achieve the balance of power in the Senate. If you think the Greens achieving balance or power in the Senate is a good thing you don’t read enough. Closing down coal mines and coal powered generators only works when there is an alternative and we’re not quite there yet.

Back to surplus…maybe

With the election in full swing and Abbott officially the underdog the punters need to look carefully at what the ALP are saying. Take Gillard’s and Swan’s plea to be considered a fiscal conservatives. She says; “…….the budget to surplus by 2013” Only if commodity prices keep on going up and there is no indication that that will happen. In fact, at the moment iron ore is going the other way. Swan’s Price gymnastics are headlined at The Business Spectator
It is worth noting that since the May budget iron ore prices have been falling steadily and quite significantly and the swaps market is signalling further deterioration over the coming months. The assumption that the terms of trade will increase 17 per cent this financial year to their highest levels on record is brave. With China’s economy slowing and the outlook for the rest of the world troubled and clouded, any medium-term optimism needs to be treated with some scepticism.
I’ve said before that I’m not an economist but I can read and I can smell a rat. So, every time Julia says we will have the economy in surplus we must conclude – well, maybe but it’s not a tick in a fiscal conservative’s list, it’s just a tick in a ‘wish list’. ….needs to be treated with some scepticism indeed.

General election 21 Aug?

LABOR sources have said that Prime Minister Julia Gillard will call an election tomorrow for August 2821. The sources said Ms Gillard will visit the Governor General Quentin Bryce in Canberra tomorrow and request the election date be set, the ABC reported. Game on!

Brennan stands up for Rudd

Jesuit Frank Brennan suggests Rudd has suffered enough. I find this statement interesting;
He is usually right to presume that he is the most intelligent person in the room. But as prime minister he probably failed at times to appreciate there were a couple of others in the room who had thought about the issue at hand more deeply than he had.
Being the most intelligent person in the room and believing it would have come over in his dealings with subordinates. I would rather he presumed he was the best leader in the room and it was true. Unfortunately, it was seldom the case. It appears Rudd is now busy white anting Gillard if you think through what must be the source of the question raised by Laurie Oaks at the Press Club yesterday. If there was an ascension deal agreed to by Rudd and Gillard and the only other person present, John Faulkner, is known for being tight lipped, then it is reasonable to assume Rudd is leaking to Oaks. He does have a track record doing this when Latham, the previous looney ALP leader was having trouble with Rudd he wrote;
“I’ve had a suspicion for some time now that Rudd has been feeding material to Oakes,” Latham wrote. “Decided to set him up, telling Kevvie about our focus groups on Iraq.”
No focus groups had been held. All the then-Labor national secretary, Tim Gartrell, had done was quantitative polling. Yet Labor focus group research was cited in Oakes’s column on April 14, 2004.
“Today, right on cue, Jabba has written in the Bulletin: ‘The Labor Party’s polling firm has been busily running focus groups to test the public mood following Latham’s troops-out announcement.”
“Trapped him,” Latham wrote. I note Rudd is in the US acting like the Aussie PM talking to the UN, Clinton and Obama advisors. Wouldn’t you love to be a fly on the wall. This is all good stuff. With Hawke, Keating and Rudd all getting media coverage of their egos it certainly isn’t helping Gillard. And that has to be good for the country.

This is fun.

My, Julia is doing well isn’t she? Boaties First she says we are going to process boat people off-shore in East Timor – “I’ve already spoken to the President,” she claims. The media point out she should have spoken to the Prime Minister – speaking to the President is like speaking to our Governor General; neither of them have executive power. “Oh, OK then, I didn’t actually say East Timor!…mumble mumble …PNG and Manus Island” It’s getting good. East Timor has a vote and says no thanks. PNG has a vote and says no thanks. Oh!. Well back to East Timor. I really did say East Timor – why are you doubting my words? – raising the question of what part of NO doesn’t she understand – the N or the bloody O? Nauru puts her hand up. Pick me…we’ll do it. Not interested say Julia. not interested says Foreign Affairs Smith.
Reporter: “Why not consider Nauru” Smith: “Because we are focusing our efforts on East Timor”. Reporter: “Yes, but why not consider Nauru, they have indicated they would sign up to your UN resolution on refugees. ” Smith: “Because we are focusing our efforts on East Timor! ” Reporter: “Yes, but why not consider them. ” Smith: “Because we are….” you get the drift.
Let’s presume East Timor folds and say yes they will have lost face and it doesn’t matter what the final outcome is, Gillard has lost creditability. We now need to spend millions on infrastructure when we could use the already set up Nauru enclosure all because the ALP needs to save face. Having lambasted Howard for years over his inhumane off-shore processing they are now doing the same but on a different island. Tax the rich program. The Minerals Resource Rent Tax cut the percentage from 40% to 22% and yet the receipts only move from $12b to $10.5b. Either my sense of high school maths is failing me or someone is telling lies. A tax designed specifically to fill in the huge hole the ALP have left in our bank balance now looks shakey.
Treasury secretary Ken Henry revealed yesterday that his department relied on modelling provided by the three big resources companies BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and Xstrata for its estimate that the new tax would deliver $10.5 billion in the first two years.
I wonder how much clever accounting went in that estimate? Next problem…the ETS. I wonder if, on his return from the G20 meeting in Toronto, Kevin Rudd told Julia about the G20 losing interest in apocalyptic global warming Last week’s G8 and G20 meetings in Toronto and its environs confirmed that the world’s leaders accept the demise of global-warming alarmism.
One year ago, the G8 talked tough about cutting global temperatures by two degrees. In Toronto, they neutered that tough talk, replacing it with a nebulous commitment to do their best on climate change — and not to try to outdo each other. The global-warming commitments of the G20 — which now carries more clout than the G8 — went from nebulous to non-existent: The G20’s draft promise going into the meetings of investing in green technologies faded into a mere commitment to “a green economy and to sustainable global growth.”
Let’s summarize the first couple of weeks of Julia’s reign. Aim: Stop people panicking about overpopulation Answer: Change Tony Burke’s title from Minister for Population to the Minister for Sustainable Population. Result: Box ticked. Aim: Stop people worrying about boat people Answer: Change Howard’s off-shore island processing to Gillard’s off-shore processing. Result: Box ticked Aim: Stop people worrying about the huge deficit. Answer: Invent a new tax…oops the miners are complaining and we are bleeding votes….Sack the PM and have the new PM say some different words. $10.5b coming in…stop worrying! Result: Box ticked (penciled in only) Aim: Get back votes lost through ETS backdown Answer: Don’t know but in any case must delay as long as we can…maybe after the election Result: Jury still out. Last word I leave to cartoonist Zeg; Hmmmmm, if elected? let’s see, if we vote for Julia Gillard we will get a mining tax that will go nowhere to settling the massive billions of dollar debt that her Kevvie set up for our children, along with a loss of jobs and industry. We will also get another failed border security policy or the same one that worked when John Howard was PM (as long as it doesn’t look the same and doesn’t involve the introduction of temporary visa) and we can also expect a massive rise in the costs of living due to the feel good tax (ETS) that will be imposed on us all so as not to upset those good folk in the Green Party (who are providing preference votes to the ALP at the election). Seems like a no brainer to me then……. hand me the how to vote Liberal card please.

Come back when you have something to say

Gusmao advises Julia Gillard to firm up boatpeople plan before she calls.
He said he had “open mind” on the proposal, but warned that he would need to see the detail of Ms Gillard’s proposal. Even then, he said at a press conference in Dili, the plan would require extensive investigation by his government and lengthy debate in the parliament before the measure could proceed.
That should take it through to the Australian elections which is most probably all she wants anyway. It’s just another thought bubble type plan as in – We need a plan to get all of Burnsides “rednecks” back on side….let’s see…I know, I’ll phone NZ and Timor this arvo and announce the Great New Plan on boat people tomorrow night. There, another of Rudd’s problems fixed. UPDATE: Just in from
JULIA Gillard appears to be backing away from plans for a regional refugee processing centre in Timor, telling 4BC she never committed to a location.
The plot thickens. Should make The Australian an interesting read tomorrow. UPDATE II The ABC’s tag line is Gillard keeping asylum options open. How can they say that after Tony Jones elicited from her last night that there wasn’t a Plan B other than to ring around some more.

Recycled Asylum Policy

PRIME Minister Julia Gillard outlined a recalibrated recycled asylum seeker policy today as she looked to appease nervous backbenchers and reclaim voters in marginal seats. Among the changes to Labor’s asylum seeker policy was a long-term approach to “take on unauthorised arrivals” by “wrecking the people smuggling trade” and “removing the incentive to leave their port of origin in the first place,” Ms Gillard said. That was last years plan as reported in October 2009
AUSTRALIA will send police and hi-tech gear into several Asian hot-spots in a frantic bid to stem the flow of asylum seekers. Taxpayers are also likely to stump up millions of dollars in extra assistance for border protection as the Rudd Government tries to deal with the growing political storm. With secret intelligence warning of a continuing surge in illegal arrivals, Australian Federal Police commissioner Tony Negus held emergency talks with his Sri Lankan and Indonesian counterparts this week.
Having canned the Abbott’s “Pacific Solution” she has come up with a “Timor Solution” Geographical semantics at its best.
Ms Gillard rejected the Coalition’s promise to return to the Pacific solution of the Howard years, in which asylum seeker boats were taken to small Pacific nations such as Nauru to be processed. Instead, she announced something which sounds pretty similar, saying talks were underway to establish a processing centre in East Timor to assess claims there. She had spoken to New Zealand and UN refugee agency on the idea.
Ms Gillard also ended the three-month freeze on processing of Sri Lankan asylum seekers (who aren’t at risk). and send back Afghans (who are) She took an hour to say the ALP are taking the Coalition’s Pacific Solution and morphing it into the Timor Solution and that they are going to get tough on the source of origin of boat people which they supposedly did last year. Just like she changed Tony Burke’s title from Minister for Population to the Minister for Sustainable Population to stop people panicking about overpopulation she now changes the Asylum Policy name from Pacific Solution to Timor Solution. There, that should fix it. I doubt it.
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