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PM’s computer hacked

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s parliamentary computer and those of at least two senior ministers are suspected of being hacked, according to a newspaper report.
Among the computers allegedly breached were those belonging to Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd and Defence Minister Stephen Smith. Reports suggest the hackers may have been trying to access information on Australia’s lucrative mining industry.
Well, that would have made for fascinating reading, wouldn’t it?

Newsflash:Diggers use intemperate language

The politically correct movement existed in my day. In South Vietnam we were told to stop referring to our Vietnamese allies and enemy as ‘Noggies’. Being good soldiers we did what we were told and called them ‘Nigels’ when the brass were listening, and Noggies, slopes and anything else that came to mind when they weren’t. In Afghanistan the diggers prove once again that the more things change the more they stay the same but in this case it is Ch7 with their ‘put down on diggers campaign’ that have dug up an obscure Digger or Diggers referring disparagingly to Taliban, Afghanistan locals and ALP politicians. What got up my nose was that the Generals responded and Foreign Affairs minister Smith even apologised to his Afghanistan equivalent for the language used. I received this email this morning from an old mate that lays out the ex service community’s feelings on the subject
The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds and the highest morale and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank God for the United States Marines. These words were spoken during World War 2 by the First Lady of America, Eleanor Roosevelt. Can you imagine the boost in morale she gave her troops. What a difference today. We have the Minister of Defence, every politically correct commentator and even members of the General Staff prepared to kick our soldiers, once again, in the guts for being soldiers. The Prime Minister has been prepared to turn a blind eye and let her underlings do the dirty work. Has one of these Generals ever had the opportunity to lead a platoon into battle, casuvac his casualties, write a letter to the next of kin of one of his soldiers? If so, he can then comment on the conduct and political incorrectness of his fighting soldiers. In the public eye this furor will be past history within a week or so. But the lack of support to our fighting men will linger forever. These rough men and women take, occupy and hold ground from the enemy so we, the protected, live on in ignorant bliss. For every neice, nephew and second cousin, who cannot get a seat in the church, at the funeral of the next Australian Digger killed in action, tell one of the Polititians, Generals, Admirals or Field Marshalls there for the photo opportunity to move one pew backward in the Church, “You didn’t support him or his, mates when he was here, so move to the back row.” To our men and women fighting for freedom, remember, you will always have the support from us, the ones like you who have met the dragon and spat in his eye. And another thing, which will never diminish is your honour and sense of Duty First. It will stay with you forever. I. G. Atkinson
Sailors getting drunk on shore leave and trying to score and soldiers talking rough about the enemy (and that includes the ALP)….what is the world coming to?

Good news Monday

Just as the ALP have turned underestimating Tony Abbott into an art form they will now claim that the NSW ALP genocide has no federal implications. It has. Exactly how much is unquantifiable but it’s there. JULIA Gillard has declared NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell a reasonable and moderate man with whom she can do business.
The Prime Minister said the NSW Coalition leader, who was swept into power by a massive swing on Saturday, did not share Tony Abbott’s “extremism”.
Can’t see the difference myself . She has to work with O’Farrell and likewise she feels she has to try and differentiate between him and Abbott as part of her “demonize Abbot because we are afraid of him” programme. Good about the Greens, isn’t it? Maybe some members of the Green Church will re-think their allegience after all the media coverage of the Hamas supporting Greens. But still, if they are with the Greens to start with, then they unlikely to be thinking, let alone re-thinking anything.

Bye bye Anna

QUEENSLAND’S opposition party has assured its leader in waiting that it will rubber-stamp his preselection in the state seat of Ashgrove.
While not yet an MP, Brisbane Lord Mayor Campbell Newman will lead the Liberal National Party to next year’s election after announcing he will seek preselection to run in the Labor-held Brisbane seat.
Whenever I meet my old NP and Liberal mates from the days when I was a member, I ask ” What the hell are you doing – I never hear or see Langbroek attacking the ALP’s abysmal record? There is enough ammo around to re-fight Long Tan and no-one, least of all, your leader is on the offensive. Shrugs and blank looks have been the stern reply. Not any more.

Gillard ambushed

For the first ever, and most probably the last, I am on Gillard’s side. The ambush laid down by Tony Jones using Assange as the agent was simply beyond the pale. The fact that a government funded organization would use an anarchist and conspiracy theorist to attack Gillard confirms my opinion that life is too short to waste time watching Q&A. Thinking about it, my point is more that Tony Jones attacked and denigrated the office of Prime Minister rather than Gillard herself. Politicians of all persuasions simply need to boycott Jones. Starve him and his weird list of left wing tossers of any oxygen. It’s the very least he deserves.

Nuclear Power

Dave Sweeney from the Australian Conservation Foundation says Australia has a direct moral responsibility for any nuclear fallout. Fair enough as long as we accept that Japan has a direct moral responsibility for Aussies killed in accidents involving Japanese vehicles. Same logic. The Greens and Lefties will be crowing about the danger of Nuclear power but Australia is well know as being geographically stable so the current Japanese problems have no bearing whatsoever on our Nuclear power debate. Two earthquakes and no tsunamis of note in my life time in the entire continent do not cut it as a factor in the debate. The same type of characters that panic about climate change used to panic about nuclear energy and to try and force us to join their church come up with the term China Syndrome‘, a scenario where a reactor accident would develop into a self sustaining heat source and burn all the way from the US to China. In a small way the Three Mile Island accident proved the extent of truth in the proposition as the molten core material got exactly 15 mm of the way to China as it froze on the bottom of the reactor pressure vessel. No one died but that’s not the point. The Left has an ideological abhorrence of anything nuclear, possibly emanating from the cold war days when they agitated for unilateral nuclear disarmament. Unilateral because they only wanted the US to disarm – the communists in the USSR were the good guys after all and anything that might bring the Great Satan to her knees was on their ‘to do’ list It will be a long long time before Nuclear energy racks up more deaths that coal fired energy. If ever. Ziggy Switkowski, former chairman of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation has this to say;
In Australia, opponents of nuclear power already point to the situation in Japan as evidence of the dangers of nuclear reactors. They conveniently sidestep the loss of life and damage caused by exploding oil tanks, burst gas mains, electrical fires: hazards that come with living in a tectonically active region.
Possibly tens of thousands dead from the earthquake but about half of the media coverage is about the nuclear disaster which, so far, has killed exactly no one. Let’s just concentrate on helping Japan get back on her feet. UPDATE: There is an incredible amount of misinformation and hyperbole flying around the internet and media right now about the Fukushima nuclear reactor situation. To get a good layman’s description and maybe become better armed to enter into debate on nuclear energy you might like to read this piece at bravenewclimate

Who’s running the country?

We are facing a disastrous situation. The Greens, who represent about 13% of the electorate are currently the defacto government. They have one, I’ll repeat that, ONE member in the House of Reps and they are driving the debate. Same sex marriage, euthanasia and climate change voodoo are not high priorities amongst Australians with the first two not even being on the agenda of the ALP or the Coalition and yet this morning’s papers are all over how the Greens have won “the debate“. Government of Australia is currently untenable and something needs to be done before we become a Green lead backwater of civilization and industry. UPDATE: Maybe sanity prevails; THE Greens’ controversial bill giving the territories the ability to introduce radical social agendas will be stalled in a Senate committee after a revolt by Labor MPs. Coalition and Labor senators went into furious negotiations overnight in an effort to sidetrack the Greens’ bill after a Labor backlash against the decision for the government to support the bill.
Labor ministers and backbenchers were furious the decision to support the Greens bill was not discussed in cabinet or the ALP caucus and scrambled to head off the bill.
It’s a start.

Carbon tax

My standard tariff electricity bill has increased from $417.00 to $585.00 for the summer quarter over the years of the Anna Bligh reign. Same usage with an increased rate – all courtesy of the Queensland ALP. Thanks Anna! Now Julia (there will be no carbon tax under a government I lead)Gillard is going to make electricity more expensive and uses this throw-away line to justify her back-flip.
“I also want to be clear about what it does. It has price impacts. That is the whole point. Consequently, things that generate a whole lot of carbon pollution will be more expensive … so that people adapt and go to low pollution alternatives,” she said.
What low pollution alternatives? There is no economically viable low pollution alternative available now, nor will there be for decades to come.
She also criticised some tabloid newspaper reports that the tax would push up electricity prices by up to $500 a year.
Speculation at this stage but I bet it will be close to the mark. As detailed above, my bill has increased almost $200 a quarter due to ALP ineptitude so $500 a year is believable with the insane Greens in the picture. She is getting a lot of flack for the fact that she promised not to do exactly what she is doing but I can see her point. Before the election she needed all the votes she could get and certainly didn’t want to get rational thinkers off-side. After the debacle that was the election result she now has to march to a different drum – a Green one – to stay in power. Gillard at the Media conference where she hands over power to destroy our economy to the Greens
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