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Osama unarmed when killed

OSAMA bin Laden offered resistance but was not armed when he was shot dead during a raid by a US special operations team on the compound where he lived in Pakistan for years. Big deal – neither were the three thousand odd civilians killed in New York during 9/11. I see no advantage in taking him to court where he would have a soap box to voice his hatred. The human rights lawyers would drag it out for years with the consequence of al-Qa’ida recruiting being the only winner. I’m a bit surprised he was killed by a head shoot – I would have thought aiming for the centre of the seen mass could have produced a chest or gut/spinal shot that would have been more painful and time consuming, yet would still achieve the final deserved result. More gloating details here. UPDATE: It doesn’t take long; Whats got more brains than Osama? The wall behind him! Apparently some of Bin Ladens family were killed in the shootuot. I guess this gives a new meaning to taking the bins out. Starbucks has introduced a new coffee special – the Osama Bin Latte! It has a fluffy white head with two shots in it! 6 Irishmen have just drowned dancing on Bin Ladens grave My mate’s girlfriend has called her g-spot ‘‘Osama’‘. She reckons it took him 10 years to find it, but when he did ….KABOOM! All stolen from The Punch More here

Osama bin Laden

A great day for civilzation. THE body of al-Qai’da leader Osama bin Laden has been buried at sea after he was tracked down and killed by the United States in a daring raid on his hiding place in Pakistan, a US official said. No shrines in the ocean for terrorists to worship at – good move. Well done those men! More here

ANZAC Day bitterness

I know ANZAC Day is over but reading The Drum I am moved to comment once more on the day. The Punch, being The Punch, has dug up a conscientious objector to denigrate all that is service to the country. I am ambivalent about these people and don’t despise or denigrate them but I do think they should be starved of oxygen and allowed to wither in their bitter memories without being heard. One of the comments left there struck a chord. Have a read of Mr Happy.
I have never marched and as a Vietnam vet ( 3RAR 1971) I say: what a huge relief that Anzac Day has come and gone. That highly stylized ritual massaged by well fed Anglo Celtic politicians, invoking Homeric images of the bronzed Anzac warrior, delivered with the sincerity and well rehearsed solemnity of undertakers presiding over a long dead corpse. The alleged ‘sacredness’ of the commemoration never fails to obscure the alternative narrative: In 1788 British settlers became the original ‘Fringe Dwellers’ with guns. Fanning out , they destroyed an advanced and diverse indigenous society. Later , they morphed into ‘Australians’ , and volunteered – sometimes with embarrassing alacrity – in a variety of imperial ventures or were complicit in the destruction of other people’s societies. Eg The Sudan, Boer War, Chinese Boxer Rebellion, invasion of Ottoman Turkey and, towards the end of WW1, even managed to squeeze in an invasion of the fledgling Soviet Republics. Then of course Korea, Vietnam, and more recently Iraq and Afghanistan . When this narrative supplants the state sponsored ‘dead corpse’ of Anzac Day, then, and only then will contemporary Australia achieve a measure of cultural sophistication, and embrace a more historically authentic story to commemorate service and sacrifice.
I replied; Wow! I bet you’re a lot of fun at a party – maybe it’s a good thing you don’t join us on ANZAC Day. While we commemorate lost comrades and celebrate living ones you would be harping on the side about us invoking Homeric images of the bronzed Anzac warrior. I bet you were a hoot in your platoon. I don’t even know who your NCO was but I do feel sorry for him. Well written, bitter words that say more about you than those of us who served and choose to remember. Those who choose not to march and those who prefer not to remember at all, are used by the anti-military mob to suggest ANZAC Day is pointless or losing it’s significance. As in “My uncle never ever marched” It does nothing of the sort – it simply reflects that some are bitter, some are indifferent and some are still troubled by things they’ve seen and done. The majority, however choose to participate and I don’t think you should denigrate us for doing so. We served, we are proud that we did and if later in life you became bitter about it or earlier in life chose to avoid service for ideological or whatever reasons, then fine. If you despise ANZAC Day and what it represents so much then don’t talk about it. If we offend your sensibilities to such an extent that you think we shouldn’t have tried to stop Imperial Germany, Hitler, The Japs and assorted communists from taking over the world then retreat to your bitter bunker and stay silent while others secure your life style. Even though you have served and are obviously educated you still can’t work out that to achieve your measure of cultural sophistication you need soldiers to first secure the civilization.

Jim’s ANZAC Day tweet

@JimWallaceACL Just hope that as we remember Servicemen and women today we remember the Australia they fought for – wasn’t gay marriage and Islamic! Jim’s timing maybe out and the tweet certainly isn’t PC but it is a correct statement.

van Onselen confused

Peter Van Olsenen in todays Perth Now misses the point
At 8000 arrivals in the past year, the numbers are well up on previous years, so it’s easy to see why the Opposition is able to stir up community angst
The Opposition don’t need to stir up angst – the community can see for themselves that our borders are meaningless and we are being used. If one person arrives on our shores using the services of People Smugglers P/L then we have no border security.
We need larger population growth to sustain productivity. Up the quota and the problem is solved, without needing a tougher border-protection policy.
We do need a larger population but I’d rather we chose who we accept – not have it forced on us as fait accompli Van Olsenen is so far out of touch when he says these people can be an answer to our labour shortage that his ability for rational thought seems to have been suppressed by his endless support for the thugs on the rooftops of our detention centres. It goes like this – at an Australian embassy somewhere….show me your ID papers and passport…do you speak English…what skill do you offer…can you support your family if they are with you until you have income NOT come down off the roof….we don’t mind that you have destroyed your ID and passport…we don’t care that you have no skills…we don’t care that you have destroyed government property….here is a job and citizenship and some money to help you bring in your extended family. Get real Peter. I understand that you are ideologically obliged to defend the scruffs on the roofs and to attack and/or attempt to find friction in the Coalition where none exists but for heaven’s sake, do try and use logic.

ANZAC Day in Albany

I am in Albany WA visiting my 92 year old mother but as ANZAC Day coincides with my visit I am also here to attend Dawn Service at the home of my fathers. My Great Grandfather, born in 1844 to a British soldier and wife serving in what was then Van Dieman’s Land, brought the family here in the 1890s. Three of his sons went to the Boer War with two serving in the Permanent Coastal Artillery Battery in the Forts overlooking the town. One of these, Sydney Frederick Gillett, was my paternal Grandfather. These forts were developed earlier in the 1800s to counter French and Russian threats to the British Empire. French presence in those earlier days of settlement lives on in all the French named geographical points around the South West Coast of WA. Don’t know what happened to the Russians – most probably had a revolution on board and forgot to leave any names on the map. In 1959 I also attended the Forts at Albany. The West Australian Education dept hadn’t caught up with us pure Baby Boomers, those of us born in 1946, so all 1st Year High School kids of that year attended school in pubic buildings around town. Some went to churches, some to halls and some to the Forts. My first year lessons at high school were conducted under the watchful eyes of Grandfather and Great Uncle as they stared down from old military photos hanging in the Military Institute Hall. In 1939 my father enlisted in the RANR and often came through his home port as he went to and fro to Asia and back protecting troop ships and convoys whilst a sailor on board HMAS Sydney and later, on board Mine Sweepers. The first Dawn Service anywhere was conducted in Albany WA.
Where and when did the custom of Dawn Service begin? Reverend White was serving as one of the padres of the earliest ANZAC’s to leave Australia with the First AIF in November 1914. The convoy was assembled in the Princess Royal Harbour and King George Sound at Albany WA, my homeport. Before embarkation, at four in the morning, he conducted a service for all the men of the battalion. When White returned to Australia in 1919, he was appointed relieving Rector of the St John’s Church in Albany. It was a strange coincidence that the starting point of the AIF convoys should now become his parish. No doubt it must have been the memory of his first Dawn Service those many years earlier and his experiences overseas, combined with the awesome cost of lives and injuries, which inspired him to honour permanently the valiant men (both living and the dead) who had joined the fight for the allied cause. “Albany”, he is later quoted to have said, “was the last sight of land these ANZAC troops saw when leaving Australian shores and some of them never returned. We should hold a service (here) at the first light of dawn each ANZAC Day to commemorate them.” Thus on ANZAC Day 1923, 87 years ago this morning, he came to hold the first Commemorative Dawn Service. extract from an address I gave at last years ANZAC Day service in Brisbane
Over all my years I have never attended a Dawn Service here at my home port. Tomorrow that will be addressed. I wish all veterans and all those who support us, a meaningful ANZAC Day and if you end up fighting battles again do it better and don’t make the same mistakes twice. I remember all the friends of my fathers and myself whose souls we left on foreign shores – may they all rest in peace and may their widows and family be consoled by the value of their sacrifice.

Founding fathers confused

TWO founding fathers of the Greens say the split between the old-school environmentalists and the new generation of ideologically driven urban activists now swelling the parliamentary ranks could destabilise the party and alienate voters. Damn right it could – in fact is is. What Drew and Sanders don’t understand, or at least don’t mention, is that the various Green parties around the world became the party of choice for all those Marxist loving radicals of the 60s, 70s and 80s when communism become a lost cause. After the fall of the Berlin wall and the subsequent release of USSR archives that cataloged communism’s crime against humanity general and their own people specifically, these useful idiots looked for the most left-of-centre party they could and flocked to the Greens. The Koala, tree and whale hugging mob have thus been swamped with ideological radicals who support terrorism in all its form on the basis that anything that hurts capitalism and its main exponent, the US, gives them a warm inner glow and is therefore justifiable. Its almost as satisfying as openly supporting communism and while the public are confused with tree hugging and anti US and Israel statements on the same platform these useful idiots enjoy a bit of camouflage as they push their same old hatreds of the society that feeds them. They are dangerous.

Roxon sickened

A SENIOR Government frontbencher says she felt sick when she learnt of a sex scandal engulfing Defence. Relations between Defence Minister Stephen Smith and the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) are tense following revelations an 18-year-old woman was filmed by webcams having sex with another student. You need to toughen up Nicola. It’s one thing to back your colleague but quite another to get involved in hyperbowl I can’t actually see how it’s a ADF scandal. The cadets have been at ADFA for all of ten weeks, are juveniles just coming to grips with hormone surges and are doing what every other similar aged kid is doing or trying to do – have sex. What is a scandal is Smith’s refusal to support the Commandant of ADFA as he goes through his procedures. The girl in question was up for disciplinary hearings before she went public involving AWOL and alcohol. Smith suggests because this other matter came to the attention of the public, ADF discipline should be shelved. Doesn’t work that way. Having sex is not the issue either but the male cadet filming and broadcasting the act is. He simply should be dismissed from ADFA. Not so much for breaking the fraternising rule but for being a cad and bounder. Gentlemen do not kiss and tell. Likewise the girl should be removed. She has broken the frat rule, been AWOL and drunk and brought the ADF into disrepute. In my day any one of these transgressions would result in dismissal. Her case, and its a good one, is against the Cad and Bounder, not the ADF. Once she is a civilian she should sue the bastard for all he’s worth.

Power is going to cost more – Gee!

POLITICAL concerns about blackouts in NSW and Queensland, as well as problems with the regulation of Australia’s electricity markets, have allowed power companies to price gouge and condemned Australians to some of highest price rises in the developed world.
Julia Gillard’s climate change adviser Ross Garnaut has put the cost of a carbon tax on electricity prices at $4 to $5 a week for the average household and has called for an urgent inquiry into what he believes is a “prima facie” case of excessive increases caused by electricity regulation in Australia
No one can say at this stage with any guarantee, just how much it will cost us, but be very sure that whatever price they put on it now will have no semblance to the final figure. Gillard will lose control and the Power companies will gouge more and more. Keep in mind that when power goes up everything goes up so $4 to $5 is only the start. My power bill has already increased by nearly $14 in the short few years of Anna Bligh’s reign so I’m a little skeptical about Garnaut’s SWAG (Scientific, Wild Arsed Guess)

Amazing! East Timor isn’t the answer.

AUSTRALIA’S controversial plan for a refugee processing centre in East Timor was effectively taken off the agenda before last night’s opening of the Bali ministerial summit, with senior officials making it clear the proposal would not form part of the final discussions. Who actually believed it would ever happen? From the day Gillard announced the plan it was obvious that it was only intended to take the heat off her and never intended as a real solution.
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