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PROMINENT Queen’s Counsel Julian Burnside has issued an apology to Tony Abbott after tweeting “Paedos in speedos” during a stream of critical remarks about the Opposition Leader on Twitter. Burnside says he wasn’t referring to Abbott. Absolute bullshit Burnside – you were involved in a tweet conversation about the evils of Abbott! However a left winger abusing a conservative politician with such vitriol is hardly newsworthy so all will be forgotten.


With both my preferred AFL and NRL teams out of play I’m going for Collingwood and Manly. I courted my bride of 41 years at Manly and I just heard on radio that they are silvertails and underdogs – that’ll do me. Collingwood because everyone, other than the rusted on supporters, appear to hate them.


ALP Tactic – spread rumours that the deficit is going to be $50 billion then come up with figures that say it’s only going to be $47.7 billion giving bragging rights on how good they are at managing the economy. Priceless. Swan;
“The fact is that we have shown in the past that we have the ability, the capacity and the proven record to deal with those circumstances, but those circumstances have not played out as yet
Yeah, right Wayne
“The government remains determined to return the budget to surplus in 2012-13, despite softer than expected revenues and increased global instability that will inevitably make that task more difficult,” he said
I’m reasonably confident that the next budget surplus will be after the Coalition wrests the Treasury keys from Wayne.

Bolt Guilty!

Ex ALP candidate and High Court judge, Justice Mordecai Bromberg finds Bolt guilty of offending ALP, Greens and light skinned aborigines. I presume Bolt will now appeal and we will have a debate about the Racial Discrimination Act that in this case simply discriminates against freedom of speech. I also presume that someone will take similar action to call the Greens to order for calling Broome aborigines who support the James Point Gas hub “Coconuts” (black on the outside and white inside) – now that’s racial discrimination! Waiting….waiting….


KEY independent MP Andrew Wilkie says he won’t stand in the way of a possible compensation package for clubs hit by planned poker machine reforms. Why should he, it’s not costing him anything – it’s only government money after all. The annoying thing about the proposed Pokie legislation is it is born out of Gillard’s desire to stay in power. Its blood line is Desperate PM by Weird Lefty. Remember that, the debate is not about whether its a good idea or not – its about Gillard staying in power. Obviously the legislation will end up costing the clubs and the taxpayer money as the Nanny State ramps up another bureaucracy trying to force us to live and breathe as others would like. I don’t gamble and I don’t play the pokies. If I go to a club or pub I do so for social reasons – I’d rather chat to someone than stare at a screen. If others wish to do so then good on them but its not my bag. If some have problems with gambling then its been my experience, and I have been a Secretary Manager, that they will gamble their money elsewhere if forbidden locally. I can’t see the legislation fixing up problem gambling but I can see it costing clubs and the taxpayer money. A typical Left wing/ALP solution to a problem – legislate… compensate… ignore the fact that the whole process failed…..move on.


I’m sitting in a shopping mall enjoying my first flat white after weeks of instant coffee in the Great Sandy Desert and just idly watching the world pass me by. My focus is drawn to a display set up by Woodside Energy, attended by well presented black and white guys and girls.

Hovering nearby is a feral hippy chick – you know the type – tie-dye clothes, metal in face, dread-locked hair and a general dirty unwashed demeanour. Add to the mix her love child – a confused and stressed looking toddler. The hippy chick’s intensity permeates through the crowd as she circles the Woodside display like a hyena trying to flog some other animals recent kill.

She finally settles on a black guy and attacks. Voices raised…black guy embarrassed and looking around for support before he is chewed up and spat out. Shoppers hurry past not wanting to be involved and the love child starts crying. Hippy chick yells at a girlfriend – “take her for a walk up the other end” and turns and continues her attack.

She eventually leaves and the crowd quietens.

I had travelled thus far without the company of my wife. She had flown into Broome that morning to join me on my travels through the Kimberlys and the Pilbara. Having prioritized her husband just below grandkids and quilting, she could only afford five weeks with me. Knowing that a trip to Broome was definitely going to cost me some dosh in purchasing pearls in some form or other for my bride, I agreed to do something I’m not normally inclined to do – that is, subject myself to a tourist venue visit.

We went to Willie Creek pearl farm where I made the traditional husband type contribution to the local pearling industry by buying my bride some pearl earrings. My wife viewed them with pleasure, I viewed them in terms of petrol tank refills – quiet a few actually.

Anyway, on the way to Willie Creek we had to pass a feral road block staffed with hippy chicks mates. They weren’t local and had travelled from all parts of the world in the modern equivalent of the old Kombi Hippy transporter, the ubiquitous Wicked Camper vans. I had come across these Feral Green/Hippy movers all down the west coast as I drove north. German, French and US ferals all heading to Broome for a marijuana smoke-in and protest.

Now the locals at Broome are having a debate about whether they should allow Woodside to continue with their James Point Development. The Kimberley Land council has voted to accept Woodside’s offer and have OK’d the project to go ahead on their land. Some in Broome are against this as they believe it will have a negative effect on tourism and while they are local it is, in my opinion, their right to debate the issue.

What isn’t right is feral hippies coming from all over Australia and overseas to simply stop progress. They couldn’t give a damn about the local aborigines and how they view the project as a way out of their troubles; they couldn’t give a damn about jobs for Aussies or additional infrastructure coming to a remote town and they certainly don’t care about those who want to keep tourism the sole income stream in Broome except, where it suits them to use the locals to hinder progress.

They just don’t want any commercial development anywhere to impact on their Utopia that doesn’t include humans other than themselves. The hippies/feral greens don’t even like Broome. it is to hot, remote and poor country for growing marijuana.

Should be open season on the bastards.

Grey Nomads

Observant readers may have noticed, I did a bit of travelling recently. Ostensibly I was visiting my 92 year old mother in Albany WA as well as a bevy of sisters, nieces, nephews, cousins, aunties etc all living in the state. Coming from Brisbane, I traveled through NSW, SA and then onto Albany. With family matters attended to, I then went North with a view of circumnavigating Australia. I sport a full head of grey hair, am nomadic and of a certain age but I developed a dislike of the Grey Nomads. Not the nomads themselves, more what they have done to the country, or, more so, what the country has done to accommodate them. As an example, two iconic outback pubs – Heartbreak Hotel and the Daly Waters Pub have both degenerated into Grey Nomad Caravan Processing Stopovers. As a younger man I traveled to these exotic place, long before they were included in every Grey Nomad’s bucket list and enjoyed the company of drovers, truckies (modern drovers) local black guys, graziers, local lovelies winding up for a big night out, all of whom were serviced by an Aussie publican and bartenders. Subjects of discussion varied but were mainly about the area and its problems, politics, sex and religion – all basic ingredients for a good night, Now the truckies are still there but they are swamped by well dressed, cashed up nomads served by packpackers with an accountant in charge all involved in incessant chatter about Jayco versus Kimberly vans, superannuation, medical procedures, the stock market and ‘have you been to the Pilbara yet’ type conversations. The soulless thoughts of urban life have replaced the soul of the outback. Pity really.

Andrew Bolt in court

Senator Conroy’s attack on News Ltd is not the only attack on the freedom of the press. Andrew Bolt, columnist and blogger is also being attacked for voicing an opinion that runs counter to the perception that a white guy can’t comment on indigenous affairs in other than in glowing terms.
In an ABC interview in 2006, retiring Federal Court judge Ron Merkel, QC, said, “I found cases that would come before me where the actual outcome was something no one ever intended.” Eatock v Bolt may come to illustrate his point. Everyone agrees that it is a very important case and already, at the time of writing and despite the matter being sub judice, there has been widespread commentary published about it. But, in a case which the prosecution argued was about Aboriginal identity while the defence maintained it was about free speech, just why it is important may not become clear until the judge’s decision is handed down. Some of the plaintiffs have not held back from giving their points of view to the media and it seems everyone has commented except Andrew Bolt, who has been gagged by his legal advisers. Even Michael Lavarch wrote an article in the Weekend Australian defending the legislation the case rests on, the Racial Discrimination Act, which he had introduced as Attorney-General in the Keating government in 1995. Interestingly, his comments referred only to free speech.
Aboriginal identity or free speech. Read and decide yourself. It is a good summary of the court hearings so far and I have linked mainly to provide a record.

Only 10c a week – wow!

From the goverment spin mill:
THE price of basics such as milk and other dairy products will rise by less than 10c a week under the carbon tax, the federal government claimed yesterday as it moved to calm fears the controversial policy will hammer household budgets.
Treasury modelling also calculate that seafood, meat, fruit, vegetables and alcohol will only rise by 10c a week. Sorry, I simply don’t believe them. This claim is made based on modelling that is only as accurate as the input data and I just know there won’t be any worse-case scenarios entered.
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