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Newman drops Feed-in-Tariff

The Greens are going to hate this. Newman has changed the generous incentives for installing solar panels and returning power to the electricity grid. New installations will receive a feed-back tariff of 8c down from 44c a kW/h. I’ve been warning all and sundry that this had to happen as it was simply unsustainable both economically and socially. Somebody has to pay the .44c and it falls on those who can’t afford to fill their roofs with solar panels – the poor and the battling Mum and Dad pensioners. Power companies have to balance their books and buying for .44c and selling for .22 ain’t going to cut it. However, all is not lost;
Mr McArdle said households that lodged an Inverter Energy System connection application by midnight on July 9 would still be eligible for the 44 cents per kW/h tariff.
Feed in Tariffs involve a subsidy, incurring costs that need to be recovered from higher electricity prices or the state budget. The NSW government, in their plan to rid the taxpayer of ALP/Earthian Green economic nightmare, tasked IPART with sorting out the problem and making recommendations to the government, They were :
…. asked IPART to recommend a ‘fair and reasonable’ value for a feed-in tariff for customers who export electricity to the grid but are not eligible for the Solar Bonus Scheme, and a mechanism to implement this value in NSW. However, it stipulated that our recommendations:  should not result in an increase in electricity prices in NSW, and  should not require funding from the NSW Government budget. In other words, any future feed-in tariff for these customers must be subsidy-free.
That is obviously where Newman is coming from as his new installation tariff of .8c a kW/h is similar to the IPART recommendation of 5.2 to 10.3 c/kWh. You can download the IPART report here For all the non-thinkers and Green Earthians railing at Newman for “the broken promise” they need to realize a couple of hard truths. 1. You should be yelling at Bligh, not Newman. She has left the state in such a parlous situation that hard decisions have to be made. By the 2015/16 financial year, almost 10 per cent, or $5.3 billion, of state revenue will be spent paying interest on Queensland’s $92 billion debt. The selfish pricks should realize that there are no free dinners. Someone always has to pay and it should be the individual, not the poor folk or the subsidized taxpayer. 2. The Earthian Greens Renewable Energy Program and Carbon Tax are already going to cost us dearly and are a part of the increasing utility bill. As ever is the case, any plan from these guys doesn’t have a “Law of unintended consequences” factored in – It is uncontrolled, millions doled out to Earthian Green church members without any guarantee of results other that ‘I feel good” Newman is obliged to try and balance the books and with the state debt sitting at $80b and rising something has to be done. All the ALP/Green plans never take costs into calculations – it is all just money to Giai – she deserves it more than us humans. But hey, Hippy, the rent always falls due. He is not actually cancelling Feed in Tariffs. If you have a current system, or have lodged your application by July 9 then you get .44c. It’s just new installations that will receive tariffs that don’t cost the poor folk or the state budget money. I have contracted to have solar put on my roof, not because I feel a need to save the planet, but simply because all the ALP/Green Earthian wacky plans are raising the cost of services for no benefit. I don’t want some poor bastard to subsidise my power bills and I don’t want it lumbered on an already financially troubled state.

ALP still don’t get it

FOREIGN Minister Bob Carr said the major parties have to settle their differences on border protection to stop events similar to last week’s boat tragedy.
“Without the Malaysian orderly processing of asylum seekers we are loading problems including increased people smuggling into Indonesia ports,” Senator Carr said. “That results in tragedies like the terrible one that the Australian public is coming to terms with now.”
The ALP are responsible for the illegal refugee problem thus it is up to them to fix the problem Why is it that the ALP and their follower are calling for Abbott to compromise – why not demand the Green Earthians compromise. Oh, and Bob, what the public are coming to terms with is that we have a government who simply can’t govern and they are just waiting for the chance to kick them out so we can have the country back in adult hands. Go and see Gillard and tell her in monosyllabic terms so that she understands. You caused the problem, you fix it! We look stupid, lowlifes are taking us for a ride and the voters know it. That can’t be too hard for an old hand like you Bob…surely.

Black Caviar wins at Ascot

Ted Eagan has a song out already celebrating the mare’s great series of 22 straight wins – a success record not equaled for over 150 years. Had a beer with Ted years ago at his house in Alice. Typical of Ted it was called “Sink-a-tinny Downs”…and we sank some! He is well know and respected in the Territory for the good works he has done for our indigenous brothers

Open Border Policy must be fixed

Michael Gordon in The Age apportions all blame for the current spike in boat arrivals to Abbott
IT’S time to end the blame game – and it’s time Tony Abbott made it possible for Julia Gillard to implement the policy she insists will make tragedies like the one that unfolded last night less likely.
Why is this so?. Abbott isn’t the PM, Gillard is. Why is it time for Abbott to enable the government to implement an inferior plan. The Malaysia Plan is never going to work by itself. It was born out of a desire to do anything other than what had been successful under Howard. It is simply an ALP/Earthian Greens plan that has as it’s first premise “Any thing but Narau or TPVs” Stop grandstanding in Rio, Gillard, and fix the problem. While you fiddle people are dying. Admittedly the Government has so many distractions that I really can’t see how Gillard could prioritize her day. but it is her, not Abbott, that needs to come up with a plan that fixes the problem.

Gina Rinehart has them jumping

Wayne Swan yesterday sharpened his attack on the mining billionaire by suggesting her designs on Fairfax Media endangered democracy. The biggest threat to democracy is the fact that Swan made that statement. Fairfax are in trouble because the people stopped buying their newspaper and I would suggest the reason is that they were catering to a small inner city market that enjoyed reading about the evils of conservatives as they sipped their latte. To continually support a government as bad as we have now is economic and ideological nonsense. To not call the government to order over even one of their many incompetent, class driven stuff-ups is head-in-the-sand reporting and by definition looses readership. Gina Rinehart’s involvement is driving the ALP/Green Earthians crazy.
Victorian MP Steve Gibbons called for laws to empower a new authority to oversee media behaviour and impose harsh penalties on those who breached standards.
I presume “breaching standards” only refers to media that refuse to sign up to the ALP supporters group.
The motion, which Mr Gibbons wanted to be debated in parliament on Monday, argues that the media industry has lost its “social licence to operate” and must face greater government control. “Concentration of news media ownership in the hands of a few represents, prima facie, a competitive market failure requiring compensatory regulation to ensure socially acceptable outcomes,” his motion states.
This is dangerous. We don’t want the government interfering in media control. We already have a media control mechanism in place – if the readers don’t like what they read, they stop buying the newspaper. Gina Rinehart wants board representation for her money and she is entitled to it. It also appears she isn’t interested in abiding with Fairfax charter of editorial independence. So what. The charter isn’t the driving force of what appears in the press. It is the mindset of the Editor and journalists that drive copy. If the majority ownership on the board don’t like the editorial stand then they can be easily replaced. And I suspect there will be some replacements in coming days. The Green Earthians Ludlam shows just how out of touch with the world he is;
Greens senator Scott Ludlam wrote yesterday to Senator Conroy and opposition communications spokesman Malcolm Turnbull, asking them to back legislation that would impose fines or other penalties on Mrs Rinehart if she breached the Fairfax charter.
The Fairfax charter isn’t a law, you dropkick. It’s a feel good statement to try and head off any conservative writings in Fairfax media. You can’t legislate against something that isn’t already legislated. What next, a law to ban Andrew bolt from ever having a position with Fairfax? Here’s something else for the ALP/Green Earthians to panic about. News Corporation has made a bid for Fox News. For News, a successful bid would double its stake in pay TV business Foxtel to 50 per cent Great stuff all round.

You’re not silly Ron

Ron Pike, Coffs Harbour, NSW writes to the Editor of The Australian
I MUST be a bit silly because I can’t fathom all this green stuff. We stop building dams and power stations and make water and electricity more expensive. We shut down the sustainable logging industry and import more timber. We truncate our irrigated agriculture and import more food. Now it seems we must pay our fishers to stop fishing and import most of our fish. This all results in a loss of productive taxpaying jobs that are replaced with unproductive taxpayer-funded jobs. Then we import more people to share in our diminished productive capacity to produce the staples of life. I think I will have to go back to one of these progressive schools and learn about this green stuff.
Going to a progressive school wont help you Ron as you have to suspend all belief in human development and to place humans down the evolutionary tree below all endangered species. You sound to pragmatic to ever graduate from such an establishment.

Ziggy on Carbon Tax

ZIGGY SWITKOWSKI in today’s The Australian
….the carbon tax is essentially a political device born out of a negotiation to form a coalition government with minority partners whose ideology demanded genuflection to a lofty, if theoretical, carbon reduction strategy. The carbon tax may serve worthy agendas, but seriously addressing climate change is not one of them.
Pretty hard to argue with that.

Larry Pickering on Gillard

Tell us what you really think, Larry. From his Facebook Page
THE FINAL GILLARD DISGRACE: For $300 a week each, Gillard has given us the privilege of inviting asylum seekers into our homes. Has she and her Government gone completely mad? The ABC proved only this week that we don’t have a clue who is entering our country illegally. We have no way to process these people. We have no way to know who they are because most are either carrying false passports or have been told to toss their IDs in the drink before they got here. This Captain Emad character was discovered to be here illegally, and in Canberra, blatantly smuggling people to our country on stink boats. The Government says the AFP have had him under surveillance for two years. They didn’t even stop him fleeing back to Indonesia to continue making a fortune smuggling people back here, for Christ’s sake. Some boats have sunk with all on board and this germ has lied about it too anxious relatives to ensure he was paid in full! Now there’s a REAL maggot for you! Now our Government Minister Clare says, “We had to let him go because we couldn’t make any charges stick”! What the hell is this clown talking about? Emad must have thought it was Xmas walking out of here like that. HE obviously knew he should be arrested! But not the AFP? The AFP could have placed a PACE Alert at all departure points within minutes of viewing that ABC program. They wouldn’t have even needed to arrest him to do that! We have already seen the mountain of evidence against this criminal! Why wasn’t he placed back in detention with all the others until he was processed properly and then jailed or deported? Didn’t he lie to and deceive authorities? This most infamous of all illegal immigrants was given a special deal after only three months’ detention and provided with free government housing so he could continue his trade! Who exactly is paying who here? Are they kidding? Illegal entry is not an offence? If the Government is too lazy and the AFP too incompetent to arrest someone of this level of infamy then what damned message have we sent to Indonesia? Malaysia is on the smuggling route and integral to the whole illegal operation. Stupid f…..g Gillard wants to defy our High Court ruling and send them all back there for felonious processing. (Sorry about that but I am shaking with rage typing this.) Now this galah of a woman is encouraging aged people and decent, unsuspecting families to take these unidentified people into their homes when the Government has just proved it doesn’t have a clue who they are! It is a catastrophe waiting to happen! And it will! These people are Islamic from a different environment and culture. Can Granny serve Hal Al food? Does she know about their disdain for women and young girls? Is she ready for their illegal immigrant mates to pay a visit? Their wailing prayers 5 times a day? Their hatred of the West? If Granny reads their Koran she will have a heart attack! You should have a few spare rooms in The Lodge Julia. How about you shoulder some of your own fuck-up and show us how it’s done! Oh, I guess you don’t need the money, do you?… but poor old people and struggling families do. Nauru could solve this national disgrace tomorrow but Gillard would need to retreat. She would rather Australia continues to pay dearly for this than openly display her original stupidity. I would like to get my hands around her scrawny neck and shake some common sense into her. This is lunacy beyond even what I thought Gillard was capable of.
Sounds about right to me.

Remembering Blackhawk Disaster

Today, June 12, marks the 16th anniversary of the Blackhawk disaster in Townsville’s High Range Training Area that killed 18 Australian soldiers, 15 from SASR and three from the 5th Avn Regiment. This incident was the worst air disaster in the Special Air Service Regiments’s history. Accidentally killed in an aircraft crash (S70A Blackhawk); 12 June 1996 1 Squadron (Special Air Service Regiment) (Members of the Royal Australian Corps of Infantry) Captain Timothy J. STEVENS Sergeant Hugh W. ELLIS Corporal Michael BIRD Corporal Andrew CONSTANTINIDIS Corporal Darren R. OLDHAM Corporal Brett S. TOMBS Lance Corporal Gordon A. CALLOW Lance Corporal Glen O. HAGAN Lance Corporal David J. JOHNSTONE Trooper Jonathon G. CHURCH Trooper David FROST Trooper Timothy J. McDONALD 152 Signal Squadron (Special Air Service Regiment) (Members of the Royal Australian Corps of Signals) Corporal Mihran “Avi” AVEDISSIAN Corporal Darren J. SMITH Signalman Hendrik “Rick” PEETERS 5th Aviation Regiment Capt KJ Hales Capt JB Berrigan Cpl MC Baker Townsville Bulletin remembers The Hon Ian McLachlan AO MP, then Minister for Defence released this statement on the investigation into the crash in the House in March, 1997. Lest We Forget.
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