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Jobs to go in Queensland

PUBLIC servants are preparing to unleash industrial mayhem on the state next month to protest against job cuts by the Newman Government.
A vote taken by public sector union members yesterday backed a “significant industrial campaign” involving more than 30,000 people at 1000 work sites, including hospitals, prisons, schools and transport service centres.
I sympathise with the public servants (I have a daughter worried about her long term prospects) but really, what is Newman to do? The Beattie/Bligh governments have simply left us with a bloated public service as witnessed by the fact the Anna had to borrow money to pay their salaries. Newman has to claw back billions of dollars to even approach financially responsible levels and we are going to have to pay. It will hurt us and services will be downgraded until he has a grip on the problem. If the public servants wan’t to vent their spleen then they should go find Anna Bligh and tell her ‘thanks for screwing us over and having us live in a fools paradise’

Closing the stable door

The ALP/Earthian Greens are having a lover’s tiff. Personally I think it’s all spin as the ALP look to justify their behaviour over the last couple of years and struggle to pick up votes from the left….or anywhere for that matter. Gillard knowingly got into bed with these guys and the played the beast with two backs to guarantee her holding onto the treasury keys. It’s no good suddenly discovering that the Green Earthians are a dangerous, radical left wing bunch of tossers because we know, by her behaviour, that Gillard is all that and more. The ‘more’ of course, refers to her incompetency. Apparently the ‘blame Abbott‘ protocol isn’t working so Labor leaders are lining up to take shots at the Greens and confront their influence on the government.
GREG Combet, the man in charge of negotiating the carbon tax with the Greens, says Labor does not share the same values as its partners in minority government.
Mate! How can you say that when you negotiated the carbon tax with them. Paul Howes has lots to say, up to and including, calling them ‘loopy‘;
They have got away with their grab-bag of loopy and out-there policies for years. They’ve got away with it by being passed off as a group of eccentric but basically harmless hippies. People assumed that the Greens might have some weird ideas, but they are never going to run the show, so we don’t need to worry about them. Well, we can no longer afford to be so complacent.
But apparently it was OK to be complacent when you and your mob turned back the covers and got into bed with them Paul also mentions the Green Earthian’s idea of sport, just in case some rugby league guys read the front pages of the newspapers;
There probably wouldn’t even be a State of Origin – we’d just sit around with Queenslanders and play pass the parcel. After all, the Greens in NSW have a policy of promoting “non-competitive sports” such as yoga, dance, trampolining and tai chi over the traditional sports that Australian children enjoy playing. As their policy explains, the Greens “believe too much emphasis is placed on full body contact sports often causing unnecessary physical damage and confining opportunities for participation to the athletic elite.”
Leader Gillard has suddenly discovered the green Earthians don’t share everyday Australian’s values;
“The Greens will never embrace Labor’s delight at sharing the values of everyday Australians, in our cities, suburbs, towns and bush, who day after day do the right thing, leading purposeful and dignified lives, driven by love of family and nation,” she said. “The differences between Labor and the Greens take many forms but at the bottom of it are two vital ones. The Greens wrongly reject the moral imperative to a strong economy.
A picture of the Greens and ALP not sharing values; Lots of Green Earthians said things but nothing they say is worth repeating so I wont.

Glass half full or half empty

The Australian Headline: Ashby conspiracy claims backfire The Age Headline: Ashby facing prospect of criminal charges, court hears. The Australian quotes Justice Rares;
….Justice Steven Rares in the Federal Court this morning said that the allegations of a criminal conspiracy from Mr Slipper and senior ministers meant that Mr Ashby could no longer be forced to make a submission against the allegations in the civil case because he may incriminate himself. “You have raised the stakes, now in raising the stakes you cannot just pull back a bit . . . You don’t know how somebody might use that information in a criminal investigation,” Justice Rares told Mr Slipper’s lawyer David Chin. “He does not have to give his name if he is involved in and suspected of a crime . . . If we do not uphold those rights in our society we live in a police state.”
The Age does quote Justice Rare but only just. Buried deep within the article that concentrates on quoting ALP senior minister’s seemingly interfering with due process (Albanese and Roxon) they finally mention the relevant point;
Justice Steven Rares said Mr Ashby could not be forced to incriminate himself.
Gina attacking, shares spiralling down and next year a likely conservative government…you have to feel sorry for The Age

State of Origin

A great Game I think its always best when we win in the last minute by just a kick. It gives the Blues and the state of NSW the whole game to live in hope only to have their hopes dashed at the last minute. Makes the victory all the sweeter particularly when 4.8 million witnessed the game.

Arafat to be exhumed

Good! We get to celebrate his death again. Who cares how he died, the important thing is he is dead and gone. The ABC reports the Palestinians already know who killed him….The Israeli Mossa and the American CIA..of course.
Bookstore owner Iyad Muna, 42, told ABC News, “Arafat was killed and we knew that. And we know more than that. We knew that Israel killed him, but there was a lack in evidence. Yesterday we got the evidence.”
Well, not really but it doesn’t matter as Israel will be blamed by the Palestinian people and the Western media well before any evidence surfaces.

Just looking for a Fair Go

I received a letter from the Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation(DFRDB) informing me I have a CPI increase of .01% for the six months Sep 11 to Mar 12. This gives me an increase of $1.12 per fortnight. I thought of taking my Bride out to dinner to celebrate but the Power bill that is forecast to increase by up to 7.6% % is due and the rates notice is around the corner with a 4.9% increase although the Mayor had promised to keep the increase below the 3.6% inflation rise. What’s that – 3.6% inflation? How is that related to .01% CPI rise? I note Pensioners get an increase of $6.70 (6 times my increase)for the same period based on the total pension that is about two thirds of my income. Why is this so? The money I receive is literally a return on my paying superannuation to the government for 25 years. If I hadn’t paid super, and in retirement relied on the public purse, it appears I would be better off. I’m not one for conspiracy theories but sometimes it is hard to rid myself of the thought that the current mob in power simply don’t like us old Diggers. Maybe my earlier career choice of killing communists has actually come back to bite me – I know several members in both the House of Reps and the Senate would wish that I just fade away. But Fade Away doesn’t feature in the role of infantry so it ain’t going to happen. I’m not the only one concerned about this apparent anomaly. The website Fair Go is dedicated to the ex serviceman’s fight against disinterested politicians.

Resource projects stalling

ONE in five new resources projects are stalling because unions are refusing to strike workplace agreements, putting pressure on companies to accept exorbitant wage claims or risk damaging investor confidence in the $500 billion pipeline of potential projects. The other four resource projects are trying to work out how to pay the MRRT, how much the Carbon Tax will hurt them and whether they just should look at investing more overseas until this government is kicked out. Another 550 days could be just more than most bottom lines can stand. Just another day in a ALP/Green Earthian socialist utopia.

Responsibility outsourced

A TENTH asylum-seeker vessel in a week has arrived in Australian waters, as people-smuggling looms as a major issue in Julia Gillard’s talks today with Indonesia. Just so you get the picture…..that’s TEN vessels in a week and SIX in 3 days knifing through the soft butter of our borders
Amid the ongoing political impasse over border protection, Home Affairs Minister Jason Clare said authorities had intercepted a sixth asylum-seeker boat in 72 hours, this one carrying around 39 people.
Come on, Julia…pick up the phone and talk to Narau. Admit you were wrong to undo Howard’s plan and make a command decision. People may give you a little credit back if you try and fix it. It’s not Abbott’s fault, it is yours. Outsourcing the problem to Houston et al is simply an abrogation of responsibility. You are the leader……Lead! Mr Houston will be joined by refugee policy expert Paris Aristotle and former Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Secretary Michael L’Estrange.
“They will act independently. They will form their own views based on the evidence and the facts,” Ms Gillard told said in Canberra.
No they wont. If you have selected them then we already know the answer. Even Swan of the two weetbix receipt idiocy knows deep down something has to be done and the government must do it. So do something already. You can not let it simmer over the winter break.

Swan takes us for fools

TREASURER Wayne Swan has responded to criticism of one of Australia’s most controversial and complex taxes by proving the price of Weet-Bix has not risen overnight.
Speaking at Woolworths Nundah – opposite his north Brisbane electorate office – yesterday, Mr Swan said fears the tax would send the cost of groceries soaring had been exposed as “lies”. And he had the shopping bags to prove it.
That’s weird. No one is claiming grocery prices will soar on day one. The idiot has picked an item that wasn’t going to cost more and claim because it doesn’t cost more on day one of the Carbon Tax that proves that all claims that the tax is going to ramp up costs are therefore lies. What twisted logic is that? The pic in the Courier Mail of Swanee holding two receipts with little difference other than the post Carbon Tax one is cents cheaper may appeal to those rusted on non thinking, shoe size IQ followers but really…come on…
On Friday evening, Mr Swan visited the supermarket and bought 11 items at a cost of $35.30. Yesterday morning, he bought the same items for $35.10.
So? Maybe Steve at the Pub (previous post) could do something similar but much more relevant. A picture of him holding last years refrigerant bill of $20k and next years anticipated bill of $170k would place Swanee’s picture of two weetbix receipts where they belong. In the unmitigated bullshit list.

It begins

From The Public House
The product supplied by this man, a non-saleable item for which there is no alternative, currently costs the Wayside Tavern $20,000 per year. Tomorrow that price rises to One Hundred and Seventy Thousand Dollars per year.
The product? Refrigerant gas. Bet that doesn’t get reported in the media.
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